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The yearsDiff() function takes startDateTimeValue and endDateTimeValue as arguments. It returns the number of years between the given date-time values.

Note: The difference between yearsBetween function and yearsDiff function is that the yearsBetween function considers a year as 365 days. So, let's say the start date is specified as 02-Jan-2020 and the end date is specified as 01-Jan-2021, the yearsBetween function will return 1 (since the difference in days is 365). The yearsDiff function returns 0 in this case since this function considers a year depending on the number of days in it.

Return Type


<variable> = <startDateTimeValue>.yearsDiff(<endDateTimeValue>);


<variable> = yearsDiff(<startDateTimeValue>,<endDateTimeValue>);
ParameterData typeDescription
<variable>NUMBERVariable which will contain the returned number.
<startDateTimeValue>DATE TIME

The starting date-time value.


  • In services other than Zoho Creator, the value of this parameter can be entered either as a text or as a date-time value.
  • In Zoho Creator, the value of this parameter can be entered only as a date-time value.
<endDateTimeValue>DATE TIME

The ending date-time value.


  • In services other than Zoho Creator, the value of this parameter can be entered either as a text or as a date-time value.
  • In Zoho Creator, the value of this parameter can be entered only as a date-time value.

A runtime error will be encountered if:

  • the date value exceeds the number of days in that month.
  • an incorrect month value is specified.
  • the year value has more than 4 digits.
  • Please refer this help document to learn about the supported date-time formats.


startDate = '1-Jan-2019';
endDate = '31-Dec-2019';
newStartDate = '1-Jan-2019';
newEndDate = '1-Jan-2020';
numberOfYears= yearsDiff(startDate, endDate);                         // returns 0
numOfYears = yearsDiff(newStartDate, newEndDate);               // returns 1

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