Get Pipelines in a Layout
To fetch the details of all or a specific pipeline in the Deals module.
Request Details
Request URL
All - {api-domain}/crm/{version}/settings/pipeline?layout_id={layout_id}
Specific - {api-domain}/crm/{version}/settings/pipeline/{pipeline_ID}?layout_id={layout_id}
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken <access_token>
- layout_idstring, mandatory
The unique ID of the layout in the Deals module you want to fetch the pipeline's details from. Note that this parameter is mandatory for fetching all pipelines and a specific pipeline. The system throws an error, otherwise.
Sample Request
Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Possible Errors
The layout ID is invalid.
Resolution: Specify the correct layout ID. Use the Layouts Metadata API to get the ID of the layout. - REQUIRED_PARAM_MISSINGHTTP 400
You have not included the mandatory parameter "layout_id" in your request.
Resolution: "layout_id" is a mandatory parameter while fetching all or a specific pipeline from the Deals module. - NO_CONTENTHTTP 204
You have either passed an incorrect value for the pipeline ID in the request, or you have not created a pipeline in that layout.
Resolution: Specify the correct pipeline ID in the request.
Sample Response
"pipeline": [
"display_value": "Standard (Standard)",
"default": true,
"maps": [
"display_value": "Qualification",
"sequence_number": 1,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Qualification",
"id": "3652397000000006801",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Needs Analysis",
"sequence_number": 2,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Needs Analysis",
"id": "3652397000000006803",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Value Proposition",
"sequence_number": 3,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Value Proposition",
"id": "3652397000000006805",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Identify Decision Makers",
"sequence_number": 4,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Id. Decision Makers",
"id": "3652397000000006807",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Proposal/Price Quote",
"sequence_number": 5,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Proposal/Price Quote",
"id": "3652397000000006811",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Negotiation/Review",
"sequence_number": 6,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Negotiation/Review",
"id": "3652397000000006813",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Closed Won",
"sequence_number": 7,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Closed",
"id": "3652397000000006789"
"actual_value": "Closed Won",
"id": "3652397000000006815",
"forecast_type": "Closed Won"
"display_value": "Closed Lost",
"sequence_number": 8,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Omitted",
"id": "3652397000000006791"
"actual_value": "Closed Lost",
"id": "3652397000000006817",
"forecast_type": "Closed Lost"
"display_value": "Closed-Lost to Competition",
"sequence_number": 9,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Omitted",
"id": "3652397000000006791"
"actual_value": "Closed Lost to Competition",
"id": "3652397000000006819",
"forecast_type": "Closed Lost"
"actual_value": "Standard (Standard)",
"id": "3652397000003097001"
"display_value": "Pipeline1",
"default": false,
"maps": [
"display_value": "Qualification",
"sequence_number": 1,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Qualification",
"id": "3652397000000006801",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Needs Analysis",
"sequence_number": 2,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Needs Analysis",
"id": "3652397000000006803",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Value Proposition",
"sequence_number": 3,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Value Proposition",
"id": "3652397000000006805",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Proposal/Price Quote",
"sequence_number": 4,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Proposal/Price Quote",
"id": "3652397000000006811",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Negotiation/Review",
"sequence_number": 5,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Pipeline",
"id": "3652397000000006787"
"actual_value": "Negotiation/Review",
"id": "3652397000000006813",
"forecast_type": "Open"
"display_value": "Closed Won",
"sequence_number": 6,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Closed",
"id": "3652397000000006789"
"actual_value": "Closed Won",
"id": "3652397000000006815",
"forecast_type": "Closed Won"
"display_value": "Closed Lost",
"sequence_number": 7,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Omitted",
"id": "3652397000000006791"
"actual_value": "Closed Lost",
"id": "3652397000000006817",
"forecast_type": "Closed Lost"
"display_value": "Closed-Lost to Competition",
"sequence_number": 8,
"forecast_category": {
"name": "Omitted",
"id": "3652397000000006791"
"actual_value": "Closed Lost to Competition",
"id": "3652397000000006819",
"forecast_type": "Closed Lost"
"actual_value": "Pipeline1",
"id": "3652397000003097007"
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