Record Locking Configuration APIs

Record locking configuration allows you to set up the configuration needed to lock the records in modules manually or automatically when certain conditions are met.

GET Record Locking Configuration


To retrieve the record locking configuration for different modules.

Request Details

Request URL


Supported modules

Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Deals, Tasks, Cases, Solutions, Vendors, Price Books, Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Custom


  • For custom modules, only those created by users will support record locking. Custom modules created through extensions, integrations, or other means are not supported.


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52



Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Copiedresponse = invokeurl
type: GET
info response;
  • modulestring, mandatory

    Specify the API name of the required module to retrieve record-locking configuration with respect to that module.

  • feature_typestring, optional

    Use this parameter for filtering the required record-locking configurations.
    Possible values: record_locking

Response JSON Keys

  • created_time string

    Represents the date and time at which the record-locking configuration was created.

  • locked_for string

    Represents whether records are locked for all profiles or all profiles with a few exceptions.
    Possible values: all_profiles_except_excluded_profile, all_profiles

  • excluded_fieldsJSON Array

    Represents the fields that are excluded from record locking

    • api_namestring

      Represents the API name of the fields that are excluded from record locking.

    • id long

      Represents the ID of the fields that are excluded from record locking.

  • created_byJSON Object

    Represents the name and ID of the user who created the record locking configuration.

    • name string

      Represents the name of the user who created the record locking configuration.

    • idlong

      Represents the ID of the user who created the record locking configuration.

  • feature_typestring

    Represents the feature type of record locking configuration.

  • locking_rules JSON Array

    Represents the details of rules added to lock the records in the module automatically.

    • namestring

      Represents the name of the record locking rule

    • idlong

      Represents the ID of the record locking rule.

    • lock_existing_recordsboolean

      Indicates whether the existing record must be locked or not.

    • criteriaJSON Object

      Specifies the criteria for record locking rule.

      • group_operatorstring

        Specifies the group operator used in the criteria.
        Possible values: AND,OR

      • groupJSON Array

        Represents the group of criteria for the record locking rule.

        • comparatorstring

          Represents the comparison operator used in the criteria.

        • fieldJSON Object

          Represents the field details for the criteria.

          • api_namestring

            Specifies the API name of the field.

          • idlong

            Specifies the ID of the field.

        • valuestring

          Specifies the value used in the criteria.

  • restricted_actionsJSON Array

    Specifies the actions that are restricted for locked records.

  • lock_for_portal_usersboolean

    Indicates whether locked records are restricted for portal users as well.

  • modified_timestring

    Represents the date and time at which the record-locking configuration was modified.

  • restricted_communicationsJSON Array

    Specifies types of communication that are restricted for locked records.

  • system_definedboolean

    Indicates whether the record configurations are system defined.

  • modified_byJSON Object

    Represents the name and ID of the user who modified the record locking configuration.

    • name string

      Represents the name of the user who modified the record locking configuration

    • idlong

      Represents the ID of the user who modified the record locking configuration.

  • lock_typestring

    Represents the type of the record locking configuration.
    Possible values: manual, automatic,both
    When lock type is automatic, records will be locked automatically when the criteria for locking is matched. When lock type is manual, users with lock permissions in their profile can lock records manually.

  • restricted_custom_buttonsJSON Array

    Represents the custom buttons that are restricted for locked records.

    • namestring

      Represents the API name of the custom buttons that are restricted for locked records.

    • idlong

      Represents the ID of the custom buttons that are restricted for locked records.

  • lock_excluded_profilesJSON Array

    Represents the profiles that are restricted from locking.

    • api_namestring

      Represents the API name of the profiles that are restricted from locking.

    • idlong

      Represents the ID of the profiles that are restricted from locking.

Possible Errors


    Record locking configuration is not configured in your org.
    Resolution: Configure record locking configuration in your org.


    One of the expected parameters is missing.
    Resolution: The "details" key in the response gives the missing param in the request. Ensure that you include the params marked "mandatory" in the "Parameters" section.


    The module name given seems to be invalid.
    Resolution: Specify a valid module API name.


    The module name given is not supported for the feature.
    Resolution: Specify a supported module API name.


    The id given seems to be invalid.
    Resolution: Specify a valid record config id.


    Record Locking Configuration is not supported in your edition.
    Resolution: Contact your administrator.


    The http request method type is not a valid one.
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to endpoints section above.


    Internal Server Error.
    Resolution:Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server. Contact support team.

Sample Response

    "record_locking_configurations": [
            "created_time": "2023-08-26T18:11:14-04:00",
            "locked_for": "all_profiles",
            "excluded_fields": [
                    "api_name": "Description",
                    "id": "5843104000000002645"
            "created_by": {
                "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                "id": "5843104000000424672"
            "feature_type": "record_locking",
            "locking_rules": [
                    "name": "lead conversion rule",
                    "id": "5843104000000820017",
                    "lock_existing_records": false,
                    "criteria": {
                        "comparator": "greater_than",
                        "field": {
                            "api_name": "Lead_Conversion_Time",
                            "id": "5843104000000280013"
                        "value": "10"
                    "name": "Last activity rule",
                    "id": "5843104000000820018",
                    "lock_existing_records": false,
                    "criteria": {
                        "group_operator": "AND",
                        "group": [
                                "comparator": "less_than",
                                "field": {
                                    "api_name": "Last_Activity_Time",
                                    "id": "5843104000000052001"
                                "value": "2018-09-01T01:00:00-04:00"
                                "comparator": "less_than",
                                "field": {
                                    "api_name": "Created_Time",
                                    "id": "5843104000000002627"
                                "value": "2018-09-01T01:00:00-04:00"
            "restricted_actions": [
            "lock_for_portal_users": true,
            "modified_time": "2023-09-07T22:31:35-04:00",
            "restricted_communications": [
            "system_defined": false,
            "modified_by": {
                "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                "id": "5843104000000424672"
            "id": "5843104000000758004",
            "lock_type": "both",
            "restricted_custom_buttons": [
                    "name": "Send with Zoho Sign",
                    "id": "5843104000000485570"
                    "name": "Send with Zoho Sign",
                    "id": "5843104000000485606"
            "lock_excluded_profiles": null