Response Structure
"data": [
"Owner": { //Name, ID, and email of the owner of the solution
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"id": "4150868000000225013",
"email": ""
"$currency_symbol": "DA", //The currency in which the revenue is generated
"No_of_comments": 0, //The number of comments to the solution. This is a system-generated field. You cannot modify it.
"$review_process": { //Represents the review process details of the solution
"approve": false,
"reject": false,
"resubmit": false
"Modified_By": { //Name, ID, and email of the user who last modified the record. This is a system-generated field. You cannot modify it
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"id": "4150868000000225013",
"email": ""
"$review": null, //Represents the review process details of the solution
"$process_flow": false, //Represents if the record is a blueprint data
"Exchange_Rate": 3, //Represents the exchange rate of the currency
"Solution_Title": "Sample", //Represents the subject of the solution. This is a mandatory field.
"Currency": "DZD", //The currency in which the revenue is generated
"Question": "Enter the question", //Represents the question related to the problem. This is a mandatory field.
"id": "4150868000002795003", //The unique ID of the solution
"$approved": true, //Represents if the record is approved
"Status": "Draft", //Represents the status of the solution
"$approval": { //Represents if the current user can approve, delegate, reject, or resubmit the operations performed on this record
"delegate": false,
"approve": false,
"reject": false,
"resubmit": false
"Modified_Time": "2020-08-02T23:29:42+05:30", //Date and time at which the record was last modified. This is a system-generated field. You cannot modify it.
"Created_Time": "2020-08-02T23:29:42+05:30", //Date and time at which the record was created. This is a system-generated field. You cannot modify it.
"Comments": [], //Additional comments about the solution
"Product_Name": { //Name and ID of the product to which the solution is associated
"name": "sample",
"id": "4150868000002161023"
"$editable": true, //Represents if the user can edit records in the Solutions module
"Add_Comment": null,
"$orchestration": false, //Represents if the record is a part of orchestration process
"Solution_Number": "4150868000002795005", //The case ID after creating a solution
"Answer": "Enter the corresponding solution", //Represents the solution details. This is a mandatory field.
"$in_merge": false,
"Created_By": { //Name, ID, and email of the user who created the record. This is a system-generated field. You cannot modify it.
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"id": "4150868000000225013",
"email": ""
"Tag": [], //List of tags associated with the record
"$approval_state": "approved" //Represents whether the record is approved
- The fields beginning with "$" indicate that they do not appear on the Zoho CRM UI, but contain important data. They are read-only fields.
- For more information about sample attributes, refer Get List of Records.