Update Related Records Using External ID


To update the related list records using external IDs.

Request Details

Request URL



Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52

X-EXTERNAL: {module_API_name}.{external_field_API_name}



Possible module names

leads, deals, contacts, accounts, products, campaigns, and pricebooks

Possible operation types

ALL - Full access to the related records
WRITE - Edit related records
UPDATE - Update related records in the module

Associating a Contact and a Deal using their external IDs
  • In this example, extcontact3 and extdeal3 are the values of the external fields External_Contact_ID and External_Deal_ID in the Contacts and Deals modules, respectively. We will reference these values to associate the contact with the deal.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v2/Contacts/extcontact3/Deals"
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
-H "X-EXTERNAL: Contacts.External_Contact_ID,Deals.External_Deal_ID"
-d "@sample.json"
Copied//API Name of the module 
String moduleAPIName = "Leads";
Long recordId = 3477061000005177002L;
String relatedListAPIName = "Products";

//Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes relatedListAPIName, recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter
RelatedRecordsOperations relatedRecordsOperations = new RelatedRecordsOperations(relatedListAPIName, recordId, moduleAPIName);

//Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
BodyWrapper request = new BodyWrapper();

//List of Record instances
List < com.zoho.crm.api.record.Record > records = new ArrayList < com.zoho.crm.api.record.Record > ();

//Get instance of Record Class
com.zoho.crm.api.record.Record record1 = new com.zoho.crm.api.record.Record();

 * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
 * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
 * 2 -> Value
record1.addKeyValue("id", "3477061000005919001");

record1.addKeyValue("list_price", 50.56);

//Add Record instance to the list

//Get instance of Record Class
com.zoho.crm.api.record.Record record2 = new com.zoho.crm.api.record.Record();

 * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
 * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
 * 2 -> Value
record2.addKeyValue("id", "3477061000005917011");

record2.addKeyValue("list_price", 50.56);

//Add Record instance to the list

//Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance

//Call updateRelatedRecords method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter.
APIResponse < ActionHandler > response = relatedRecordsOperations.updateRelatedRecords(request);
Copied//Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, recordId and relatedListAPIName as parameter
$relatedRecordsOperations = new RelatedRecordsOperations($relatedListAPIName,  $recordId,  $moduleAPIName);
//Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
$request = new BodyWrapper();
//List of Record instances
$records = array();
  //Get instance of Record Class
  $record1 = new Record();
 * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
 * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
   * 2 -> Value
 $record1->addKeyValue("id", "3477065919001");
$record1->addKeyValue("list_price", 50.56);
                //Add Record instance to the list
                array_push($records, $record1);
                //Get instance of Record Class
                $record2 = new Record();
                 * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
                 * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
                 * 2 -> Value
                $record2->addKeyValue("id", "3477061000005917011");
                $record2->addKeyValue("list_price", 50.56);
                //Add Record instance to the list
                array_push($records, $record2);
                //Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance
                //Call updateRecord method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter.
  $response = $relatedRecordsOperations->updateRelatedRecords($request);
Copied//Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes relatedListAPIName, recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter
RelatedRecordsOperations relatedRecordsOperations = new RelatedRecordsOperations(relatedListAPIName, recordId, moduleAPIName);
//Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
BodyWrapper request = new BodyWrapper();
//List of Record instances
List<API.Record.Record> records = new List<API.Record.Record>();
//Get instance of Record Class
API.Record.Record record1 = new API.Record.Record();
* Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
* 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
* 2 -> Value
record1.AddKeyValue("id", 3477065919001);
record1.AddKeyValue("list_price", 50.56);
//Add Record instance to the list
//Get instance of Record Class
API.Record.Record record2 = new API.Record.Record();
* Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
* 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
* 2 -> Value
record2.AddKeyValue("id", 3477065917011);
record2.AddKeyValue("list_price", 50.56);
//Add Record instance to the list
//Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance
request.Data = records;
//Call UpdateRelatedRecords method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter.
APIResponse<ActionHandler> response = relatedRecordsOperations.UpdateRelatedRecords(request);
Copied# Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, recordId and relatedListAPIName as parameter
related_records_operations = RelatedRecordsOperations(related_list_api_name, record_id, module_api_name)
# Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
request = BodyWrapper()
# List to hold Record instances
records_list = []
# Get instance of Record Class
record_1 = Record()
Call add_key_value method that takes two arguments
1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
2 -> Value
record_1.add_key_value('list_price', 50.56)
# Add Record instance to the list
# Get instance of Record Class
record_2 = Record()
Call add_key_value method that takes two arguments
1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
2 -> Value
record_2.add_key_value('list_price', 100.56)
# Add Record instance to the list
# Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance
# Call update_related_records method that takes BodyWrapper instance
response = related_records_operations.update_related_records(request)

# Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, recordId and relatedListAPIName as parameter
related_records_operations = RelatedRecordsOperations(related_list_api_name, record_id, module_api_name)
# Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
request = BodyWrapper()
# List to hold Record instances
records_list = []
# Get instance of Record Class
record = Record()
Call add_key_value method that takes two arguments
1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
2 -> Value
record.add_key_value('list_price', 90.90)
# Add Record instance to the list
# Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance
# Call updateRelatedRecord method that takes BodyWrapper instance, related_list_id as parameter.
response = related_records_operations.update_related_record(related_list_id, request)
Copied//Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, recordId and relatedListAPIName as parameter
let relatedRecordsOperations = new RelatedRecordsOperations(relatedListAPIName, recordId, moduleAPIName);
//Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
let request = new BodyWrapper();
//Array to hold Record instances
let recordsArray = [];
//Get instance of Record Class
let record1 = new Record();
 * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
 * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
 * 2 -> Value
record1.addKeyValue("id", 3477061000005917011n);
record1.addKeyValue("list_price", 50.56);
//Add Record instance to the array
let record2 = new Record();
 * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
 * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
 * 2 -> Value
record2.addKeyValue("id", 3409643000002414001n);
record2.addKeyValue("list_price", 100.56);
//Add Record instance to the array
//Set the array to Records in BodyWrapper instance
//Call updateRelatedRecords method that takes BodyWrapper instance
let response = await relatedRecordsOperations.updateRelatedRecords(request);
Copied# Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, recordId and relatedListAPIName as parameter
rro = RelatedRecords::RelatedRecordsOperations.new(related_list_api_name , record_id, module_api_name)
# Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
bw = RelatedRecords::BodyWrapper.new
# List to hold Record instances
records = []
(0..1).each do |i|
  # Get instance of Record Class
  record = Record::Record.new

  # """
  # Call add_key_value method that takes two arguments
  # 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
  # 2 -> Value
  # """
  record.add_key_value('id', 3_524_033_000_005_948_003)
  record.add_key_value('Note_Content', i.to_s)
  # Add Record instance to the list
# Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance
bw.data = records
# Call update_related_records method that takes BodyWrapper instance
response = rro.update_related_records(bw)

# Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, recordId and relatedListAPIName as parameter
rro = RelatedRecords::RelatedRecordsOperations.new(related_list_api_name , record_id, module_api_name)
# Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
bw = RelatedRecords::BodyWrapper.new
# List to hold Record instances
records = []
(0..0).each do |i|
  # Get instance of Record Class
  record = Record::Record.new

  # """
  # Call add_key_value method that takes two arguments
  # 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
  # 2 -> Value
  # """
  record.add_key_value('id', 3_524_033_000_005_948_003)
  record.add_key_value('Note_Content', i.to_s)
  # Add Record instance to the list
# Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance
bw.data = records
# Call update_related_records method that takes BodyWrapper instance, related_record_id as parameter.
response = rro.update_related_record(related_record_id,bw)
Copied//Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, recordId and relatedListAPIName as parameter
let relatedRecordsOperations = new ZCRM.RelatedRecord.Operations(relatedListAPIName, recordId, moduleAPIName);
//Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
let request = new ZCRM.RelatedRecord.Model.BodyWrapper();
//Array to hold Record instances
let recordsArray = [];
//Get instance of Record Class
let record1 = new ZCRM.Record.Model.Record();
 * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
 * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
 * 2 -> Value
record1.addKeyValue("id", 34770615917011n);
record1.addKeyValue("list_price", 50.56);
//Add Record instance to the array
let record2 = new ZCRM.Record.Model.Record();
 * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
 * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
 * 2 -> Value
record2.addKeyValue("id", 34096432414001n);
record2.addKeyValue("list_price", 100.56);
//Add Record instance to the array
//Set the array to Records in BodyWrapper instance
//Call updateRelatedRecords method that takes BodyWrapper instance
let response = await relatedRecordsOperations.updateRelatedRecords(request);

//Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, recordId and relatedListAPIName as parameter
let relatedRecordsOperations = new ZCRM.RelatedRecord.Operations(relatedListAPIName, recordId, moduleAPIName);
//Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
let request = new ZCRM.RelatedRecord.Model.BodyWrapper();
//Array to hold Record instances
let recordsArray = [];
//Get instance of Record class
let record1 = new ZCRM.Record.Model.Record();
 * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments
 * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name
 * 2 -> Value
record1.addKeyValue("list_price", 50.56);
//Add the record to array
//Set the array to data of BodyWrapper instance
//Call updateRelatedRecord method that takes BodyWrapper instance, relatedRecordId as parameter.
let response = await relatedRecordsOperations.updateRelatedRecord(relatedListId, request);

Sample Input

    "data": [
            "External_Deal_ID": "extdeal3",
            "Contact_Role": "111111000000026002"

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "code": "SUCCESS",
            "details": {
                "External_Deal_ID": "extdeal3",
                "id": "111111000000094028"
            "message": "relation added",
            "status": "success"
Associating a Contact and a Deal using the contact's record ID and the deal's external ID
  • In this example, extdeal2 is the value of the external field External_Deal_ID in the Deals module. We will use this value to associate it with the contact with the said record ID.


You can also associate a contact and deal with the contact's external value in the URL, and the deal's record ID in the input.

Possible Errors


    The ID of the external field is invalid.
    Resolution: Specify the correct external ID.


    You have specified an invalid external ID for the base module.
    Resolution: Specify the correct external ID.


    You have specified the external ID in the header for the related module but not in the request body.
    Resolution: It is mandatory to include the external field in the request body when you specify in the header.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v2/Contacts/111111000000085009/Deals"
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
-H "X-EXTERNAL: Deals.External_Deal_ID"
-d "@sample.json"

Sample Input

    "data": [
            "Contact_Role": "111111000000026002",
            "External_Deal_ID": "extdeal3"

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "code": "SUCCESS",
            "details": {
                "External_Deal_ID": "extdeal3",
                "id": "111111000000094028"
            "message": "relation added",
            "status": "success"