Query Metadata
To retrieve metadata using the Zoho CRM GraphQL API, you need to specify the resource and field names within the _Meta type in your request. You can query various metadata entities such as modules, users, kanban views, user properties, profile permissions, profiles, roles, and widgets, each with specific filtering options. The types defined for each supported metadata resource are:
- Modules: Query modules with optional filtering based on ModuleFilter.
- Users: Query users with optional filtering based on UserFilter, and additional optional parameters for pagination (offset and limit).
- KanbanView: Query a Kanbanview with mandatory filtering based on FieldFilter.
- UserProperties: Query user properties with mandatory filtering based on UserPropertyFilter.
- ProfilePermissions: Query profile permissions with mandatory filtering based on PermissionFilter.
- Profiles: Query profiles with optional filtering based on ProfileFilter.
- Roles: Query roles with optional filtering based on RoleFilter.
- Widgets: Query widgets with optional filtering based on WidgetFilter.
For details about filtering Metadata , refer to the Filter Metadata page.
For sample queries, refer to the Query Metadata Examples page.
In addition to these below subresources are also available:
Copiedtype _Meta {
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 100, credits = 1
Modules(filter: ModuleFilter): Modules
# scope = users, complexity = 100, credits = 1
Users(filter: UserFilter, offset: String, limit: Int): Users
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 100, credits = 1
KanbanView(filter: FieldFilter!): KanbanView
# complexity = 100, credits = 1
UserProperties(filter: UserPropertyFilter!): UserProperties
# scope = settings.profiles, complexity = 100, credits = 1
ProfilePermissions(filter: PermissionFilter!): ProfilePermissions
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 100, credits = 1
Profiles(filter: ProfileFilter): Profiles
# scope = settings.roles, complexity = 100, credits = 1
Roles(filter: RoleFilter): Roles
# scope = settings.widgets, complexity = 100, credits = 1
Widgets(filter: WidgetFilter): Widgets
type Modules
Copiedtype Modules {
_data: [Module]
_info: Cursor
type Module
The Module type includes fields for the module metadata.
- plural_label: plural form of the name of the module
- presence_sub_menu: Represents if the module has a submenu.
- id: Represents the unique ID of the module.
- properties: Represents the derived properties of a record in Zoho CRM
- visibility: Represents the visibility of the module to the current user.
- on_demand_properties: Comprises of properties $blocked_reason, $client_portal_invited.
- web_link: Represents the web link of the module, if any.
- api_name: Represents the API name of the module
- module_name: Represents the display name of the module.
- parent_module: Represents the details of the parent module, if any.Refer to Module
- description: Represents the description of the module, if any.
- modified_time: Represents the date and time of when the module properties were last modified.
- show_as_tab: Boolean value that represents if the module is displayed as a tab in the CRM UI.
- sequence_number: Represents the position of the module in the CRM.
- singular_label: Represents the singular label of the module name. Example: Lead.
- api_supported: Describes if the current module is accessible via API.
- generated_type: Represents how the module was created.
- feeds_required: Represents if feeds is enabled for the module.
- arguments: Represents how the module was created.
- arguments: Represents the parameters for the link used in Web-tab. It is of type TabArgument and comprises name and value of the arguments
- business_card_field_limit: Represents the number of fields you can have in the business card details.
- widget: This field is of type WebTabWidget which comprises name, value, and url of the widget.
- status: Represents if the module is user_hidden,system_hidden,scheduled_for_deletion or visible.
- modified_by: Represents the user who last modified the module properties. Refer to User.
- territory: It is of type Territory that consists of the name, id, and subordinates of any territories the module is part of
- layouts: The layouts of the module. Refer to Layouts of the module.
- related_lists: The related lists of the module. Refer to Related Lists of the module.
- fields: The fields lists of the module. Refer to fields of the module.
- profiles: The profiles that have access to the module. These will be available when a single field is fetched Refer to ProfileModuleProperties.
- custom_view: The custom views of the module. These will be available when a single field is fetched. Refer to Custom Views.
- display_field : The field that is display when a lookup field from another modules points to this module.Refer to Field.
- default_mapping_fields : Mapping of fields applicable for Quotes, Sales Order and Purchase Order modules for conversion.Refer to Fields.
- child_relationships :Represent the child relationships of the module. Refer to ChildRelations.
Copiedtype Module {
plural_label: String
presence_sub_menu: Boolean
id: String
properties: [String]
visibility: Int
on_demand_properties: [String]
web_link: String
api_name: String
module_name: String
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
parent_module: Module
description: String
modified_time: String
show_as_tab: Boolean
sequence_number: Int
singular_label: String
api_supported: Boolean
generated_type: String
feeds_required: Boolean
arguments: [TabArgument]
business_card_field_limit: Int
widget: WebTabWidget
status: String
# scope = users
modified_by: User
territory: Territory
# single, scope = settings.layouts, complexity = 100, credits = 1
layouts(filter: LayoutFilter): Layouts
# single, scope = settings.related_lists, complexity = 100, credits = 1
related_lists: RelatedLists
# single, scope = settings.fields, complexity = 100, credits = 1
fields(filter: ModuleFieldFilter): Fields
# scope = settings.profiles, complexity = 100, credits = 1
profiles(filter: ModuleProfileFilter): ProfileModuleProperties
# single, scope = settings.custom_views, complexity = 100, credits = 1
custom_view(filter: CustomViewFilter, limit: Int, offset: String): CustomViews
# single, scope = settings.fields, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
display_field: Field
# single, scope = settings.fields, complexity = 100, credits = 1
default_mapping_fields: Fields
# single, scope = settings.child_relationships, complexity = 100, credits = 1
child_relationships: ChildRelations
type Cursor
type Cursor consists of information about the location of the current page within the entire result set and also whether more records are present in the result set.
- next_offset: consists of offset value of the next page.
- previous_offset: consists of offset value of the previous page.
- more_records: boolean value that indicates whether more records are present or not for the query.
Copiedtype Cursor {
next_offset: String
previous_offset: String
more_records: Boolean
type Users
The Users type contains :
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type User. This field represents the actual data contained within the Users type.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
The result set can be paginated. For sample query, refer to the Query Metadata Examples page.
type Users
Copiedtype Users {
_data: [User]
_info: Cursor
type User
The User type includes fields for the users metadata.
- id: Represents the unique ID of the user.
- zuid: Represents the ZUID of the current user.
- country: Represents the country of the user.
- city: Represents the city of the user.
- email: Represents the email of the user.
- phone: Represents the phone of the user.
- mobile: Represents the mobile of the user.
- website: Represents the user's website details.
- fax: Represents the fax number of the user.
- confirm: Boolean value that represents if the user is a confirmed user.
- date_format: Represents the date format. For instance, 'MM/dd/yyyy'.
- time_zone: Represents the current user's timezone.
- customize_info:It is of type CustomizeInfo that consists of a set of boolean flags indicating various customization options, such as show_right_panel, unpin_recent_item, bc_view, notes_desc, show_home, show_detail_view
- theme: Represents the details of the theme selected by the user. It is of type UserTheme and includes normal_tab (type UserTabDetails and selected_tab (type UserTabDetails), and string fields: new_background, background, screen and type.type UserTabDetails consists of string fields: font_color and background.
- sort_order_preference: Represents how the records in the response are sorted based on either the last name or first name. The default sorting happens by the record IDs.
- country_locale: Represents the country_locale of the user.
- created_time: Represents the date and time at which the user was created.
- Modified_Time: Represents the date and time at which the user's details were last modified.
- offset: Represents offset cursor value of the result set
- signature: Represents the user's signature.
- status: Represents the status of the user. active: The user is active. inactive: The user is inactive.
- first_name: Represents the first name of the user.
- last_name: Represents the last name of the user.
- full_name: Represents the full name of the user in the format specified in "name_format" key.
- name_format: Represents the format of the full_name of the user. For instance, 'Salutation,First Name,Last Name'.
- language: Represents the language in which the user accesses the CRM. For instance, 'en_US'.
- locale: Represents the user's locale. For instance, 'en_IN'.
- microsoft: Represents if the user is a Microsoft user. true: The user is a Microsoft user. false: The user is not a Microsoft user.
- personal_account: Represents if the user is the only user in the organization. true: The user is the only user in the organization. false: The user is not the only user in the organization.
- street: Represents the street name of the user.
- alias: Represents the alias name of the user.
- dob: Represents the date of birth of the user.
- Currency: Represents the user's currency preference.
- zip: Represents the zip code of the user.
- decimal_separator: Represents the format of the decimal fields. The possible values are "comma", "period", and "space".
- state: Represents the state of the user.
- time_format: Represents the time format. For instance, 'hh:mm a'.
- Modified_By: Represents the details of the user who last modified the user's details. Refer to User .
- Reporting_To: Represents the details of the user to whom the user reports to. Refer to User .
- role: Represents the role of the user. Refer to Role .
- profile: Represents the profile of the user. Refer to Profile .
- created_by: Represents the details of the user who created the user.Refer to User .
Copiedtype User {
id: String
zuid: String
country: String
city: String
email: String
phone: String
mobile: String
website: String
fax: String
confirm: Boolean
date_format: String
time_zone: String
customize_info: CustomizeInfo
theme: UserTheme
sort_order_preference: String
country_locale: String
created_time: String
Modified_Time: String
offset: Int
signature: String
status: String
first_name: String
last_name: String
full_name: String
name_format: String
language: String
locale: String
microsoft: Boolean
personal_account: Boolean
default_tab_group: String
street: String
alias: String
sandboxDeveloper: Boolean
dob: String
Currency: String
zip: String
decimal_separator: String
state: String
time_format: String
Modified_By: User
# complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
Reporting_To: User
# scope = settings.roles, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
role: Role
# scope = settings.profiles, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
profile: Profile
created_by: User
type KanbanView
The KanbanView type includes fields for the Kanban View metadata.
- id: Represents the unique ID of the Kanban View.
- view_name: Represents the name of the Kanban View.
- categorize_by: Represents the category by which data is segregated in the Kanban View. Refer to Field.
- select_fields: Represents the fields that can be viewed with in each record. Refer to Fields.
- aggregate_by: Represents the currency field for which you want the aggregated value. Refer to Field.
- color_scheme: Represents the colour scheme for the headers.
Copiedtype KanbanView {
id: String
view_name: String
# scope = settings.fields, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
categorize_by: Field
# scope = settings.fields, complexity = 100, credits = 1
select_fields: Fields
# scope = settings.fields, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
aggregate_by: Field
color_scheme: String
type UserProperties
The UserProperties type includes the metadata for the logged in user.
- user: Represents the details of the user. Refer to User.
- module_properties: Represents the user specific properties related to a module. It is of type UserTabProperties and must be filtered for a particular module. It comprises of module (type Module ), default_layout (type Layout ) , default_cv (type CustomView ) , search_layout_fields (type Fields ), related_list_properties (type RelatedListProperties ), territory (type Territory ), permissions (type ModulePermission ), per_page, filter_status, kanban_view, kanban_view_supported, zia_view
- viewable_modules: Represents the modules the user has access to. The result set can be filtered using ViewableModuleFilter
Copiedtype UserProperties {
# scope = users, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
user: User
# scope = settings.modules
module_properties(filter: TabFilter!): UserTabProperties
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 100, credits = 1
viewable_modules(filter: ViewableModuleFilter): Modules
type ProfilePermissions
The ProfilePermissions type includes an array of elements of type ProfilePermission along with cursor.
type ProfilePermissions
Copiedtype ProfilePermissions {
_data: [ProfilePermission]
_info: Cursor
type ProfilePermission
The ProfilePermission type gives the details of the view, create, edit, and delete permissions given to the profile for different modules. Note that the response array is rendered in the response only when you fetch a specific profile by providing profile_id in filter.
- module_name: Represents the module name of the particular module.
- name: Represents the name of the particular permission.
- id: Represents the id of the particular permission.
- enable: Boolean value that represents whether permissions are enabled
- display_label: Represents the display label of the particular permission.
- customizable: Boolean value that represents whether the permission is customizable.
- parent_permissions: IDs of parent permissions
Copiedtype ProfilePermission {
module_name: String
name: String
id: String
enabled: Boolean
display_label: String
customizable: Boolean
parent_permissions: [String]
type Profiles
Copiedtype Profiles {
_data: [Profile]
_info: Cursor
type Profile
The Profile type gives the details of profiles.
- id: Represents id of the profile
- display_label: Represents the display name of the current profile.
- created_time: Represents the date and time at which the current profile was created.
- modified_time: Represents the date and time at which the current profile was last modified.
- api_name: Represents the API name of the profile.
- custom: Boolean
- name: Represents the name of the profile.
- description: Represents the description of the profile, if any.
- permissions: Represents profilePermissions. Refer to ProfilePermissions.
- modified_by: Represents the user who last modified the current profile. Refer to User.
- created_by: Represents the user who created the current profile. Refer to User.
Copiedtype Profile {
id: String
display_label: String
created_time: String
modified_time: String
api_name: String
custom: Boolean
name: String
description: String
# single, complexity = 100, credits = 1
permissions: ProfilePermissions
# scope = users
modified_by: User
# scope = users
created_by: User
type Roles
Copiedtype Roles {
_data: [Role]
_info: Cursor
type Role
The Role type gives the details of roles.
- id: Represents the id of the role.
- display_label: Represents the display name of the role.
- forecast_manager: Represent the User who is the forecast manager for the role. Refer to User
- share_with_peers: Boolean value that represents whether data access rights to peers is enabled.
- api_name: Represents the api name of the role.
- name: Represents the name of the role.
- description: Represents the description of the role, if any.
- reporting_to: Represent immediate superior's role. Refer to Role
Copiedtype Role {
id: String
display_label: String
# scope = users, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
forecast_manager: User
share_with_peers: Boolean
api_name: String
name: String
description: String
# complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
reporting_to: Role
admin_user: Boolean
type Widget
Copiedtype Widgets {
_data: [Widget]
_info: Cursor
type Widget
The Widget type gives the details of widgets.
- id: Represents the id of the widget.
- file_name: Represents the file name of the widget.
- hosting: Represents whether the widget's hosting is Zoho or external.
- name: Represents the name of the widget.
- api_name: Represents the API name of the widget.
- base_url: Represents base URL of the widget.
- start_url: Represents Index Page of the widget.
- description: Represents the description of the widget.
- active: Boolean value that represents whether the widget is active.
- source: Represents the widget's source.
- type: Represents the type of the widget.
- permissions: Represents a JSON object of boolean value of permissions for these operations: create, update, delete, read, and connector.
- associated_places: Represents an array of id and name of the places the widget is associated.It is of type AssociatedPlaces.
Copiedtype Widget {
id: String
file_name: String
hosting: String
name: String
api_name: String
base_url: String
start_url: String
description: String
active: Boolean
source: String
type: String
permissions: PermissionType
associated_places: [AssociatedPlaces]
type Layouts
The Layouts type contains :
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type Layout. This field represents the actual data contained within the Layouts type.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
The result set can be filtered using LayoutFilter
type Layouts
Copiedtype Layouts {
_data: [Layout]
_info: Cursor
type Layout
The Layout type gives the details of layouts.
- created_time: Represents the date and time at which the current layout was created.
- id: Represents the unique ID of the layout.
- layout_convert_mapping: Represents the base layout details.
- show_business_card: Represents whether the business card section must be displayed or not in the layout.
- modified_time: Represents the date and time at which the layout was last modified.
- name: Represents the name of the layout.
- api_name: Represent the api name of the layout.
- status: Represents the status of the layout.
- source: Represents the source the layout originated from.
- generated_type: Represents if the section is system-defined or custom.
- created_for: A few layouts are specifically created for Integration with other Zoho apps. This field lets you know whether the layout is created for Zoho Webinar, Zoho Campaigns or Zoho Backstage.
- fields: Consists of details of layout fields.It is of type LayoutFields
- profile_properties: Represents details of profile that has access to the current layout.
- created_by: Represents the user who created the layout.
- modified_by: Represents the user who last modified the layout.
- wizards: Contains details of wizards, if any, created for the layout. It is of type Wizard and comprises id and name of the wizard.
- mode: This field is of type LayoutMode
Copiedtype Layout {
created_time: String
id: String
# single
layout_convert_mapping: [LayoutConvertMap]
show_business_card: Boolean
modified_time: String
name: String
api_name: String
status: String
source: String
generated_type: String
created_for: String
# single, scope = settings.fields, complexity = 100, credits = 1
fields: LayoutFields
profile_properties: ProfileLayoutProperties
# scope = users
created_by: User
# scope = users
modified_by: User
wizards: [Wizard]
# single
mode(filter: LayoutModeFilter): LayoutMode
type ProfileLayoutProperties
The ProfileLayoutProperties type contains :
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type ProfileLayoutProperty. This field represents the actual data contained within the Layouts type.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
Copiedtype ProfileLayoutProperties {
_data: [ProfileLayoutProperty]
_info: Cursor
type ProfileLayoutProperty
The ProfileLayoutProperty type gives these details:
- profile: Represents the profile having access to the layout.It is of type Profile
- default_view : Represents the default view of a profile for the layout. It is of type DefaultView and comprises id, name and type.
- visible : Boolean value that represents whether the layout is visible for the profile or not.
- default: Boolean value that represents whether the layout is default layout for the profile or not.
Copiedtype ProfileLayoutProperty {
# scope = settings.profiles, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
profile: Profile
default_view: DefaultView
visible: Boolean
default: Boolean
type Layoutfields
The Layoutfields type contains :
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type Layoutfield. This field represents the actual data contained within the Layoutfields type.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
Copiedtype LayoutFields {
_data: [LayoutField]
_info: Cursor
type LayoutField
The LayoutField type gives the details of layouts.
- field: Represents the field of the layout.
- default_value : Represents the default value of the field of the layout.
- required : Represents whether the field is required.
- convert_mapping:: Represents the base layout details.It is of type ConvertMapping
Copiedtype LayoutField {
field: Field
default_value: Object
required: Boolean
convert_mapping: [ConvertMapping]
Copiedtype ConvertMapping {
module_name: String
# scope= settings.layouts, complexity = 50 , credits = 0.5
layout: Layout
# scope= settings.fields, complexity = 50 , credits = 0.5
field: Field
type LayoutMode
The LayoutMode type gives the details of sections of layouts.
- sections: Represents the details of sections in the current layout.
The result set can be filtered using LayoutModeFilter.
Copiedtype LayoutMode {
sections(filter: SectionFilter): Sections
type Sections
The sections type gives the details of sections of layouts in an array.
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type LayoutSection. This field represents the actual data contained within the Sections type.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
The result set can be filtered using SectionFilter.
type Sections
Copiedtype Sections {
_data : [LayoutSection]
_info : Cursor
type LayoutSection
The sections type gives the actual details of layoutsections
- id: Represents id of the section.
- display_label: Represents the display name of the section.
- sequence_number: Represents the display name of the section.
- isSubformSection: Represents if the section is the subform section.
- tab_traversal: Represents cursor movement when the 'Tab' key is pressed.1 - up-to-down traversal. 2 - left-to-right traversal
- api_name: Represents api name of the section
- column_count: Represents number of columns in the section
- name: Represents name of the section
- generated_type: Represents if the section is system-defined or custom.
- type: Represents if the section is system-defined or custom.
- properties: Represents properties of the layout section. It is of type SectionProperties.
- section_fields: Represents the fields inside the section. It is of type SectionFields.
Copiedtype LayoutSection {
id: String
display_label: String
sequence_number: Int
isSubformSection: Boolean
tab_traversal: Int
api_name: String
column_count: Int
name: String
generated_type: String
type: String
properties: SectionProperties
section_fields: SectionFields
type SectionProperties
The SectionProperties type gives the following details:
- reorder_rows : Represents reordering row is allowed or not.
- tooltip : Represents the tool tip of the section. Refers to ToolTip
- maximum_rows : Represents the maximum number of rows in the section.
Copiedtype SectionProperties{
reorder_rows: Boolean
tooltip: ToolTip
maximum_rows: Int
type ToolTip
The ToolTip type gives the following details:
- name : Represents name of the tool tip.
- value : Represents the value of tool tip.
Copiedtype ToolTip {
name: String
value: String
type SectionFields
The SectionFields type gives the details of fields in a particular section of layouts.
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type SectionField . This field represents the fields.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
Copiedtype SectionFields {
_data : [SectionField]
_info : Cursor
type SectionField
The SectionField type includes:.
- field : Fields of Section. It is of type FieldOfSection.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
Copiedtype SectionField {
field : FieldOfSection
section_id: Int
sequence_number: Int
type FieldOfSection
The FieldOfSection type includes:.
- id :Represents the ID of the Field of Section.
- api_name :Represents the api name of the Field.
Copiedtype FieldOfSection
id : String
api_name : String
type RelatedLists
Copiedtype RelatedLists {
_data: [RelatedList]
_info: Cursor
Copiedtype RelatedList {
id: String
sequence_number: String
display_label: String
api_name: String
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
module: Module
name: String
action: String
href: String
type: String
connectedmodule: String
linkingmodule: String
customize_display_label: Boolean
customize_sort: Boolean
customize_fields: Boolean
type Fields
Copiedtype Fields {
_data: [Field]
_info: Cursor
type Field
The Field type gives the details of fields.
- id: Specifies the ID of the field.
- api_name: Specifies the API name for the field.
- field_read_only: Represents if the field is read-only always. Possible values - true: The field is always read-only. false: The field is not always a read-only field, it can be updated.
- custom_field: Represents if the current field is a custom field. Possible values - true: The field is a custom field. false: The current field is a default field.
- ui_type: Represents how the field is displayed based on its type . The value -1 represents that the field is a normal field while the value 2 represents that the field is "select only" (Eg: Best time to contact the field).
- created_source: Represents the source of the filed. The possible values for this field are: default, extension, and integration.
- field_label: The display name of the field in the user's preferred language. All field labels related to Events are renamed to Meetings.
- display_label: Represents the display label of the current field. For instance, Last Name.
- webhook: Represents if the field is supported in webhook.
- tooltip: Represents the details of the tooltip (name and value), if the field has one. It is type ToolTip and comprises of name and value.
- data_type: Represents CRM field type of the current field. For instance, lookup.
- json_type: Represents the JSON type of the field. For instance, JSON object, string, etc.
- display_type: Represents how the field is displayed based on its type . The value -1 represents that the field is a normal field while the value 2 represents that the field is "select only" (Eg: Best time to contact field).
- length: Represents the size of the current field.
- filterable: Represents whether the field is sortable.
- crypt: Represents the status of the encryption. For instance: "crypt": { "mode": "encryption", "status": 1 } The possible values for the "mode" key are: encryption, decryption; The possible values for the "status" key are: 1 - Represents that the field is encrypted. 2- Represents that the encryption/decryption for the field is in progress. The "null" value represents that the key is decrypted.
- lookup: Represents the details of the lookup that the field is related to. It is of type Lookup.
- profile_permissions(filter: ProfileFieldPermissionFilter):ProfileFieldProperties
- auto_number: Represents the auto-number details if the current field is an Auto-Number field. It is of type AutoNumber and comprises prefix, suffix, starting_number_length, and start_number.
- currency: Represents the currency details if the current field is a Currency field. It is of type Currency and comprises rounding_option and precision.
- multiselectlookup: Represents the details of a multi-select lookup field. It is of type Lookup.
- multiuserlookup: Represents the details of a multi-select user lookup field. It is of type Lookup.
- multi_module_lookup: Represents the details of a multi-module lookup field. It is of type Lookup.
- blueprint_supported: Represents if the field is supported in Blueprint.
- unique: Represents if the field values must be unique across records.
- sortable: Represents whether the field is sortable.
- system_mandatory: Represents if current field is a system-mandatory field. Possible values - true: The field is a system-mandatory field. false: The field is not a system-mandatory field.
- pick_list_values_sorted_lexically: Represents whether the values of the picklist are sorted alphabetically.
- history_tracking: Represents the history of the picklist field if you have enabled history tracking. The value null represents that history tracking is not enabled for the field. It is of type HistoryTracking . and comprises of module (type Module) and duration_configured_field:(type Field) .
- association_details: Represents details of the association field.
- private: Represents the details of compliance settings in your organization. For instance, "private": { "restricted": true, "type": "Low", "export": true }
- hipaa_compliance_enabled: Boolean value that represents if HIPAA compliance is enabled for the field.
- hipaa_compliance: Represents the details of HIPAA compliance for the field. It is of type Privacy and comprises of restricted, restricted_in_export, type and export.
- external: Represents if the field is an external field.
- view_type: Represents the view type of the field.
- quick_sequence_number: Represents the position of the field in the CRM.
- pick_list_values: Represents the list of all the picklist values, if the field is either a picklist or multi-select picklist field. The value for the key type in each picklist option represents if that option is used or not. The key id represents the unique ID of every picklist option. colour_code represents the hex code for the color for that picklist value. The response contains both used and unused picklist values.
- formula: Represents the formula details, if the current field is a formula field. It is of type Formula and comprises return_type and expression.
- decimal_place: Represents the number of the decimal places allowed for the current field.
- mass_update: Represents if the field can be mass updated. Possible values - true: The current field can be mass updated. false: The current field cannot be mass updated.
- businesscard_supported: Represents if the current field can be added to business card section. Possible values - true: The field can be added to the business card section. false: The field cannot be added to the business card section.
- associated_module: Represents the module of the fields associated with the parent modules.
- operation_type: Represents the possible source of data for the field
- visible: Represents if the current field is visible to the user. Possible values - true: The field is visible to the user. false: The current field is not visible to the user. The profiles key represents the permission required for each profile to view this field.
- searchable: Represents whether the field is supported in a search.
- rollup_summary: Represents details of a roll up summary field. Roll up summary fields are used to summarize or aggregate values from a related list. It is of type RollupSummary and comprises rollup_based_on, return_type, expression(type RollupSummaryExpression). , based_on_module(type Module) and related_list (type RelatedList). The type RollupSummaryExpression comprises of criteria, function and function_parameters.
- global_picklist: Represents if the field is a global picklist field.
- read_only: Represents if the field is read-only for the current user. Possible values - true: The field read-only for the current user. false: The field is not read-only for the current user.
- sharing_properties: In a lookup field, represents if the user has access to the records that the field looks up to. It is of type SharingProperties and comprises scheduler_status, share_preference_enabled, and share_permission.
Copiedtype Field {
id: String
api_name: String
field_read_only: Boolean
custom_field: Boolean
ui_type: Int
created_source: String
field_label: String
display_label: String
webhook: Boolean
tooltip: ToolTip
data_type: String
json_type: String
display_type: Int
length: Int
filterable: Boolean
crypt: Crypt
lookup: Lookup
# scope = settings.profiles
profile_permissions(filter: ProfileFieldPermissionFilter): ProfileFieldProperties
auto_number: AutoNumber
currency: Currency
multiselectlookup: Lookup
multiuserlookup: Lookup
multi_module_lookup: Lookup
blueprint_supported: Boolean
unique: Unique
sortable: Boolean
system_mandatory: Boolean
pick_list_values_sorted_lexically: Boolean
history_tracking: HistoryTracking
association_details: AssociationDetails
private: Privacy
hipaa_compliance_enabled: Boolean
hipaa_compliance: Privacy
external: External
view_type: ViewType
quick_sequence_number: Int
pick_list_values: [PickListValue]
textarea: TextArea
formula: Formula
validation_rule: Object
decimal_place: Int
type: String
mass_update: Boolean
businesscard_supported: Boolean
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
associated_module: Module
operation_type: OperationType
visible: Boolean
separator: Boolean
searchable: Boolean
rollup_summary: RollupSummary
global_picklist: GlobalPickList
read_only: Boolean
sharing_properties: SharingProperties
type ProfileModuleProperties
The ProfileModuleProperties type contains :
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type ProfileModuleProperty. This field represents the actual data contained within the ProfileModuleProperties type.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
ModuleProfileFilter can be used to filter the result set.
type ProfileModuleProperties
Copiedtype ProfileModuleProperties {
_data: [ProfileModuleProperty]
_info: Cursor
type ProfileModuleProperty
The ProfileModuleProperty type gives the details of the profiles the module is available to.
- id: Represents id of the profile
- display_label: Represents the display name of the current profile.
- created_time: Represents the date and time at which the current profile was created.
- modified_time: Represents the date and time at which the current profile was last modified.
- api_name: Represents the API name of the profile.
- custom: Boolean
- name: Represents the name of the profile.
- description: Represents the description of the profile, if any.
- modified_by: Represents the user who last modified the current profile. Refer to User.
- created_by: Represents the user who created the current profile. Refer to User.
Copiedtype ProfileModuleProperty {
id: String
display_label: String
created_time: String
modified_time: String
api_name: String
custom: Boolean
name: String
description: String
# scope = users
modified_by: User
# scope = users
created_by: User
type ChildRelations
The ChildRelations type contains :
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type ChildRelation. This field represents the actual data contained within the ChildRelations type.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
type ChildRelations
Copiedtype ChildRelations {
_data: [ChildRelation]
_info: Cursor
type ChildRelation
The ChildRelation type gives the details of the child relations the module.
Copiedtype ChildRelation {
display_label: String
api_name: String
id: String
# scope= settings.fields complexity = 50 , credits = 0.5
field: Field
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
module: Module
type CustomViews
The CustomViews type contains :
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type CustomView. This field represents the actual data contained within the CustomViews type.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
CustomViewFilter can be used to filter the result set. This result set can be paginated. For sample query, refer to the Query Metadata Examples page.
type CustomViews
Copiedtype CustomViews {
_data: [CustomView]
_info: Cursor
type CustomView
The CustomView type gives the details of the custom view metadata
- id: Represents the id of the custom view.
- api_name: Represents the api name of the custom view.
- display_label: Represents the display name of the custom view.
- access_type: Represents the access type of the custom view.
- system_name: Represents the system reference name of the custom view.
- default: Represents if the current custom view is the default one.
- modified_time: Represents the date and time at which the custom view was modified. The value of this key will be null when custom view was not modified.
- name: Represents the name of the custom view
- system_defined: Represents if the current custom view is a system-defined view.
- category: Represents the category of the current custom view. The value can be: public_views, other_users_views, shared_with_me, or created_by_me.
- last_accessed_time: Represents the date and time at which the custom view was last accessed. The value of this key will be null until the custom view is accessed.
- sort_order: Represents sort order of records in a custom view.
- favorite: Represents if the current custom view is marked as favorite.
- locked: Represents if the current custom view is locked for editing. When a custom view is locked, only Admins and creators can modify it.
- shared_to: Represents the details to whom the custom view is shared. It is of type SharedTo comprises of id,name,type and subordinates
- created_by: Represents the details of the user who created the custom view. Refer to User.
- modified_by: Represents the details of the user who modified the custom view. Refer to User.
- Fields: Represents fields of the custom view. Refer to Fields.
Copiedtype CustomView {
id: String
api_name: String
display_value: String
access_type: String
system_name: String
default: Boolean
modified_time: String
name: String
system_defined: Boolean
category: String
last_accessed_time: String
# single
sort_order: String
favorite: Int
locked: Boolean
# single, scope = settings.fields, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
sort_by: Field
# single
shared_to: [SharedTo]
# single
criteria: Object
# scope = users
created_by: User
# scope = users
modified_by: User
# single, scope = settings.fields, complexity = 100, credits = 1
fields: Fields
type Lookup
The Lookup type includes the details of the lookup field.
- display_label: Display label of the lookup field.
- linking_module: Represents the module details of linking module. It is of type Module.
- lookup_apiname: Represents the api name of the lookup field in the linking module.
- connected_module: Represents the module details of connected module. It is of type Module.
- module: Represents the module details that are associated with the lookup. It is of Module.
- connectedlookup_apiname: Represents the api names of the lookup fields in the connected module.
- id: Represents the id of the lookup field.
- query_details: It is of type QueryDetails and comprises query_id and criteria (object Scalar).
- modules: Represents the array of module details that are associated with the lookup. It is of type Modules.
- revalidate_filter_during_edit: Boolean value that represents whether the user wants to validate the existing records while editing the record.
- show_fields: Indicates the field that is displayed when a record is selected for that lookup . It is of type ShowField and comprises field of type Field and a Boolean value show_data.
- sharing_properties: In a lookup field, represents if the user has access to the records that the field looks up to. It is of type SharingProperties and comprises of scheduler_status,share_preference_enabled and share_permission.
Copiedtype Lookup {
display_label: String
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
linking_module: Module
lookup_apiname: String
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
connected_module: Module
api_name: String
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
module: Module
connectedlookup_apiname: String
id: String
record_access: Boolean
# scope = settings.modules, complexity = 100, credits = 1
modules: Modules
query_details: QueryDetails
revalidate_filter_during_edit: Boolean
show_fields: [ShowField]
sharing_properties: SharingProperties
type ProfileFieldProperties
The ProfileFieldProperties type contains :
- _data: This is an array field containing elements of type ProfileFieldProperty. This field represents the actual data contained within the ProfileFieldProperty type.
- _info: This is another field of type Cursor. It provides additional information about the data.
ProfileFieldPermissionFilter can be used to filter the result set.
Copiedtype ProfileFieldProperties {
_data: [ProfileFieldProperty]
_info: Cursor
type ProfileFieldProperty
The ProfileFieldProperty type includes the details of the profile permissions for the field.
Copiedtype ProfileFieldProperty {
# scope = settings.profiles, complexity = 50, credits = 0.5
profile: Profile
permission_type: String
visible: Boolean