GraphQL Limitations
Field Limit
Field limits refer to the number of fields that can be queried per resource (records of type {module}__data).
Field limit in Zoho CRM GraphQL are:
- 50 fields per resource
- Maximum 5 Lookup or Child fields (lookup fields, one-many relation, related list data) per resource.
- Maximum 5 Textarea fields per resource.
Number of records returned per query
- Maximum 100 records at root level.
- Maximum 10 records at sub levels.
Maximum number of concurrent calls
- Five calls per org
Depth refers to the nesting levels of a field. You can query upto 3 levels of depth for Records and 7 levels of depth for Metadata. Child fields are only allowed at Root level resources(Subform, multi select lookup, multi-user lookup, multi module lookup, child relations).
Complexity refers to the computational resources needed for fulfilling a query.
Root level query : 100 points for each resource
Sub query :
- 25 points for each Parent lookup
- 50 points for each Child relation
- 50 points for each Multi Module lookup (what_Id, Appointments_For)
Maximum allowed complexity : 1000
Field and data type Limitations
For Querying
- You cannot query ImageUpload field, File Uploads fields, RollupSummary field, Comments Field(in Solutions and Cases module), MultiDateSelectFields(Available_Dates in Services), Pricing_Details fields(Price_Books), full_name, Isonline(users module), Call_Status, CTI_Entry(calls module), Data_Processing_Basis field, Territory fields, Line items(Pricing_Details and Product_Details) in Price Books and Quotes modules, Participants field in Events module, and Attachments.
For filtering response
- You can include a maximum of 25 criteria for filtering response.
- External Id field cannot be used for filtering response.
- Tax, Tag, Autonumber, Encrypted Non numeric Field, and Textarea data types cannot be used for filtering response
- Services__s.Status, Services__s.Available_Days, and Appointments__s.Status fields cannot be used for filtering response.
- Encrypted Numeric fields supported only with equals, and not_equals comparator
For ordering response
- External Id field and Encrypted Fields cannot be used for ordering response.
Other constraints
- You can paginate up to a maximum of 10,000 records per resource using GraphQL APIs .
- Currently Zoho CRM GraphQL supports only query operation.