Zoho CRM GraphQL Schema

A GraphQL schema is a contract between the server and client for data exchange. It specifies the capabilities of a server i.e. what the server can do, including the types of data it has and the actions you can perform like asking for information (query). A schema establishes the primary root operation type for every supported operation type, namely query, mutation, and subscription. This specification dictates the starting point within the type system for executing these operations.

In Zoho CRM GraphQL APIs, GraphQL schema is created and maintained separately for each profile.

Currently Zoho CRM GraphQL supports only query operation.

Query Root Type

In the Zoho CRM GraphQL schema, Query type exposes two fields:

  • _Meta for retrieving metadata.
  • _Records for retrieving data from modules.


type Query

Copiedtype Query {
Meta: _Meta
Records: _Records