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- Introduction to Deluge
- Zoho services which support Deluge
- Data types
- Operators
- Variables
- Expressions
- System Variables
- Send notifications using Deluge
- Integrations
- Custom integrations with any Zoho or external service
- Pre-defined integrations with Zoho services
- SDP Cloud integration tasks
- Zoho Analytics integration tasks
- Zoho Billing integration tasks
- Zoho Bookings integration tasks
- Zoho Books integration tasks
- Zoho Calendar integration task
- Zoho Cliq Integration Tasks
- Create record
- Fetch records
- Fetch record By ID
- Update record
- Delete records
- Delete record using the record ID
- Post to Bot
- Post to Bot as an admin
- Post to Channel
- Post to channel as admin
- Post to chat
- Post to Chat as admin
- Post to User
- Edit Message
- Extension properties tasks
- Zoho Cliq Integration Attributes
- Posting to Zoho Cliq
- Zoho Connect integration tasks
- Zoho Creator Integration Tasks
- Zoho Creator V1 Integration tasks
- Zoho CRM integration tasks
- Zoho CRM Vertical Solutions Integration Tasks
- Zoho Desk Integration Tasks
- Zoho FSM integration tasks
- Zoho Inventory Integration Tasks
- Zoho Invoice Integration Tasks
- Zoho Mail integration tasks
- Zoho Map Integration Tasks
- Zoho Notebook Integration Tasks
- Zoho People Integration Tasks
- Zoho Projects integration tasks
- Zoho Recruit integration tasks
- Zoho Sales IQ integration tasks
- Zoho Sheet Integration Tasks
- Zoho Sign Integration Tasks
- Zoho WorkDrive Integration Tasks
- Zoho Writer Integration Tasks
- Get documents
- Upload document
- Share documents
- Get merge fields
- Merge and send documents
- Sign document
- Get all fields
- Merge and sign
- Merge and store V2
- Merge and invoke
- Mark or unmark as favorite document
- Rename document
- Enable or disable track changes
- Add or update description
- Lock or unlock documents
- Mark document as ready
- Mark or revert final documents
- Get merge templates
- Get sign templates
- Get fillable templates
- Sign Document V2
- Generate Fillable Link
- Merge and send V2
- Send SMS
- getUrl
- postUrl
- invokeUrl
- invokeUrl function
- invokeAPI
- Deluge tasks
- Artificial Intelligence Tasks
- Creator Blueprint Tasks
- Conditions
- Data Access
- Composite fields and their usage in Deluge
- Client Functions
- Miscellaneous
- Debug
- List Manipulations
- Map Manipulations
- Subform Tasks
- File upload field tasks
- User roles & properties tasks
- App Admin Tasks
- App User Tasks
- Logged-in User Tasks
- Determine profile of logged-in app user
- Determine profile of logged-in portal user
- Determine role of logged-in user
- Fetch email address of logged-in app user
- Fetch email address of logged-in customer portal user
- Fetch profile name of logged-in app user
- Fetch profile name of logged-in portal user
- Fetch username of logged-in app user
- Get username of logged-in portal user
- Portal Admin Tasks
- Portal User Tasks
- XML manipulation
- openUrl
- File Functions
- Built-in functions
- Collection functions
- Date-time functions
- totalMonths
- yearFraction
- totalYears
- daysBetween
- addBusinessDay
- nextWeekDay
- previousWeekDay
- subBusinessDay
- addBusinessHour
- hoursBetween
- addHour
- addDay
- addMinutes
- addMonth
- addSeconds
- addWeek
- addYear
- day
- days360
- edate
- eomonth
- getDate
- getDateTime
- getDay
- getDayOfWeek
- getDayOfYear
- getHour
- getMinutes
- getMonth
- getSeconds
- getTime
- getWeekOfYear
- getYear
- hour
- isDate
- minute
- month
- monthsBetween
- now
- second
- subDay
- subHour
- subMinutes
- subMonth
- subSeconds
- subWeek
- subYear
- timeBetween
- toDate
- toDateTime
- today
- toStartOfMonth
- toStartOfWeek
- toString
- toText
- toTime
- unixEpoch
- weekday
- workday
- workDaysBetween
- workDaysList
- yearsBetween
- toDateTimeString
- Time Functions
- Encryption functions
- Functions which return a boolean value
- contains - text function
- containsIgnoreCase - text function
- endsWith - text function
- endsWithIgnoreCase - text function
- equals - logical function
- equalsIgnoreCase - text function
- matches - text function
- notContains - text function
- startsWith - text function
- startsWithIgnoreCase - text function
- contains - list function
- containKey - map function
- containValue - map function
- isBlank - logical function
- isNull - logical function
- isEmpty - logical function
- isValidObject - logical function
- isDate - type check function
- isFile - type check function
- isNumber - type check function
- isText - type check function
- List functions
- Logical functions
- Map functions
- Number functions
- Text functions
- getPrefixIgnoreCase
- isAscii
- ltrim
- repeat
- replaceAllIgnoreCase
- replaceFirstIgnoreCase
- rtrim
- concat
- contains
- containsIgnoreCase
- endsWith
- endsWithIgnoreCase
- equalsIgnoreCase
- find
- getAlpha
- getAlphaNumeric
- getOccurenceCount
- getPrefix
- getSuffix
- indexOf
- isEmpty
- lastIndexOf
- left
- leftpad
- len
- length
- matches
- mid
- notContains
- proper
- remove
- removeAllAlpha
- removeAllAlphaNumeric
- removeFirstOccurence
- removeLastOccurence
- replaceAll
- replaceFirst
- right
- rightpad
- startsWith
- startsWithIgnoreCase
- subText
- substring
- text
- toDate
- toDecimal
- toJSONList
- toList
- toListString
- toLong
- toLowerCase
- toMap
- toNumber
- toString
- toText
- toTime
- toUpperCase
- trim
- getSuffixIgnoreCase
- Reverse
- HexToText
- Type check functions
- Type conversion functions
- Utilities
- XML & JSON functions
- Difference Between Deluge Tasks
- Deluge editor
- Deluge preferences
- Deluge error messages
- Deluge release notes
Note: This task is applicable only to Zoho Creator. To send SMS from other Zoho services, use the sendSMS Deluge task.