• What is contract management?
  • Why is it important
  • Where can a CLM be valuable ?
  • Who uses CLM ?
  • When to invest in CLM ?

What is contract management?

Contract management, as the name suggests, is the process companies follow to manage their contracts. It includes seeing a contract through the various stages in its lifecycle, such as authoring, approval, negotiation, signature, and amendments and renewals, if any. Another important aspect of contract management is the storage of the company’s contracts in a way that facilitates quick access, improves visibility, and aids in better contract governance.

When managing contracts manually, analyzing the contract management process to identify bottlenecks and mitigate them is a tedious task. This is why many companies are adopting contract management software to streamline their processes. This type of software also offers advanced analytics and reporting features that companies can use to glean strategic insights from their contract data.

Why is contract management important?

Contracts are an indispensable part of a business. They touch every department in a company and govern every dollar that flows into it. Poor contract management can lead to significant financial losses. Contracts also carry a level of risk because they’re legally binding. Inefficient contract management can pose the following risks when done traditionally:

  • Prolonged authoring and review cycles, as a single document can run pages.
  • There is a high chance of contract errors as the document is drafted and reviewed manually.
  • Negotiation can be time-consuming because it involves back-and-forth emails, making it difficult to compare changes between versions.
  • Signing contracts can take forever due to the long email-print-sign-fax cycles.
  • Amending clauses in contracts in the event of new government regulations cropping up can be tedious, because the legal team needs to identify and amend the clauses manually.
  • Missing out on renewal opportunities due to lack of automated email and in-app notifications.
  • Losing contracts or difficulty in locating contracts/specific clauses due to haphazard storage and management.

Where can a contract management solution be valuable?

Contract management software is an indispensable tool to possess as your business scales up. It helps make your contract management process efficient in the following areas:

Who uses contract management software?

Contract management software is for all businesses, regardless of size or industry. Ensuring faster revenue recognition, improved buyer experience, reduced operational costs, and lower risks are only some of the many benefits of contract management software.

Modern CLM solutions adapt to businesses of all sizes and industries and their unique needs, and help them derive maximum value from their contracts. Contract management systems also come with industry-specific features, such as managing digital stamp paper contracts, which is useful for industries such as banking and real estate.

Contracts aren’t restricted to legal teams. Most business functions get involved in contracts one way or the other. This includes sales, procurement, finance, and HR. The sales team can clock faster cycle times with features such as contract authoring through self-serve models using pre-approved templates and clauses, approval workflows, and digital signatures.Similarly, with quick contract authoring, seamless negotiations, and improved performance monitoring, procurement teams can streamline their vendor agreements with contract management software.

When is the right time to invest in a contract management solution?

Now that you know how beneficial a CLM solution is, the next natural question is: When should you invest in a CLM solution?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do we use multiple applications to manage our end-to-end contracting process?
  • Are we spending too much time on paperwork, rather than focusing on high-value tasks?
  • Due to minor tweaks in the agreement, do we have various templates for the same contract type?
  • Are our templates and contracts stored in disparate folders in the cloud?
  • Are we unknowingly introducing minor errors in our contracts?
  • Are the approvals going through multiple rounds due to a lack of a standard clause library?
  • Is it difficult to compare changes between versions of the contract due to back-and-forth negotiation?
  • Are we still printing contracts and signing them on paper?
  • Are we finding it difficult to keep track of obligations and ensure their fulfillment?
  • Do we miss renewal opportunities due to a lack of automated alerts or email notifications?

If your answer to most questions is ”yes,” it’s time for you to invest in contract management software.

Zoho Contracts is a robust CLM solution offering advanced features that are simple to use. Click here to sign up for free or request for a demo. You can also write to us at support@zohocontracts.com

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