Create Recipient List

This API allows you to create a list consisting of the details of your recipients.

Request Type

  • POST

Request URL



List of Request Body Attributes

ParametersData TypeDescription
name*StringName of the list.
descriptionStringDescription provided for the list.
recipients*JSON Array

Contains the details of the recipients.

➤ address* - Email address

➤ name - Name of the recipient

➤ additional_data - Additional information of the recipient such as Country, Phone.

➤ merge_data - Data to be replaced instead of merge tags.

List of Response Body Attributes

ParametersData TypeDescription
list_idIntegerUnique ID of the list which can be used in APIs.
responseJSON ObjectContains the response details of the API.
codeIntegerSuccess or failure code.
messageStringSuccess or failure message returned by the API.
errorsJSON ObjectContains the error details of the API such as 'code' and 'message'.

Possible Errors

Error CodeDescription
400501A recipient list with the same name already exists.
400503Recipient list name not provided.
400504Recipients/contacts not provided.
400011Recipient limit exceeded.
400013None of the recipients are valid.



Sample Request Payload

  "name":"List 5",
  "description":"List 4 test",

Sample Response - Succcess

  "list_id": "8000000128001",
  "response": {
    "code": 200503,
    "message": "Recipient list added successfully"

Sample Response - Failure

  "errors": [
      "code": 500501,
      "message": "An error occurred in Recipient List API"