Get Recipient List Details
This API allows you to get the details of the recipients of a particular list.
Request Type
Request URL{recipient_list_id}?start_index=1&end_index=1000
List of Request Parameters
Parameters | Data Type | Description |
start_index | Integer | Starting index of the number of objects to be obtained. |
end_index | Integer | Ending index of the number of objects to be obtained. |
List of Response Body Attributes
Parameters | Data Type | Description |
data | JSON Object | Contains information on the recipient list such as recipients, list name, total recipients, and description. |
recipients | JSON Array | Contains the list of recipients and their details such as name, address, additional data and merge data if, any. |
additional_data | JSON Object | Additional information of the recipient such as Country, Phone. |
merge_data | JSON Object | Data to be replaced instead of merge tags. |
name | String | Name of the list. |
count | Integer | Number of recipients present in the list. |
description | String | Description provided for the list. |
response | JSON Object | Contains the response details of the API. |
code | Integer | Success or failure code. |
message | String | Success or failure message returned by the API. |
range | JSON Object | Contains information about start and end index. |
start_index | Integer | Starting index of the data range being returned. Indicates the position in the overall data set where the returned data begins. |
end_index | Integer | Ending index of the data range being returned. Indicates the position in the overall data set where the returned data ends. |
errors | JSON Object | Contains the error details of the API such as 'code' and 'message' |
Possible Errors
Error Code | Description |
400505 | No such recipient list. |
Sample Response - Success
"data": {
"recipients": [
"additional_data": {
"country": "IN",
"ph": "9876543210"
"address": "",
"name": "Patricia",
"merge_data": {
"first_name": "Patricia"
"additional_data": {
"country": "IN",
"ph": "1234567890"
"address": "",
"name": "Boyle",
"merge_data": {
"first_name": "Boyle"
"additional_data": {
"country": "EU",
"ph": "9999999999"
"address": "",
"name": "Julia",
"merge_data": {
"first_name": "Julia"
"additional_data": {
"country": "US",
"ph": "9000000000"
"address": "",
"name": "Jamal",
"merge_data": {
"first_name": "Jamal"
"additional_data": {
"country": "JP",
"ph": "1111111111"
"address": "",
"name": "Musashi",
"merge_data": {
"first_name": "Musashi"
"name": "List 4",
"count": 5,
"description": "List 4 test"
"response": {
"code": 200502,
"message": "Successfully obtained the recipient list details"
"range": {
"start_index": 1,
"end_index": 1000
Sample Response - Failure
"errors": [
"code": 400505,
"message": "No such recipient list"