Delete Suppression List
This API allows you to remove the recipients from the suppression list.
Request Type
Request URL
List of Request Body Attributes
Parameters | Data Type | Description |
recipients* | JSON Array | Recipient list (in the body of the request) ➤ address* - Email address |
List of Response Body Attributes
Parameters | Data Type | Description |
response | JSON Object | Contains the response details of the API. |
code | Integer | Success or failure code. |
message | String | Success or failure message returned by the API. |
errors | JSON Object | Contains the error details of the API such as 'code' and 'message'. |
suppressions_ignored | JSON Array | Lists the recipients who were ignored from being deleted. |
suppressions_deleted | JSON Array | Lists the recipients who were deleted from the suppression list. |
Possible Errors
Error Code | Description |
400402 | Suppression list not provided. |
400404 | Limit for a single API request has been exceeded. |
400405 | No contacts provided in suppression list. |
Sample Request Payload
"recipients": [
"address": ""
"address": ""
Sample Response - Success
"response": {
"code": 200403,
"message": "Suppressions deleted successfully"
"suppressions_ignored": [
"suppressions_deleted": [
Sample Response - Failure
"errors": [
"code": 500401,
"message": "An error occurred in Suppression List API"