Get details of a sending domain
Use this API to get sending domain details such as domain name, DNS record status and domain verification status.
Request Type
Request URL to get list of domains
Request URL to get single domain{domain-name}
List of Response Body Attributes
Parameters | Data Type | Description |
response | JSON Object | Contains the response details of the API. |
code | Integer | Success or failure code. |
message | String | Success or failure message returned by the API. |
domains | JSON Array | Contains details of list of domains and their verification status. |
domain_name | String | Name of the domain. |
is_sending_domain_verified | Boolean | Returns a true or false value based on the verification status. |
is_bounce_domain_verified | Boolean | Returns a true or false value based on the verification status. |
is_verified | Boolean | Returns true if both sending_domain and bounce_domain are verified and false otherwise. |
errors | JSON Array | Contains the error details of the API such as 'code' and 'message'. |
sending_domain | JSON Object | Contains details of sending domain like host name, value. |
dns_host_name | String | Host name of the sending domain. |
dns_record_type | String | Record type of the sending domain. |
dns_value | String | The value which must be added in the DNS. |
Possible Errors
Error Codes | Description |
400101 | Domain name not provided |
400102 | Invalid domain name |
400104 | No such domain configured |
400105 | No domains configured yet |
Success sample response to get details of list of domains
"response": {
"code": 200101,
"message": "Successfully obtained the list of configured domains"
"domains": [
"domain_name": "",
"is_sending_domain_verified": false,
"is_bounce_domain_verified": false,
"is_verified": false
"domain_name": "",
"is_sending_domain_verified": true,
"is_bounce_domain_verified": true,
"is_verified": true
Failure sample response to get details of list of domains
"errors": [
"code": 400105,
"message": "No domains configured yet"
Success sample response to details of a single domain
"domain_name": "",
"response": {
"code": 200105,
"message": "Successfully obtained the domain details"
"sending_domain": {
"dns_host_name": "",
"dns_record_type": "TXT",
"dns_value": "k=rsa; p=M1jjadf8123akfladsfhfadf1829318923/asdflasdf3YA6nhCglviEQIDAQAB",
"is_verified": true
"bounce_domain": {
"dns_host_name": "",
"dns_record_type": "CNAME",
"dns_value": "",
"is_verified": true
Failure sample response to get details of a single domain
"errors": [
"code": 400104,
"message": "No such domain configured"