Get List of Tracking Domains

To get the details of all the tracking domains present in your account.

Request Type

  • GET

Request URL



List of Response Body Attributes

ParametersData TypeDescription
responseJSON ObjectContains the response details of the API.
codeIntegerSuccess or failure code.
messageStringSuccess or failure message returned by the API.
domainsJSON ArrayContains details of list of domains and their verification status.
domain_nameStringName of the tracking domain.
verify_statusStringIndicates the status of the tracking domain such as Unauthenticated, Pending, or Authenticated.
added_timeLongTime at which the tracking domain was added.
is_defaultBooleanIndicates whether this domain is the default one or not.

Sample Response - Success

  "response": {
    "code": 200101,
    "message": "Successfully obtained the list of configured domains"
  "domains": [
      "verify_status": "Unauthenticated",
      "domain_name": "",
      "added_time": 1723188780000,
      "is_default": false
      "verify_status": "Pending",
      "domain_name": "",
      "added_time": 1725012968000,
      "is_default": false

Sample Response - Failure

  "errors": [
      "code": 400105,
      "message": "No domains configured yet"