This API allows you to create an unattended remote session.
POST /api/v2/unattended/{resource_id}/connect
OAuth Scope
Path Params
- ParameterData TypeDescription
- resource_id*Long
RequiredThe resource id of the device with which the session is to be created.
Query Params
- ParametersData TypeDescription
- department_id*Long
RequiredThe department id in which the device is present. - osNameString
Allowed Values: Window|LinuxThe OS name of the device.
Note: Applicable only for Windows and Linux OS. - user_idLongThe user ID of logged on user.
User ID can be fetched from Unattended device details.
Note: Applicable only for Windows and Linux OS.
Create Unattended Session
Copiedcurl --location --globoff --request POST
'{resource_id}/connect?department_id={dept_id}&osName={os_name}&user_id={user_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken {access_token}'
"representation": {
"session_key": "60******",
"authkey": "zEfh***************************",
"authtype": "0",
"viewerid": "-1",
"is_user_present": true,
"technician_uri": "*******&department_id=21**************&x-com-zoho-assist-orgid=77*******&isCanvasSupported=true&viewer=html"
"resource_type": "/api/v2/unattended/*********/connect"