This API fetches the details of an existing user in Zoho Assist.
GET /api/v2/user
OAuth Scope
Get User Info
Copiedcurl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken {access_token}'
CopiedHTTP/1.1 200 OK
"resource_type": "user",
"representation": {
"zuid": "74******",
"user_role": 2,
"role": {
"role_id": "21***************",
"is_editable": false,
"non_editable_role_key": "SUPER_ADMIN",
"added_by_zuid": "-1",
"added_time": "-1",
"updated_by_zuid": "-1",
"updated_time": "-1",
"is_remote_support_allowed": true,
"is_remote_access_allowed": true,
"permissions": [
"is_admin_cloned": false,
"is_technician_cloned": false,
"modules": [
"org_details": {
"zsoid": 77*********,
"org_name": "Zylker"
"license": {
"trial_edition": "32",
"license_type": "TRIAL",
"is_mobile_plan": false,
"days_left": 1,
"remote_support_license": {
"edition": "ENTERPRISE",
"count": -1,
"is_enabled": true,
"features": [
"remote_access_license": {
"edition": "PROFESSIONAL",
"is_standard_new": false,
"is_professional_trial_enabled": false,
"professional_trial_enabled_period": 7,
"count": -1,
"is_enabled": true,
"tech_count": -1,
"is_tech_available": false,
"free_tech_count": 5,
"is_groups_assigned": false,
"features": [
"multi_org_enabled": true,
"departments": [
"department_id": "2157***********",
"department_name": "My Department",
"display_name": "My Department",
"is_system_generated": true
"department_id": "2157*************",
"department_name": "Department 1",
"display_name": "Department 1",
"is_system_generated": false
"preferred_department": "2157****************"
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