Unattended computers are those computers you can take control of even if the customer isn't present at the remote end.
request_params object index long Position of computer in the list. count long Total number of computers in the list. urs_key string Unattended computer key sort boolean Whether sorting needed. Allowed values: [true | false] field string Sorting field. Allowed Values:[ computer | status ] q string Search string for unattended computer status string Get status of unattended computer. Allowed Values:[online|offline|waiting|busy|blocked|deleted] group_id string Get unattended computer in group. group boolean To get unattended group details in response. nick_name string Nick name of unattended computers response_params object key string URS key computer_name string Computer name nick_name string Nick name of unattended computers status string Get status of unattended computer. Allowed Values:[online|offline|waiting|busy|blocked|deleted] last_online long Last access time created_time long Created time of group os_name string OS name for unattended computers. Allowed Values:[windows|mac] os_fullname string OS Full name of unattended computers mac_address string Mac address of unattended computers serial_number string Serial number of unattended computers computer_fullname string Full name of computer last_accessed_time long Last access time last_accessed_by string Email id of techinician who accessed the unattended computer last. creator_email string Email id of techinician who added the unattended computer. owner boolean Owner of unattended computer |
"request_params": {
"index": 1,
"count": 20,
"urs_key": "5FLO904GT32E655C",
"sort": true,
"field": "status",
"q": "dell",
"status": "offline",
"group_id": "c956bdrtfyguhijn7a32c84d256789ba6",
"group": "London",
"nick_name": "Dell-5"
"response_params": {
"key": "5F262A29CE655C",
"computer_name": "zmeeting-w7-32-2",
"nick_name": "EditedName",
"status": "offline",
"last_online": 1490205071269,
"created_time": 1495522736423,
"os_name": "windows",
"os_fullname": "windows",
"os_version": "6.3",
"mac_address": "F48E38D3FF79",
"serial_number": "00110-12370-75555-AAAEM",
"computer_fullname": "Dell-097623",
"last_accessed_time": 1490203351681,
"last_accessed_by": "naveenkumar.ds@zohocorp.com",
"creator_email": "malcolm.h@zylker.com",
"owner": true