Widget Execution Handler
Widgets are a great way to customize your Cliq home screen and build a custom page for your app.
Each action performed on the widget will pass the following attributes:
Attribute Name | Description |
user | Details of the user interacting with the widget. |
target | Details of the button with which the user is interacting in the widget. The target object contains the button ID and button label. |
event | Details of the current action the user is performing in the widget. Allowed values: load | refresh | tab_click |
access | Details of the web client from which the user is accessing the widget button, their user ID. |
environment | Details of the data center to which the user belongs. |
Let us consider a widget created to pull all your Google Drive files right into Cliq. In the following sample syntax, we're defining two tabs, one to display all your files that you have uploaded to your Google Drive, with options to both view and download them while the second tab shows all your starred files. The invoke URL task is used to establish a connection between Cliq and Google Drive.
id = "recent";
type = "recent";
header = Map();
footer = Map();
sections = list();
header = {"title":"Home","navigation":"new"};
tabsList = {{"label":"Recent","id":"recent"},{"label":"Starred","id":"starred"}};
id = target.get("id");
params = Map();
if(id == "recent")
params.put("q","trashed = false");
else if(id == "starred")
type = "starred";
filesResponse = invokeurl
url :"https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files"
type :GET
connection: //"connection_name"
files = filesResponse.get("files");
if(files == null || files.isEmpty())
if(id == "recent")
return {"type":"applet","data_type":"info","info":{"title":"Oops! No recent files found.","description":""},"tabs":tabsList,"active_tab":id};
else if(id == "starred")
return {"type":"applet","data_type":"info","info":{"title":"Oops! No starred files found.","description":""},"tabs":tabsList,"active_tab":id};
i = 1;
length = files.size();
for each file in files
if(i > 20)
if(id == "starred")
if(file.get("starred") == false)
elements = list();
title = file.get("name");
if(title.length() > 50)
title = title.subString(0,47) + "...";
downloadAction = "";
if(file.get("webContentLink") != null)
downloadAction = "| [Download](" + file.get("webContentLink") + ")";
elements.add({"type":"activity","image_url":file.get("iconLink"),"title":title,"description":"[View](" + file.get("webViewLink") + ") " + downloadAction});
i = i + 1;
if(length >= 20 && i >= 20 && filesResponse.get("nextPageToken") != null)
buttons = List();
buttons.add({"label":"Next","type":"invoke.function","name":"gdrivenextfunc","id":type + "|" + filesResponse.get("nextPageToken") + "|1"});
footer = {"buttons":buttons};
else if(sections.isEmpty())
if(id == "recent")
return {"type":"applet","data_type":"info","info":{"title":"Oops! No recent files found.","description":""},"tabs":tabsList,"active_tab":id};
else if(id == "starred")
return {"type":"applet","data_type":"info","info":{"title":"Oops! No starred files found.","description":""},"tabs":tabsList,"active_tab":id};
return {"type":"applet","tabs":tabsList,"active_tab":id,"header":header,"footer":footer,"sections":sections};