Implementing the Command Execution Handler
What are execution handlers?
When a user triggers a command, a deluge function mapped to the command gets executed and renders a response. Upon triggering a command, certain attributes are passed to the deluge code. They are listed below:
Attribute Name | Description |
arguments | Whole string present after the command name. |
chat | Chat details in which the command is executed. |
user | Details of the user executing the command. |
options | Options Map helps in reforming the command output according to the user requirement |
mentions | Details of the user/channel/bot mentioned. |
attachments | Array of deluge file objects. |
selections | Selections made by the user from the suggestions provided. |
location | Details of the current location of the user. |
Rendering a response:
The return value on executing a command can either be visible to the command executor only or can be posted as a response message to the chat with the help of the deluge task, zoho.cliq.postToChat
The /traffic command can get the traffic details when mention the from and to locations! Take a look at the sample syntax given below and refer the screenshots to see the command's response.
from = options.get("from");
to = options.get("to");
fromLoc = "";
toLoc = "";
mapUrl = "" + encodeurl(from) + "/" + encodeurl(to) + "/";
resp = getUrl("" + encodeurl(from) + "&destinations=" + encodeurl(to) + "&departure_time=now&key=");
info resp;
status = resp.toMap().get("status");
if(status == "OK")
if(fromLoc == "")
fromLoc = resp.toMap().get("origin_addresses").get(0);
fromLoc = fromLoc.replaceall("\"","");
cnt = fromLoc.getOccurenceCount(",");
if(cnt >= 1)
city = fromLoc.substring(0,fromLoc.indexof(","));
fromLoc = city;
if(toLoc == "")
toLoc = resp.toMap().get("destination_addresses").get(0);
toLoc = toLoc.replaceall("\"","");
cnt = toLoc.getOccurenceCount(",");
if(cnt >= 1)
city = toLoc.substring(0,toLoc.indexof(","));
toLoc = city;
elem = resp.toMap().get("rows").get(0).get("elements").get(0).toMap();
message = Map();
if(elem.get("status") == "OK")
duration = elem.get("duration").toMap().get("text");
distance = elem.get("distance").toMap().get("text");
card = Map();
card.put("title",fromLoc + " <-> " + toLoc);
message.put("text",distance + " \n(Actual, " + duration + ")\n[more..](" + mapUrl + ")");
message.put("text","Couldn't locate.. Try [here](" + mapUrl + ")");
return message;
message = Map();
message.put("text","Sorry, traffic is currently unavailable");
return message;
Related Articles:
Introduction to command creation and execution in Cliq
Learn how to create and execute a simple /weather command
Slash Command Series: Build a command to create polls!
This article gives an overview of command parameters, how to use them and how you can build a /poll command to conduct polls in Cliq