Teams API
Get team details from the portal GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/usergroups/ |
Get team details from the project GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]+/usergroups/ |
Create a new team POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/ |
View team details GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/getdetails |
Delete a team DELETE /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/delete/ |
Add a user to a team POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/adduser/ |
Associate a project POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/addproject/ |
Verify email alias POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/verifygroupemail/ |
Resend verification code POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/resendverification/ |
View summary of the team GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/overallsummary/ |
Select the team lead POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/updateteamlead/ |
Associate multiple teams to a project POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/associategroups/ |
Remove a team from a project DELETE /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/removeproject/ |
Remove a user from a team DELETE /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]+/usergroups/removeuser/ |
Get Team details From the Portal
Fetch the team details from the portal.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals.READ
Sample response
"projId": "0",
"userGroups": [
"projectCount": 5,
"userCount": 3,
"userIdArr": "91508000000047003##91508000000049075##91508000000128001",
"groupObj": {
"owner_email": "",
"created_time": "1614941847379",
"updated_time": "1630563226120",
"owner_name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"email_verified": true,
"group_name": "13",
"prefix": "",
"description": "",
"created_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"group_id": "91508000000080009",
"org_id": "91508000000047001",
"updated_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zuid": "64625334",
"email_alias": ""
"userObj": [
"zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"zuid": "64625334"
"zpuid": "91508000000049075",
"name": "mohamed.thoufeeq manager",
"zuid": "62382984"
"zpuid": "91508000000128001",
"name": "mohamed.thoufeeq+100 ",
"zuid": "65613434"
"hasGroupEdit": true
"projectCount": 6,
"userCount": 1,
"userIdArr": "91508000000047003",
"groupObj": {
"owner_email": "",
"created_time": "1614942022185",
"updated_time": "1615185637848",
"owner_name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"email_verified": false,
"group_name": "15",
"prefix": "",
"description": "",
"created_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"group_id": "91508000000080017",
"org_id": "91508000000047001",
"updated_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zuid": "64625334",
"email_alias": ""
"userObj": [
"zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"zuid": "64625334"
"hasGroupEdit": true
"projectCount": 6,
"userCount": 1,
"userIdArr": "91508000000047003",
"groupObj": {
"owner_email": "",
"created_time": "1614942107202",
"updated_time": "1615185762830",
"owner_name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"email_verified": false,
"group_name": "16",
"prefix": "",
"description": "",
"created_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"group_id": "91508000000080031",
"org_id": "91508000000047001",
"updated_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zuid": "64625334",
"email_alias": ""
"userObj": [
"zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"zuid": "64625334"
"hasGroupEdit": true
"isPlanAvail": true,
"total_count": 3,
Get Team Details From the Project
Fetch the team details from the project.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals.READ
Sample response
"projId": "91508000000139180",
"userGroups": [
"userCount": 1,
"userIdArr": "91508000000047003",
"groupObj": {
"owner_email": "",
"created_time": "1614598790518",
"updated_time": "1631774114039",
"owner_name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"email_verified": false,
"group_name": "team -6",
"prefix": "",
"description": "",
"created_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"group_id": "91508000000078035",
"org_id": "91508000000047001",
"updated_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zuid": "64625334",
"email_alias": ""
"userObj": [
"zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"zuid": "64625334"
"hasGroupEdit": true
"isPlanAvail": true,
"total_count": 1,
Create a New Team
Create a new team.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupname | String | Name of the group |
projids | JSONArray | Array of multiple project IDs. |
userids | JSONArray | Array of multiple zpuid. |
teamlead | Long | zpuid of the team lead. |
teamemail | String | Email ID of the team. |
action | String | Action performed by the user. Permitted actions are add and edit. |
Sample request
groupname : add team test
userids : %5B%2291508000000047003%22%2C%2291508000000153005%22%5D - encoded array
teamlead : 91508000000047003
projids : %5B%5D - encoded array
action : add
projid : 0
Sample response
"result": "Success",
"projId": "0",
"projectCount": 0,
"userCount": 2,
"userIdArr": "91508000000047003##91508000000153005",
"groupObj": {
"owner_email": "",
"created_time": "1631774286486",
"updated_time": "1631774286486",
"owner_name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"email_verified": false,
"group_name": "add team test",
"prefix": "",
"description": "",
"created_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"group_id": "91508000000193011",
"org_id": "91508000000047001",
"updated_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zuid": "64625334",
"email_alias": ""
"userObj": [
"zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"dispname": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"zuid": "64625334"
"zpuid": "91508000000153005",
"dispname": "10mar2020t0 10mar2020t0",
"zuid": "61156910"
"groupId": "91508000000193011",
"hasGroupEdit": true
View Team Details
Fetch details of a particular team.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
projid | Long | Specify the project ID. |
Sample response
"projId": "0",
"hasAllGroupEdit": true,
"projPrefix": "MO-",
"isUserAvailable": true,
"groupDetail": {
"owner_email": "",
"created_time": "1631774286486",
"updated_time": "1631774286486",
"owner_name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"email_verified": false,
"group_name": "add team test",
"prefix": "",
"description": "",
"created_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"group_id": "91508000000193011",
"org_id": "91508000000047001",
"updated_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zuid": "64625334",
"email_alias": ""
"isProjectAvailable": true,
"hasGroupEdit": true,
"userArray": [
"updated_time": "-1",
"added_time": "1631774286524",
"updated_time_format": "-1L",
"type": 0,
"confirmed": "true",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"role_id": "91508000000047005",
"id": "91508000000153037",
"last_accessed_time": "1623410438685",
"first_name": "10mar2020t0",
"email": "",
"user_status": "1",
"created_time": "-1",
"created_user": "-1",
"last_name": "10mar2020t0",
"display_name": "10mar2020t0",
"is_default": false,
"created_by": "-1",
"zuid": "61156910",
"role_name": "Administrator",
"zpuid": "91508000000153005",
"entity_type": "0",
"last_updated_time": "1631541755872",
"name": "Custom profile test 123",
"updated_by": "-1",
"is_client": false
"updated_time": "-1",
"added_time": "1631774286524",
"updated_time_format": "-1L",
"description": "Only one user is associated as Portal owner",
"type": 1,
"confirmed": "true",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"role_id": "91508000000047005",
"id": "91508000000047346",
"last_accessed_time": "1631773842266",
"first_name": "mohamed",
"email": "",
"user_status": "1",
"created_time": "-1",
"created_user": "-1",
"last_name": "thoufeeq",
"display_name": "mohamed",
"is_default": true,
"created_by": "-1",
"zuid": "64625334",
"role_name": "Administrator",
"zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"entity_type": "0",
"last_updated_time": "1613961571635",
"name": "Portal Owner",
"updated_by": "-1",
"is_client": false
"projSize": "0"
Delete a Team
Delete a team from a project.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
Sample response
200 Success
Add a User to a Team
Add a single user to a team.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
userzpuid | Long | zpuid of the user. |
Sample response
"isUserAvailable": true,
"groupDetail": {
"group_id": "91508000000080009"
"hasGroupEdit": true,
"userArray": [
"updated_time": "-1",
"added_time": "1630563225868",
"updated_time_format": "-1L",
"description": "Employee",
"type": 7,
"confirmed": "false",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"role_id": "91508000000047009",
"id": "91508000000047355",
"last_accessed_time": "0",
"first_name": "mohamed.thoufeeq+100",
"email": "",
"user_status": "1",
"created_time": "-1",
"created_user": "-1",
"last_name": "",
"display_name": "mohamed.thoufeeq+100",
"is_default": true,
"created_by": "-1",
"zuid": "65613434",
"role_name": "Employee",
"zpuid": "91508000000128001",
"entity_type": "0",
"last_updated_time": "1631709338844",
"name": "Employee",
"updated_by": "-1",
"is_client": false
"updated_time": "-1",
"added_time": "1631774838728",
"updated_time_format": "-1L",
"description": "Employee",
"type": 7,
"confirmed": "false",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"role_id": "91508000000047009",
"id": "91508000000047355",
"last_accessed_time": "0",
"first_name": "mohamed.thoufeeq+101",
"email": "",
"user_status": "1",
"created_time": "-1",
"created_user": "-1",
"last_name": "",
"display_name": "mohamed.thoufeeq+101",
"is_default": true,
"created_by": "-1",
"zuid": "65613436",
"role_name": "Employee",
"zpuid": "91508000000128005",
"entity_type": "0",
"last_updated_time": "1631709338844",
"name": "Employee",
"updated_by": "-1",
"is_client": false
"updated_time": "-1",
"added_time": "1630562924482",
"updated_time_format": "-1L",
"description": "Manager",
"type": 6,
"confirmed": "true",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"role_id": "91508000000047005",
"id": "91508000000047352",
"last_accessed_time": "1629888745854",
"first_name": "mohamed.thoufeeq",
"email": "",
"user_status": "1",
"created_time": "-1",
"created_user": "-1",
"last_name": "manager",
"display_name": "mohamed.thoufeeq",
"is_default": true,
"created_by": "-1",
"zuid": "62382984",
"role_name": "Administrator",
"zpuid": "91508000000049075",
"entity_type": "0",
"last_updated_time": "1631709338844",
"name": "Manager",
"updated_by": "-1",
"is_client": false
"updated_time": "-1",
"added_time": "1614941847403",
"updated_time_format": "-1L",
"description": "Only one user is associated as Portal owner",
"type": 1,
"confirmed": "true",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"role_id": "91508000000047005",
"id": "91508000000047346",
"last_accessed_time": "1631774286457",
"first_name": "mohamed",
"email": "",
"user_status": "1",
"created_time": "-1",
"created_user": "-1",
"last_name": "thoufeeq",
"display_name": "mohamed",
"is_default": true,
"created_by": "-1",
"zuid": "64625334",
"role_name": "Administrator",
"zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"entity_type": "0",
"last_updated_time": "1613961571635",
"name": "Portal Owner",
"updated_by": "-1",
"is_client": false
Associate a Project
Associate a project to a team.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
groupprojid | Long | Specify the project ID. |
action | string | Action performed by the user. Allowed action - edit |
Sample response
"projId": "0",
"projPrefix": "MO-",
"ownerObj": {
"64625334": "mohamed thoufeeq"
"isProjectAvailable": true,
"groupDetail": {
"group_id": "91508000000080009"
"hasGroupEdit": true,
"projArray": [
"PROJOWNER": 64625334,
"added_time": "1621595081396",
"STATUSCOLORHEX": "#2cc8ba",
"PROJCUSTOMSTATUSID": 91508000000027089,
"OWNER_ZPUID": 91508000000047003,
"PROJNAME": "from testing template",
"PROJSTAT": "active",
"project_id": "91508000000112137",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"PROJROLE": "admin",
"PROJRATE": "0.000",
"STATUSCOLOR": "statuscol_darkshadegreen",
"BUGSTAT": "active"
"PROJOWNER": 64625334,
"added_time": "1621595376272",
"STATUSCOLORHEX": "#2cc8ba",
"PROJCUSTOMSTATUSID": 91508000000027089,
"OWNER_ZPUID": 91508000000047003,
"PROJNAME": "testing template-1",
"PROJSTAT": "template",
"project_id": "91508000000112268",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"PROJROLE": "admin",
"PROJRATE": "0.000",
"STATUSCOLOR": "statuscol_darkshadegreen",
"BUGSTAT": "template"
"PROJOWNER": 64625334,
"added_time": "1631774927675",
"STATUSCOLORHEX": "#2cc8ba",
"PROJCUSTOMSTATUSID": 91508000000027089,
"OWNER_ZPUID": 91508000000047003,
"PROJNAME": "fvdfsvdfsgd",
"PROJSTAT": "active",
"project_id": "91508000000139180",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"PROJROLE": "admin",
"PROJRATE": "0.000",
"STATUSCOLOR": "statuscol_darkshadegreen",
"BUGSTAT": "active"
"PROJOWNER": 64625334,
"added_time": "1621594571500",
"STATUSCOLORHEX": "#2cc8ba",
"PROJCUSTOMSTATUSID": 91508000000027089,
"OWNER_ZPUID": 91508000000047003,
"PROJNAME": "testing template",
"PROJSTAT": "template",
"project_id": "91508000000112013",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"PROJROLE": "admin",
"PROJRATE": "0.000",
"STATUSCOLOR": "statuscol_darkshadegreen",
"BUGSTAT": "template"
"PROJOWNER": 64625334,
"added_time": "1614941847428",
"STATUSCOLORHEX": "#2cc8ba",
"PROJCUSTOMSTATUSID": 91508000000027089,
"OWNER_ZPUID": 91508000000047003,
"PROJNAME": "1",
"PROJSTAT": "active",
"project_id": "91508000000049059",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"PROJROLE": "admin",
"PROJRATE": "0.000",
"STATUSCOLOR": "statuscol_darkshadegreen",
"BUGSTAT": "active"
"PROJOWNER": 64625334,
"added_time": "1631196717054",
"STATUSCOLORHEX": "#2cc8ba",
"PROJCUSTOMSTATUSID": 91508000000027089,
"OWNER_ZPUID": 91508000000047003,
"PROJNAME": "team test project",
"PROJSTAT": "active",
"project_id": "91508000000189005",
"added_by": "91508000000047003",
"PROJROLE": "admin",
"PROJRATE": "0.000",
"STATUSCOLOR": "statuscol_darkshadegreen",
"BUGSTAT": "active"
"projSize": "6"
Verify Email Alias
Verify the email alias. Emails will be sent to the email alias and not to individual users.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
verify_code | string | Specify the verification code. |
Sample response
200 Success
Resend Verification code
Resend the verification code.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
Sample response
200 Success
View summary of the Team
View the overall summary of the team.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
projid | Long | Specify the project ID. |
Sample response
"graphData": {
"notcompleted": [
"In Progress",
Select the Team Lead
Update the team lead.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
teamleadZpuid | Long | zpuid of the team lead. |
Sample response
"groupDetail": {
"owner_email": "",
"created_time": "1614941847379",
"updated_time": "1631775108373",
"owner_name": "mohamed.thoufeeq manager",
"email_verified": true,
"group_name": "13",
"prefix": "",
"description": "",
"created_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zpuid": "91508000000049075",
"group_id": "91508000000080009",
"org_id": "91508000000047001",
"updated_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zuid": "62382984",
"email_alias": ""
Associate Multiple Teams to a Project
Associate more than one team to a project.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupids | JSONArray | Array of group IDs. |
projid | long | Specify the project ID. |
Sample response
"newGroups": [
"projId": "91508000000139180",
"userCount": 1,
"userIdArr": "91508000000047003",
"groupObj": {
"owner_email": "",
"created_time": "1614942107202",
"updated_time": "1631196717332",
"owner_name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"email_verified": false,
"group_name": "16",
"prefix": "",
"description": "",
"created_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"group_id": "91508000000080031",
"org_id": "91508000000047001",
"updated_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zuid": "64625334",
"email_alias": ""
"userObj": [
"zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"dispname": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"zuid": "64625334"
"hasGroupEdit": true
"projId": "91508000000139180",
"userCount": 1,
"userIdArr": "91508000000047003",
"groupObj": {
"owner_email": "",
"created_time": "1614942022185",
"updated_time": "1631196717166",
"owner_name": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"email_verified": false,
"group_name": "15",
"prefix": "",
"description": "",
"created_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"group_id": "91508000000080017",
"org_id": "91508000000047001",
"updated_by": "91508000000047003",
"owner_zuid": "64625334",
"email_alias": ""
"userObj": [
"zpuid": "91508000000047003",
"dispname": "mohamed thoufeeq",
"zuid": "64625334"
"hasGroupEdit": true
Remove a Team From a Project
Remove a team from a project.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
groupprojid | Long | Specify the project ID. |
Sample response
200 Success
Remove a User From a Team
Remove a user from a team.
Scope: ZohoProjects.portals
Request parameters
Param | Data Type | Description |
groupid | Long | Specify the group ID. |
userid | Long | Specify the user ID. |
Sample response
200 Success