Bugs API

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.{Operation}


Use the ALL operation to gain the scope for all the other operations like READ, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE at once.

All Bugs 
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/
Bug Details
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/
Create a Bug
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/
Update a Bug 
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/
Delete a Bug
DELETE  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/
Add Comment
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/comments/
Get Comment
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/comments/
Get Comments for Mutiple Bugs
GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/comments/
Delete Comment
DELETE  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/comments/[COMMENTID]
Get Bug Timer
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/timer
Get Bug Custom Views
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/customviews/
Get Bug Attachments
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/attachments/
Get Bug Resolution
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/resolution/
Add Bug Follower
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/bugfollowers/
Get Bug Followers
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/bugfollowers/
Delete Bug Follower
DELETE  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/bugfollowers/
Bugs Default Fields
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/defaultfields/
Bugs Custom Fields
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/customfields/
Bugs Activities
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/activities/
Get Renamed Value
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/renamedfields/

All Bugs

Gets all the bugs in the given project.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Request Parameters

indexintStart index
rangeintNumber of records (bugs)
statustypestringAccepted values: open/closed
cview_idlongCustom View ID
sort_columnstringAccepted values: created_time/last_modified_time/end_date
sort_orderstringAccepted Value: ascending/descending
statusJSONArrayStatus IDs as comma separated array
severityJSONArraySeverity IDs as comma separated array
classificationJSONArrayClassification IDs as comma separated array
moduleJSONArrayModule IDs as comma separated array
milestoneJSONArrayMilestons IDs as comma separated array
flagstringAccepted values: Internal/External
JSONArraySpecify ZUID of the assignee/Specify ZPUID of the assignee
escalationJSONArrayEscalation IDs as comma separated array
reporterJSONArrayReporter IDs as comma separated array
affectedJSONArrayAffected milestone IDs as comma separated array
last_modified_timeLongThe time when the bug was last updated. (In milliseconds)
reverse_orderBooleanSpecify true if the bugs are to be displayed in reverse order, else false.
timeJSOMArraySort bugs by due date.

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "bugs": [{
        "module": {
            "id": 170876000000494013,
            "name": "ERP Phase I"
        "created_time_long": 1400012857000,
        "customfields": [{
            "label_name": "SNo",
            "value": "81",
            "column_name": "LONG1"
        }, {
            "label_name": "Sub Module",
            "value": "Finance",
            "column_name": "CHAR3"
        }, {
            "label_name": "Browser",
            "value": "Chrome",
            "column_name": "CHAR2"
        }, {
            "label_name": "Product",
            "value": "Code Manager",
            "column_name": "CHAR1"
        "status": {
            "id": 170876000000065048,
            "type": "InProgress"
        "reproducible": {
            "id": 170876000000133005,
            "type": "Always"
        "link": {
            "self": {
                "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/
            "timesheet": {
                "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/
        "severity": {
            "id": 170876000000065005,
            "type": "Major"
        "reported_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "id": 170876000001834047,
        "title": "Tilt causes crash",
        "flag": "Internal",
        "assignee_name": "Not Assigned",
        "reporter_id": "2060758",
        "classification": {
            "id": 170876000000133041,
            "type": "Feature(New)"
        "created_time_format": "05-13-2014 05:57 PM",
        "closed": false,
        "created_time": "05-13-2014",
        "key": 541

Bug Details

Gets the details of the bug.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "bugs": [{
        "module": {
            "id": 170876000000494013,
            "name": "ERP Phase I"
        "created_time_long": 1400012857000,
        "customfields": [{
            "label_name": "SNo",
            "value": "81",
            "column_name": "LONG1"
        }, {
            "label_name": "Sub Module",
            "value": "Finance",
            "column_name": "CHAR3"
        }, {
            "label_name": "Browser",
            "value": "Chrome",
            "column_name": "CHAR2"
        }, {
            "label_name": "Product",
            "value": "Code Manager",
            "column_name": "CHAR1"
        "status": {
            "id": 170876000000065048,
            "type": "InProgress"
        "reproducible": {
            "id": 170876000000133005,
            "type": "Always"
        "link": {
            "self": {
                "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/
            "timesheet": {
                "url": "https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/
        "severity": {
            "id": 170876000000065005,
            "type": "Major"
        "reported_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "id": 170876000001834047,
        "title": "Tilt causes crash",
        "flag": "Internal",
        "assignee_name": "Not Assigned",
        "reporter_id": "2060758",
        "classification": {
            "id": 170876000000133041,
            "type": "Feature(New)"
        "created_time_format": "05-13-2014 05:57 PM",
        "closed": false,
        "created_time": "05-13-2014",
        "key": 541

Create a Bug

Creates a bug.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.CREATE

Request Parameters

title*String Name of the bug.
descriptionString Description of the bug.
assignee/assignee_zpuidLongSpecify ZUID of the assignee/Specify ZPUID of the assignee
flagString Bug flag must be Internal or External.
classification_idLong Classification ID of the project.
milestone_idLong Milestone ID of the project.
due_dateString [MM-DD-YYYY] Due date of the bug.
module_idLong Module ID of the project.
severity_idLong Severity ID of the project.
reproducible_idLong Reproducible ID of the project.
affectedmile_idLong Milestone ID of the project.
bug_followersLongFollower ID of the user.
uploaddocFile The maximum size to upload a file is 128 MB.
Custom Fields  
CHAR1 - CHAR12String Any text type of custom fields with string or picklist values.
LONG1 - LONG4LongNumeric type of custom field.
DATE1 - DATE4String [MM -DD-YYYY]Bug custom field in date format.

Sample Response

Status: 201 Created

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "bugs": [{
        "id": 170876000001851001,
        "key": "543",
        "project": {
            "id": 170876000000147021
        "flag": "Internal",
        "title": "UI issue in Status text box",
        "reporter_id": "2060758",
        "reported_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "created_time": "05-27-2014 08:38 AM",
        "created_time_long": 1401188920000,
        "assignee_name": "Not Assigned",
        "classification": {
            "id": 170876000000133041,
            "type": "Feature(New)"
        "severity": {
            "id": 170876000000065005,
            "type": "Major"
        "status": {
            "id": 170876000001077429,
            "type": "known limitation"
        "closed": false,
        "reproducible": {
            "id": 170876000000133005,
            "type": "Always"
        "module": {
            "id": 170876000000494013,
            "name": "ERP Phase I"
        "link": {
            "self": {
                "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/
            "timesheet": {
                "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/

Update a Bug

Updates the bug.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.UPDATE

Request Parameters

titleStringName of the bug.
descriptionStringDescription of the bug.
assignee/assignee_zpuidLongSpecify ZUID of the assignee/Specify ZPUID of the assignee
flagStringBug flag must be Internal or External.
classification_idLongClassification ID of the project.
milestone_idLongMilestone ID of the project.
due_dateString [MM-DD-YYYY]Due date of the bug.
module_idLongModule ID of the project.
severity_idLongSeverity ID of the project.
reproducible_idLongReproducible ID of the project.
status_idLongStatus ID of the project.
resolutionStringResolution text.
affectedmile_idLongMilestone ID of the project.
uploaddocFileThe maximum size to upload a file is 128 MB.
Custom Fields  
CHAR1 - CHAR12String Any text type of custom fields with string or picklist values.
LONG1 - LONG4LongNumeric type of custom field.
DATE1 - DATE4String [MM -DD-YYYY]Bug custom field in date format.

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "bugs": [{
        "id": 170876000001851001,
        "key": "543",
        "project": {
            "id": 170876000000147021
        "flag": "Internal",
        "title": "UI issue in Status options",
        "reporter_id": "2060758",
        "reported_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "created_time": "05-27-2014 08:38 AM",
        "created_time_long": 1401188920000,
        "assignee_name": "Not Assigned",
        "classification": {
            "id": 170876000000133041,
            "type": "Feature(New)"
        "severity": {
            "id": 170876000000065005,
            "type": "Major"
        "status": {
            "id": 170876000001077429,
            "type": "known limitation"
        "closed": false,
        "reproducible": {
            "id": 170876000000133005,
            "type": "Always"
        "module": {
            "id": 170876000000494013,
            "name": "ERP Phase I"
        "link": {
            "self": {
                "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/
            "timesheet": {
                "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/

Delete a Bug

Deletes the bug.

DELETE /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.DELETE

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "response": "Bug Deleted Successfully"

Add Comment

Add comment to a bug.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/comments/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.CREATE

Request Parameters

contentStringcomment (mandatory parameter).
uploaddocFileMaximum file size is 128 MB.
Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "comments": [{
        "comment_id": "170876000004079025",
        "created_time_long": 1480404045459,
        "added_by": "2060758",
        "added_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "created_time_format": "11-29-2016 12:50:45 PM",
        "created_time": "11-29-2016",
        "comment": "Attach latest screenshot"

Get Comment

Fetch comments for the bug.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/comments/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Request Parameters

indexintStart index
rangeintRange of bugs (Max limit 100)
Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "comments": [{
        "updated_time_format": "08-21-2015 02:46:37 PM",
        "comment_id": "170876000002584007",
        "created_time_long": 1440078009132,
        "added_by": "2060758",
        "updated_time_long": 1440148597805,
        "added_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "updated_by": "2060758",
        "created_time_format": "08-20-2015 07:10:09 PM",
        "updated_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "created_time": "08-20-2015",
        "comment": "Attach screenshot for reference.",
        "updated_time": "08-21-2015"

Get Comments for Multiple Bugs

Fetch comments for multiple bugs.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/comments/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Request Parameters

indexintStart index
rangeintRange of comments (Max limit 50). If the range exceeds 50, only 50 - limit set by the back end will be fetched.
bug_idslongBug IDs (Max limit is 25 bugs / request. Mandatory parameter)
Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

      "index": "1",
      "range": "50",
      "bugscomments": {
        "22736000000117188": {
         "comments": [
           "created_time_long": 1522494111000,
           "created_time": "03-31-2018",
           "created_time_format": "03-31-2018 04:31:51 PM",
           "added_by": "54944035",
           "comment": "Helen Collins :: Please check. issue re-occured.",
           "added_person": "Charles Stone",
           "comment_id": "22736000000117767"
        "totalcommentscount": "1"

Delete Comment

Delete a bug's comment.

DELETE  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/comments/[COMMENTID]

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.DELETE

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  "response": "Bug Comment Deleted Successfully"


Get Bug Timer

Get timer details for a bug.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/timer

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Get Bug Custom Views

Get customviews for bugs.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/customviews/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Request Parameters

indexintStarting index of the bug.
rangeintNumber of bugs.

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
     "cview_details": [{
          "is_fav": "false",
          "cview_id": "170876000002850082",
          "cview_name": "My Bug"
}, {
          "is_fav": "false",
          "cview_id": "170876000002784151",
          "cview_name": "Scrum review"
}, {
          "is_fav": "false",
          "cview_id": "170876000002218264",
          "cview_name": "Modified Today"
}, {
          "is_fav": "true",
          "cview_id": "170876000002043129",
          "cview_name": "ERP Phase"
}, {
          "is_fav": "true",
          "cview_id": "170876000002043117",
          "cview_name": "Projects 5.0"

Get Bug Attachments

Get details of attachments for a bug.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/attachments/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
     "attachment_details": [{
          "attached_time": "11-29-2016",
          "file_size": "323412",
          "attached_time_format": "11-29-2016 12:58:36 PM",
          "author_name": "Patricia Boyle",
          "author_id": "2060758",
          "file_uri": "https://projects.zoho.com/portal/zillum/openAttachment/download?file=74e813222afaec070dcb08aee251c02203ed7adc067c731c82d9f6824ba2dea93e22c47ad4d2f3e01fce745875770445",
          "attached_time_long": 1480404516000,
          "file_name": "screenshot_1480433316000.png",
          "file_type": "image/png"

Get Bug Resolution

Get bug's resolution.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/resolution/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
     "resolution_details": [{
          "resolved_time": "11-29-2016",
          "resolved_time_format": "11-29-2016 01:02:06 PM",
          "issue_id": "170876000003764009",
          "resolved_time_long": 1480404726027,
          "resolver": "Patricia Boyle",
          "resolver_id": "2060758",
          "resolution": "It will taken by content team"

Add Bug Follower

Add follower to a bug.

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/bugfollowers/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.CREATE

Request Parameters

bug_followerslongUser ID
Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
     "folower_details": [{
         "follower_id": "50929640",
         "issue_id": "170876000003702035",
         "follower_name": "Patricia Boyle"

Get Bug Followers

Get list of followers for the bug.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/bugfollowers/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
     "issue_follower": [{
         "follower_id": "50929640",
         "issue_id": "170876000003702035",
         "follower_name": "Patricia Boyle"

Delete Bug Follower

Delete follower for a bug.

DELETE  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/bugfollowers/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.DELETE

Request Parameters

bug_followersLongFollower ID of the user.

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
     "response": "Bug Followers Deleted Successfully"

Bugs Default Fields

Gets all the default fields in the given project.

GET   /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/defaultfields/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Request Parameters


Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "defaultfields": {
        "severity_details": [{
            "severity_id": "170876000000559001",
            "severity_name": "Show stopper"
        }, {
            "severity_id": "170876000000065003",
            "severity_name": "Critical"
        }, {
            "severity_id": "170876000000065005",
            "severity_name": "Major"
        }, {
            "severity_id": "170876000000065007",
            "severity_name": "Minor"
        }, {
            "severity_id": "170876000000553001",
            "severity_name": "Show Stopper"
        "status_deatils": [{
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "Open",
            "status_id": "170876000000065045",
            "closed": false
        }, {
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "Assigned",
            "status_id": "170876000000553005",
            "closed": false
        }, {
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "To test",
            "status_id": "170876000000587011",
            "closed": false
        }, {
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "To be fixed",
            "status_id": "170876000001834225",
            "closed": false
        }, {
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "InProgress",
            "status_id": "170876000000065048",
            "closed": false
        }, {
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "Reopen",
            "status_id": "170876000000065057",
            "closed": false
        }, {
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "Closed",
            "status_id": "170876000000065054",
            "closed": true
        }, {
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "To be analyzed",
            "status_id": "170876000000584017",
            "closed": false
        }, {
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "Not an issue",
            "status_id": "170876000001071093",
            "closed": true
        }, {
            "isdefault": false,
            "status_name": "Failed Issues",
            "status_id": "170876000001077005",
            "closed": false
        }, {
            "isdefault": true,
            "status_name": "known limitation",
            "status_id": "170876000001077429",
            "closed": true
        "module_details": [{
            "module_id": "170876000000170057",
            "module_name": "ERP Phase III"
        }, {
            "module_id": "170876000000494013",
            "module_name": "ERP Phase I"
        }, {
            "module_id": "170876000001023026",
            "module_name": "Post Release - Project 4.0 Feedback"
        }, {
            "module_id": "170876000001829185",
            "module_name": "SAP Phase"
        "priority_details": [{
            "priority_id": "170876000000133005",
            "priority_name": "Always"
        }, {
            "priority_id": "170876000000133007",
            "priority_name": "Sometimes"
        }, {
            "priority_id": "170876000000133009",
            "priority_name": "Rarely"
        }, {
            "priority_id": "170876000000133011",
            "priority_name": "Unable"
        }, {
            "priority_id": "170876000000133013",
            "priority_name": "NeverTried"
        }, {
            "priority_id": "170876000000133015",
            "priority_name": "NotApplicable"
        "classification_details": [{
            "classification_id": "170876000000133029",
            "classification_name": "Security"
        }, {
            "classification_id": "170876000001829163",
            "classification_name": "Not a bug"
        }, {
            "classification_id": "170876000000133031",
            "classification_name": "Crash/Hang"
        }, {
            "classification_id": "170876000000133033",
            "classification_name": "DataLoss"
        }, {
            "classification_id": "170876000000133035",
            "classification_name": "Performance"
        }, {
            "classification_id": "170876000000133037",
            "classification_name": "UI/Usabililty"
        }, {
            "classification_id": "170876000000133039",
            "classification_name": "OtherBug"
        }, {
            "classification_id": "170876000000133041",
            "classification_name": "Feature(New)"
        }, {
            "classification_id": "170876000000133043",
            "classification_name": "Enhancement"
        }, {
            "classification_id": "170876000001023022",
            "classification_name": "Support Request"

Bugs Custom Fields

Gets all the custom fields in the given project.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/customfields/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "customfields": [{
        "label_name": "SNo",
        "column_name": "LONG1"
    }, {
        "label_name": "Sub Module",
        "default_Value": "Sales",
        "column_name": "CHAR3"
    }, {
        "label_name": "Browser",
        "default_Value": "Chrome",
        "picklist_values": ["Chrome", "Firefox", "IE", "Safari", "Major"],
        "column_name": "CHAR2"
    }, {
        "label_name": "Product",
        "default_Value": "Code Manager",
        "picklist_values": ["Mapping Manager", "Code Manager"],
        "column_name": "CHAR1"

Bugs Activities

Gets all the activities for the given bug.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/[BUGID]/activities/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  "activity_details": [
      "current_value": "Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 1.28.05 PM.png",
      "previous_value": "Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 1.28.05 PM.png",
      "action_time_long": 1460361462000,
      "action_time_format": "04-11-2016 12:57:42 AM",
      "action": "added",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "04-11-2016",
      "action_field": "attachment"
      "current_value": "End result: Not a router problem. It’s Windows doing it – by design",
      "action_time_long": 1460361447615,
      "action_time_format": "04-11-2016 12:57:27 AM",
      "action": "added",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "04-11-2016",
      "action_field": "comment"
      "current_value": "1460419200000",
      "previous_value": "",
      "action_time_long": 1460361181000,
      "action_time_format": "04-11-2016 12:53:01 AM",
      "action": "updated",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "04-11-2016",
      "action_field": "Resolved Date"
      "current_value": "External",
      "action_time_long": 1459289404000,
      "action_time_format": "03-29-2016 03:10:04 PM",
      "action": "updated",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "03-29-2016",
      "action_field": "flag"
      "action_time_long": 1455861568000,
      "action_time_format": "02-18-2016 09:59:28 PM",
      "action": "updated",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "02-18-2016",
      "action_field": "description"
      "current_value": "Router failure",
      "previous_value": "router failure",
      "action_time_long": 1455861568000,
      "action_time_format": "02-18-2016 09:59:28 PM",
      "action": "updated",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "02-18-2016",
      "action_field": "title"
      "current_value": "Purchasing",
      "previous_value": "none",
      "action_time_long": 1453311828000,
      "action_time_format": "01-20-2016 09:43:48 AM",
      "action": "updated",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "01-20-2016",
      "action_field": "affected_milestone"
      "current_value": "Purchasing",
      "previous_value": "none",
      "action_time_long": 1453311824000,
      "action_time_format": "01-20-2016 09:43:44 AM",
      "action": "updated",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "01-20-2016",
      "action_field": "milestone"
      "current_value": "Data loss",
      "previous_value": "Feature(New)",
      "action_time_long": 1453123674000,
      "action_time_format": "01-18-2016 05:27:54 AM",
      "action": "updated",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "01-18-2016",
      "action_field": "Classification"
      "current_value": "Jasmine Frank",
      "previous_value": "Not Assigned",
      "action_time_long": 1453123674000,
      "action_time_format": "01-18-2016 05:27:54 AM",
      "action": "updated",
      "action_by": "businessrule",
      "action_time": "01-18-2016",
      "action_field": "assignee"
      "current_value": "",
      "previous_value": "",
      "action_time_long": 1450442237000,
      "action_time_format": "12-18-2015 04:37:17 AM",
      "action": "created",
      "action_by": "Patricia Boyle",
      "action_time": "12-18-2015",
      "action_field": "bug"
      "current_value": "In progress",
      "previous_value": "known limitation",
      "action_time_long": 1450442237000,
      "action_time_format": "12-18-2015 04:37:17 AM",
      "action": "updated",
      "action_by": "businessrule",
      "action_time": "12-18-2015",
      "action_field": "status"

Get Renamed Value

Get renamed value of default field.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/renamedfields/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.bugs.READ

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
     "renamed_fields": [{
          "actualname": "severity",
          "replacedname": "Severity"
    }, {
          "actualname": "classification",
          "replacedname": "Classification"
    }, {
          "actualname": "isitreproducible",
          "replacedname": "Is it Reproducible"
    }, {
          "actualname": "module",
          "replacedname": "Module"