Tags API
Scope: ZohoBugtracker.tags.{Operation}
Operations: READ, CREATE, ALL
Use the ALL operation to gain the scope for all the other operations like READ and CREATE at once.
Get All Tags GET /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/tags |
Create Tags POST /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/tags |
Update Tag PATCH /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/tags/[TAGID] |
Delete Tag DELETE /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/tags/[TAGID] |
Associate Tag POST /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/tags/associate |
Dissociate Tag POST /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/tags/dissociate |
Get Tag Results GET /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/globaltags/search |
Get All Tags
Fetches all the tags present in a specific portal.
Scope: ZohoBugtracker.tags.READ
Request Parameters
Param name | Data type | Description | Value |
index | int | Index number of the tag. | 0 |
range | int | Range of the tags. | 100 |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "tags": [ { "id": "170876000008279189", "name": "Construction", "color_class": "bg7f78e0", "created_by": { "id": 703961433, "zpuid": "170876000007981001", "name": "Monica", "email": "monica.hemsworth@zylker.com", "is_client_user": false, "zuidString": "703961433" } }, { "id": "170876000008433005", "name": "construction projects", "color_class": "bgac57f2", "created_by": { "id": 703961433, "zpuid": "170876000007981001", "name": "Monica", "email": "monica.hemsworth@zylker.com", "is_client_user": false, "zuidString": "703961433" } }, { "id": "170876000008433019", "name": "Partner Demo", "color_class": "bg0995ba", "created_by": { "id": 63475760, "zpuid": "170876000005155145", "name": "Kiruthika V", "email": "kiruthika.v@zylker.com", "is_client_user": false, "zuidString": "63475760" } } } ] }
Create Tags
Creates one or more tags for a specific portal.
Scope: ZohoBugtracker.tags.CREATE
Request Parameters
Param name | Data type | Description |
tags | JSON Array | "name" and "color_class" must be given in the array to map the tag with a relevant color. [{"name":"priority","color_class":"bgff5acd"}] |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "tags": [ { "id": "170876000008716005", "name": "priority", "color_class": "bgff5acd" } ] }
Update Tag
Updates a specific tag present in a specific portal.
Scope: ZohoBugtracker.tags.READ
Request Parameters
Param name | Data type | Description |
tags | JSON Object | "name" and "color_class" are the keys to update the details of the tag against a color respectively. {"name":"priority_new","color_class":"bg0dd3d3"} |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "tags": { "id": "170876000008716005", "name": "priorityTest", "color_class": "bg0dd3d3" } }
Delete Tag
Deletes a specific tag from a specific portal.
Scope: ZohoBugtracker.tags.READ
Sample Response
Status: 204
Associate Tag
Associates a tag with a specific entity in a specific project. The following are the list of values mapped against each entity in Zoho BugTracker.
{"PROJECT":2, "MILESTONE":3, "BUG":6, "FORUM":7, "STATUS":8}
Scope: ZohoBugtracker.tags.CREATE
Request Parameters
Param name | Data type | Description | Value |
tag_id | Long | The unique identifier for a tag. | 170876000008433001 |
entity_id | Long | The unique identifier for an entity. | 170876000008548093 |
entityType | int | The module with which the tag has to be associated. | 2 |
Sample Response
Status: 204
Dissociate Tag
Dissociates a tag from a specific entity in a specific project. The following are the list of values mapped against each entity in Zoho BugTracker.
{"PROJECT":2, "MILESTONE":3, "BUG":6, "FORUM":7, "STATUS":8}
Scope: ZohoBugtracker.tags.CREATE
Request Parameters
Param name | Data type | Description | Value |
tag_id | Long | The unique identifier for a tag. | 170876000008433001 |
entity_id | Long | The unique identifier for an entity. | 170876000008548093 |
entityType | int | The module with which the tag has to be associated. | 2 |
Sample Response
Status: 204
Get Tag Results
Fetches the tag results across the portal. If a tag has to be searched across all the modules, the value of the entity is -1.
Scope: ZohoSearch.securesearch.READ, ZohoBugtracker.tags.READ
Request Parameters
Param name | Data type | Description | Value |
tag_id | Long | A unique identifier for a tag | 170876000008279189 |
index | int | The index number of the tags | 0 |
range | int | The range of the tags | 50 |
filter | JSON Object | The filter criteria for the tag. The JSON has the project's name, status, and module. | {"project":"0","projstatus":"active","module":-1} |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "total_count": 8, "categories": [ { "values": [ { "name": "Issues", "count": 2, "id": "moduleid_6" }, { "name": "Projects", "count": 1, "id": "moduleid_2" }, { "name": "Milestones", "count": 1, "id": "moduleid_3" }, { "name": "Status", "count": 1, "id": "moduleid_8" }, { "name": "Forums", "count": 0, "id": "moduleid_7" }, { "name": "Events", "count": 0, "id": "moduleid_9" } ], "name": "modules", "id": "module_id" } ], "results": [ { "extra_data": { "bug_key": "6", "status_name": "Open" }, "module": "BUG", "project": { "name": "Donnelly Apartments Constructions", "id": "170876000006151013" }, "entity_id": "170876000006210007", "title": "#106 ZPhone cable issue", "bug_prefix": "DC1-I", "created_by": {}, "tags": [ { "createdby": "170876000007981001", "name": "Construction", "id": "170876000008279189", "color_class": "bg7f78e0" } ] }, { "extra_data": { "bug_key": "7", "status_name": "To be tested" }, "module": "BUG", "project": { "name": "Donnelly Apartments Constructions", "id": "170876000006151013" }, "entity_id": "170876000006694023", "title": "#107 New ticket from Zoho Desk", "bug_prefix": "DC1-I", "created_by": { "name": "rufus.david92", "id": "649332655", "email": "rufus.david92@gmail.com" }, "tags": [ { "createdby": "170876000007981001", "name": "Construction", "id": "170876000008279189", "color_class": "bg7f78e0" } ] }, { "extra_data": { "flag": "external", "is_archived": false, "due_date": "1585099799000", "is_completed": false }, "module": "MILESTONE", "project": { "name": "Donnelly Apartments Constructions", "id": "170876000006151013" }, "assignee": [ { "name": "Anushree Bose", "id": "651219802", "email": "anushree.b@zohocorp.com" } ], "entity_id": "170876000008695025", "title": "Phase 2", "created_by": { "name": "Anushree Bose", "id": "651219802", "email": "anushree.b@zohocorp.com" }, "tags": [ { "createdby": "170876000007981001", "name": "Construction", "id": "170876000008279189", "color_class": "bg7f78e0" } ] }, { "module": "STATUS", "project": { "name": "Donnelly Apartments Construction", "id": "170876000004154005" }, "entity_id": "170876000007375073", "title": "Live Ceertification", "created_by": { "name": "Helen", "id": "639283127", "email": "helenc@zylker.com" }, "tags": [ { "createdby": "170876000007981001", "name": "Construction", "id": "170876000008279189", "color_class": "bg7f78e0" } ] }, { "module": "PROJECT", "project": { "name": "Donnelly Apartments Constructions", "id": "170876000006151013" }, "entity_id": "170876000006151013", "title": "Donnelly Apartments Constructions", "created_by": {}, "tags": [ { "createdby": "170876000007981001", "name": "Construction", "id": "170876000008279189", "color_class": "bg7f78e0" } ] } ] }