Contacts API:
Scope: ZohoProjects.users.{Operation}
Use the ALL operation to gain the scope for all the other operations like READ, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE at once.
All Contacts GET /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/client/[CLIENTID]/contacts |
Get Project Contacts GET /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/project/[PROJECTID]/client/[CLIENTID]/contacts |
Create Contacts POST /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/contacts |
Associate Contacts POST /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/project/[PROJECTID]/contacts |
Dissociate Contact DELETE /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/project/[PROJECTID]/contacts/[CONTACTID] |
Update Contact PATCH /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/contacts/[CONTACTID] |
Delete Contact DELETE /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/contacts/[CONTACTID] |
Convert Contact to Client User POST /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/contacts/[CONTACTID] |
All Contacts
Fetches all client contacts from a portal.
Scope: ZohoProjects.users.READ
Request Parameters
index | Int | Index number of the contact. |
range | Int | Range of the contacts. |
search_string | String | Search string of the contact. |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 [ { "id": "170876000011703017", "email": "", "first_name": "Pedro", "last_name": "Alonso", "invoice_rate": "300.0", "clientId": "170876000004241005", "crm_contactId": "-1", "displayName": "Pedro Alonso" }, { "id": "170876000011703005", "email": "", "first_name": "Brooks", "last_name": "Charles", "invoice_rate": "230.0", "clientId": "170876000004241005", "crm_contactId": "-1", "displayName": "Brooks Charles" } ]
Get Project Contacts
Fetches all client contacts from a project.
Scope: ZohoProjects.users.READ
Request Parameters
index | Int | Index number of the contact. |
range | Int | Range of the contacts. |
search_string | String | Search string of the contact. |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 [ { "id": "170876000011703017", "email": "", "first_name": "Pedro", "last_name": "Alonso", "invoice_rate": "300.0", "clientId": "170876000004241005", "crm_contactId": "-1", "displayName": "Pedro Alonso" }, { "id": "170876000011703005", "email": "", "first_name": "Brooks", "last_name": "Charles", "invoice_rate": "230.0", "clientId": "170876000004241005", "crm_contactId": "-1", "displayName": "Brooks Charles" } ]
Create Contacts
Creates a new client contact in the portal.
Scope: ZohoProjects.users.CREATE
Request Parameters
workprojects | JSONArray | Array of Project IDs. Ex. [170876000011141285, 170876000011141005] |
clientId | Long | ID of the Client company. |
contacts | JSONArray | Array of JSON Objects. "first_name", "last_name", "email" and "invoice_rate" of the Client contact. [{ "first_name": "Alba", "last_name": "Flores", "email": "", "invoice_rate": 45 }] Note: "first_name", "last_name" and "email" are mandatory JSON objects. |
Sample Response
Status: 201 Created Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 { "contacts": [ { "id": "170876000011707003", "email": "", "first_name": "Alvero", "last_name": "Morte", "invoice_rate": "66.0", "clientId": "170876000004176039", "crm_contactId": "-1", "displayName": "Alvero Morte" } ], "error": { "status_code": "207", "method": "POST", "title": "EXISTING_USER_OR_CONTACT", "details": [ { "message": "Contact is already a part of this organization", "field_name": "emailId", "field_value": "" } ] } }
Associate Contacts
Associate client contacts to a project.
Scope: ZohoProjects.users.CREATE
Request Parameters
contactIds | JSONArray | Array of client contact IDs |
Sample Response
Status: 204
Dissociate Contact
Dissociate a client contact from a project.
Scope: ZohoProjects.users.DELETE
Sample Response
Status: 204
Update Contact
Updates a Client contact in the portal.
Scope: ZohoProjects.users.UPDATE
Request body
Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
The below keys are passed in a JSONObject
Key Name | Data Type | Key Value |
email | String | Email address of the client contact |
first_name | String | First name of the client contact |
last_name | String | Last name of the client contact |
invoice_rate | Double | Invoice rate of the client contact |
projects | JSONArray | Array of Project IDs. Ex. [170876000011141285, 170876000011141005] |
Sample input
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 { "id": "170876000011703031", "email": "", "first_name": "Alba", "last_name": "Flore", "invoice_rate": "45.0", "clientId": "170876000004176039", "crm_contactId": "-1", "projects": [ "170876000004885019" ], "displayName": "Alba Flore" }
Delete Contact
Deletes a Client contact from a portal.
Scope: ZohoProjects.users.DELETE
Sample Response
Status: 204
Convert Contact to Client User
Converts a Client contact into a Client user
Scope: ZohoProjects.users.CREATE
Request Parameters
email | String | Email address of the user. Note: This parameter can be passed if the email address has to be updated. |
profileId | long | Profile ID of the Client user |
invoice_rate | String | Rate per hour of the user |
workprojects | JSONArray | Array of Project IDs. Ex. [170876000011141285, 170876000011141005] |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success
Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "CURR_PROJID": "0", "CLIENTCNT": "40", "SUCCESS_EMAILID": [ "" ], "USERLIST": [ { "ISRESENDINVITE": false, "DISPLAYNAME": "hvictor", "ISUSERCONFIRMED": false, "CURR_USERZPUID": "170876000006163001", "LOGINZPUID": "170876000011703011", "INVOICE": "125.000", "EMAIL": "", "ISACTIVE": true, "PORTALPROFILEID": "170876000004602149", "PORTALPROFILENAME": "Client", "ISUSERCLOSED": true, "COMPANYNAME": "Leester Donnelly and Sons", "PROFILETYPE": 3, "COMPANYID": "170876000004176039", "LOGINNAME": 754852765 } ], "USERCNT": { "ADMIN II": 1, "Moderator": 1, "Marketing Manager": 4, "Contractor": 5, "Employee": 28, "jointadmin": 37, "admin": 2, "portalusers": 103, "Manager": 25 }, "is_contact_converted": true, "CURR_ROLE": "jointadmin", "COMPANYID": "170876000004176039", "CURRENCY_CODE": "$", "ISINVINTEG": true, "USERSCOUNT": 1 }