Task lists API
Scope: ZohoProjects.tasklists.{Operation}
Use the ALL operation to gain the scope for all the other operations like READ, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE at once.
All Task Lists GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/tasklists/ |
Create Task List POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/tasklists/ |
Update Task List POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/tasklists/[TASKLISTID]/ |
Delete Task List DELETE /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/tasklists/[TASKLISTID]/ |
Task List from Template GET /api/v3/portal/[PORTALID]/templates/tasklists |
All Task Lists
Get all the task lists in the given project.
Scope: ZohoProjects.tasklists.READ
Request Parameters
index | int | Index number of the task list. |
range | int | Range of the task lists. |
flag | String | Task lists of the flag must be internal or external. |
milestone_id | Long | ID of the milestone. |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "tasklists": [{ "id": 170876000000270053, "name": "ERP Phase III", "milestone": { "id": 170876000000366021, "link": { "self": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/milestones/170876000000366021/" }, "status": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/milestones/170876000000366021/status/" } }, "name": "Accounts Receivables", "owner_name": "Jasmine Frank", "owner_id": "2060559", "flag": "internal", "start_date": "04-01-2014 12:00 AM", "start_date_long": 1396319400000, "end_date": "04-30-2014 12:00 AM", "end_date_long": 1398825000000, "status": "notcompleted" }, "completed": false, "created_time": "09-18-2012 10:40 AM", "created_time_long": 1347973813551, "rolled": false, "sequence": 1, "view_type": "internal", "link": { "self": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/tasklists/170876000000270053/" }, "task": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/tasklists/170876000000270053/tasks/" } } }] }
Create Task list
Scope: ZohoProjects.tasklists.CREATE
Request Parameters
milestone_id | Long | ID of the milestone. |
name* | String | Name of of the task list. Not mandatory when task list template is used. |
flag | String | Task list flag must be internal or external. Not mandatory when task list template is used. |
task_template_id | Long | ID of the task list template. |
shift_days | ISO 8601 | The DATE from which the Task start date is calculated, based on shift days |
sourceProjectId | Long | Project ID or Project Template ID of the existing task list. |
sourceTasklistId | Long | Task list ID to be cloned |
includeDependentTasklists | Boolean | Specify true to include dependent task lists in the same project. Accepted values: true and false. |
Sample Response
Status: 201 Created Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "tasklists": [{ "id": 170876000001849029, "name": "Ledger Redesign", "milestone": { "id": 170876000000366021, "link": { "self": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/milestones/170876000000366021/" }, "status": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/milestones/170876000000366021/status/" } }, "name": "Accounts Receivables", "owner_name": "Jasmine Frank", "owner_id": "2060559", "flag": "internal", "start_date": "04-01-2014 12:00 AM", "start_date_long": 1396319400000, "end_date": "04-30-2014 12:00 AM", "end_date_long": 1398825000000, "status": "notcompleted" }, "completed": false, "created_time": "05-26-2014 12:28 PM", "created_time_long": 1401116281721, "rolled": false, "sequence": 133, "view_type": "internal", "link": { "self": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/tasklists/170876000001849029/" }, "task": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/tasklists/170876000001849029/tasks/" } } }] }
Update Task List
Scope: ZohoProjects.tasklists.UPDATE
Request Parameters
milestone_id* | Long | ID of the milestone. |
name* | String | Name of the task list. |
flag* | String | Task list flag must be internal or external. |
status* | String | Task list status must be active or completed. |
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "tasklists": [{ "id": 170876000001849029, "name": "Ledger Redesign", "milestone": { "id": 170876000000366021, "link": { "self": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/milestones/170876000000366021/" }, "status": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/milestones/170876000000366021/status/" } }, "name": "Accounts Receivables", "owner_name": "Jasmine Frank", "owner_id": "2060559", "flag": "internal", "start_date": "04-01-2014 12:00 AM", "start_date_long": 1396319400000, "end_date": "04-30-2014 12:00 AM", "end_date_long": 1398825000000, "status": "notcompleted" }, "completed": true, "created_time": "05-26-2014 12:33 PM", "created_time_long": 1401116597181, "rolled": false, "sequence": 1, "view_type": "internal", "link": { "self": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/tasklists/170876000001849029/" }, "task": { "url": "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/2063927/projects/ 170876000000147021/tasklists/170876000001849029/tasks/" } } }] }
Delete Task List
Scope: ZohoProjects.tasklists.DELETE
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "response": "Tasklist Deleted Successfully" }
Task List from Template
Scope: ZohoProjects.tasklists.READ
Sample Response
Status: 200 Success Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "task_list_templates": [ { "sequence": 5, "created_time": "2021-03-09T13:59:57.018Z", "name": "General", "id": "1265885000000665001" }, { "sequence": 3, "created_time": "2020-12-16T14:17:01.598Z", "name": "Sales Queries", "id": "1265885000000605005" }, { "sequence": 2, "created_time": "2020-12-16T14:16:54.075Z", "name": "On Site Requirements", "id": "1265885000000604077" }, { "sequence": 1, "created_time": "2020-08-09T12:29:19.217Z", "name": "Developer Requirements", "id": "1265885000000544007" } ] } }