• Features
  • No downloads required  
  • Embed registration link  
  • Subscription starts at  
  • Free subscription  
  • Trial period14 Days7 Days
  • Simple and intuitive UI  
  • Watch and share recording without registration  
  • Toll-free ratesLowHigh
  • One-time branding  
  • Answer polls at any time during a webinar  
  • Live chat support  
  • Quality support, 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday Limited
  • Chrome and Firefox extensions to schedule and start webinars  
  • Deep integration with Zoho CRM Limited
  • Integration with Zoho Campaigns for promotion  


Why should you switch to Zoho Meeting?



Having to download software while you're all set to start or join a webinar can be a hassle. Many company networks install firewalls that prevent employees from downloading software, which means downloading a webinar app could require help from IT. With Zoho Meeting, never annoy attendees with downloads. Host webinars right from your browser.

Deep integration with Zoho CRM

The Zoho Meeting integration with Zoho CRM lets you schedule webinars for leads and contacts in your CRM. Besides being able to launch webinars from CRM, you can also access reports, view, and share recordings after your webinar. Soon, you'll be able to customize webinar registration forms from CRM, too.

Simple UI

Spend less time figuring out what to do or how to use a feature you're looking for while your webinar is on. Organize webinars in a matter of seconds. Zoho Meeting's simple and neat UI helps you perform faster, whether you're scheduling a webinar or running it live.

Embed registration

Never miss a chance to attract website visitors to your webinar. Promote your webinar on pages that your target audience is likely to visit, such as blogs or articles. Learn more.

More time for attendees to answer polls

Not everyone can judge and vote for the right choice in a few seconds. Attendees in your webinar can answer the polls you launch any time during your webinar, so they have all the time they need and you get the most thoughtful and accurate responses.Learn more.

Lower toll-free rates

Paying too much for toll-free numbers on top of your account subscription can be exhausting. Zoho Meeting allows you to use toll-free numbers at lower rates so your attendees can join sessions using their phones from places where Internet connectivity is poor.

View and share recording

The more you share your videos, the more your audience can connect with your brand. Watch webinar recordings online and share recording links with anyone you want, without the hurdle of registering for it. You can also download recordings for offline use. Learn more.

Zoho Campaigns integration

Promote your webinar through email campaigns using the Zoho Campaigns integration. Sync your webinars, choose from a variety of email templates with pre-filled webinar data, and send emails to your subscriber lists. View reports of your email campaigns and send follow-up emails to synced lists of attendees and registrants. Learn more.

Priced with you in mind

At Zoho, we believe in providing the best experience to our customers at an affordable price. Zoho Meeting is one of the most reasonably priced webinar applications in the industry that offers more value for less money. All you need to do is choose a plan that's right for you from the webinar plans that we offer.

  • Linda McKnightThe Child Care Square

    "In my business I am a vendor to the child care industry and provide a service for child care providers. I have found Zoho Meeting to be very helpful in giving online demonstrations of how our web application works."

  • Randy FougereThink2Grow Marketing

    "We looked at a wide range of web conferencing options and Zoho Meetings was the clear choice. The value, flexible audio options, and ease-of-use were the key criteria. The service meets our needs perfectly! "

  • Betty PetersonLife of My Own, LLC

    "Stable, I can always get a good Meeting (screenshare) for my students. Better than all competitors. I love Zoho!"

  • Janet SchickOrlando Cold Calling

    "It's easy to set up and use. There is not a lot of complexity and the price can't be beat!"

  • Paula AtherillCreative Analysis Ltd

    "Good quality sharing without any drop out in this 1-hour session. Great connection."

  • Simone PourierFreelance Today

    "We tried a lot of systems, which offer poor connection, are not user-friendly, or are too expensive. We are sticking to Zoho Meeting: it is very easy to use, reliable, and has a great pricing."

Make every effort count.

Switch to a webinar platform that's budget-friendly, web-based, and easy to use.

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