- Overview
- Getting Started
- OAuth 2.0 User Guide
- API Index
- Organization API
- Domains API
- postAdd domain
- getFetch all domains
- getFetch a specific domain
- putVerify domain
- putSet as primary domain
- putEnable email hosting
- putAdd domain alias
- putRemove domain alias
- PUTVerify MX record
- PUTVerify SPF record
- PUTAdd DKIM details
- PUTSet Default DKIM
- PUTRegenerate DKIM public key
- PUTVerify DKIM Public Key
- PUTDelete DKIM
- PUTEnable Subdomain stripping
- PUTDiable Subdomain stripping
- PUTAdd catch-all address
- PUTDelete catch-all address
- PUTAdd notification address
- PUTDelete notification address
- deleteDelete domain
- Groups API
- postCreate a group
- getGet all group details
- getGet a specific group details
- getGet all emails held for moderation
- getGet moderation email content
- putModerate emails in a group
- putUpdate group name
- putEnable streams for a group
- putAdd group members
- putUpdate member status
- putUpdate member role
- putUpdate member settings
- putUpdate threshold limit
- putUpdate advanced admin settings
- putAdd group email alias
- putRemove group email alias
- deleteDelete group
- Users API
- postAdd User to Organization
- getFetch All Org Users Details
- getFetch a Specific User Details
- putChange User Role
- putReset User Password
- putChange TFA Status
- putAdd Email Alias
- putRemove Email Alias
- putEnable User Account
- putDisable User Account
- Enable User
- PUTDisable User
- putChange Incoming Status
- putChange Outgoing Status
- putChange IMAP Status
- putChange POP Status
- putChange ActiveSync Status
- deleteDelete User Accounts
- Mail Policy API
- POSTCreate org policy
- POSTCreate email restriction
- POSTCreate account restriction
- POSTCreate access restriction
- POSTCreate forward restriction
- getGet all policies
- getGet all email restrictions
- getGet all account restrictions
- getGet all access restrictions
- getGet all forward restrictions
- getGet policy users
- getGet policy groups
- PUTApply policy to users/groups
- PUTAssign email restriction to policy
- PUTAssign account restriction to policy
- PUTAssign access restriction to policy
- PUTAssign forward restriction to policy
- Accounts API
- getGet all accounts of a user
- getGet a specific account details
- putUpdate display name
- putUpdate email address
- putAdd send mail details
- putUpdate display name and email address
- putUpdate mail account sequence
- putUpdate Reply To Address
- putResend verification for Reply To Address
- putAdd email forwarding
- putVerify email forwarding
- putResend verification for email forwarding
- putEnable email forwarding
- putDisable email forwarding
- putDelete copy while email forwarding
- putRemove email forwarding
- putAdd vacation reply
- putUpdate vacation reply
- putRemove vacation reply
- Folders API
- Labels API
- Email API
- postSend an email
- postSend email with attachments
- POSTUpload attachments
- postSave draft/ template
- POSTReply to an email
- getList emails
- getList emails based on search
- getGet email headers
- getGet email content
- getGet original message
- getGet email meta data
- getGet email attachment info
- GETGet email attachment content
- putMark email as read
- putMark email as unread
- putMove emails
- putFlag emails
- putApply labels to emails
- putRemove labels from emails
- putRemove all labels from emails
- putArchive Email
- putUnarchive Email
- putMark Emails As Spam
- putMark emails As not spam
- deleteDelete Email
- Signatures API
- Threads API
- Tasks API
- postAdd a new group/personal task
- postAdd a new project
- getGet all tasks in a group/personal tasks
- getGet all tasks assigned to you
- getGet all tasks created by you
- getGet a specific task
- getGet all subtasks under a task
- getGet all projects in a group
- getGet all tasks in a project
- getGet all tasks in a project with given status
- getGet all groups
- getGet all tasks in a group with given status
- getGet all members in a group
- putChange task title
- putChange task description
- putChange task priority
- putChange task status
- putChange task project
- putChange task assignee
- putSet or change task due date
- putSet or change task reminder
- putSet or change task reminder based on due date
- putSet or change recurring task
- putEdit a project under group
- deleteDelete a project
- deleteDelete a group/personal task
- Bookmarks API
- postCreate a bookmark
- postCreate a collection
- getGet all groups
- getGet all bookmarks
- getGet all favourite bookmarks
- getGet all shared bookmarks
- getGet all bookmarks in trash
- getGet all collections in group/personal
- getGet all collections in groups
- getGet all bookmarks in a collection
- getGet a bookmark
- putEdit a bookmark
- putRestore a bookmark
- putEdit a collection
- putMark as favorite
- deleteUnmark as favorite
- deleteDelete a bookmark
- deleteDelete a collection
- Notes API
- postCreate a note
- postCreate a book
- postAdd an attachment to a note
- getGet all groups
- getGet all notes
- getGet all books
- getGet all favourite notes
- getGet all shared notes
- getGet all notes in a book
- getGet all attachments in a note
- getGet a note
- getGet an attachment in a note
- putEdit a note
- putEdit a book
- putMark a note as favorite
- deleteUnmark a note as favorite
- deleteDelete attachment in a note
- deleteDelete a book
- deleteDelete a note
- Logs API
- Developer Space SDK
- Get compose details
- On compose open event
- On draft save event
- Get mail details
- Compose mail
- Get contact details
- Attachments
- Responding to mail
- Email Relation data
- Application Parameters
- Application data
- Drop for app
- Invoke URL
- On mail preview event
- On mail settings change event
- On app visibility event
- On mail close event
- On drag or drop event
- Response codes
DELETE - Delete group Task
This API is used to delete a group task.
Request URL
Request Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
GroupID* | Long | The unique identifier used for groups in the organization |
entityId* | Long | The unique identifier assigned to each task |
* - Mandatory parameters
Response Codes
Please refer Response Codes.
Sample Request
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