Organization API

Partner API

The Partner APIs can be used by the Partners with Partner Admin role to add organizations, mapped to them to manage the particular organizations, subscription details and so on

 Method Name URL Method TypeOAuth Scope Purpose
Add Child Organization 



partner.organizationAdd an organization in Zoho Mail, under a partner account to be managed by the partner. 

Organization Details API

The Organization APIs help you to get information about the particular organization, subscription details, number of users, number of groups, list of domains etc. 

 Method Name URL Method TypeOAuth ScopePurpose
Organization Details 






 Get the basic details of the organization along with the number of users and groups. 

Subscription Details API

The Subscription APIs help you to get information about the organization's Pricing Plans, users storage details and also update/ allocate storage details for the user based on the organization subscription information. 

 Method Name URL Method TypeOAuth Scope Purpose

Organization Subscription


 GET organization.subscriptionsGet organizations plan details, add ons and summary of the used and available storage information. 
User Storage


 GETGet the base plan, extra storage, allotted and used storage details of a particular user. 
Update User Storage


 PUT Modify the base storage/ addon storage for a particular user. 

Organization Anti-Spam APIs

The Organization Subscription APIs help you to get information about the organization's Pricing Plan and the details of the Plans available.

 Method Name URL Method TypeOAuth Scope Purpose
Organization Spam Process Type 


 GET partner.organization To get the Organization Spam Settings use the Organization Details API specifying the appropriate field name.
Update Spam Process Type


 PUTpartner.organization Modify the Spam Process Type of the organization, to enable or disable the Spam Processing. 
Get Organization Spam Listing


 GETorganization.spam Get the details of Spam Listing (Whitelist/ Blacklist Domains and Email addresses) for the organization.
Add Organization Spam Listing




 To add whitelist/ blacklist domains and email addresses to the organization spam lists.
Remove Organization Spam Listing




 To remove whitelist/ blacklist domains and email addresses from the organization spam lists.

Allowed IPs API

The Allowed IPs APIs help you to whitelist/ add allowed IPs, assign them to the members of your organization, fetch the allowed IPs list and delete them.

 Method Name URL Method TypeOAuth Scope Purpose

Add Allowed IPs


CREATEorganization.accountsTo add allowed IPs range and assign them to the members of the organization based on their roles.
Get Allowed IPs list


 GETFetch the list of allowed IPs range, to whom they're assigned, and the ipId of the IP range. 
Delete Allowed IPs


DELETEDelete a range of Allowed IPs with the help of the ipId.