GET - Fetch a Specific Domain Details


The API fetches the detailed information about a particular domain in the specified organization.

OAuth Scope

Use the scope (or)

to generate the Authtoken.

ALL - Grants full access to domains.

READ - Grants read access to domains.

Request URL

Method: GET{zoid}/domains/{domainName}

Path Parameters

  • zoid* long
    • This parameter specifies the unique Zoho Organization Identifier for the organization.
    • This parameter can be fetched from Get Organization Details API.
  • domainname* string
    • This parameter specifies the name of the domain whose details are to be retrieved. Ex:


* - Mandatory parameter

Response Codes

Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "" \
-X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken ***" \

Sample Response

  "status" : {
    "code" : 200,
    "description" : "success"
  "data" : {
    "domainAlias" : "",
    "isDomainAlias" : false,
    "verificationStatus" : true,
    "zoid" : 1234567890,
    "verifiedBy" : 32735405,
    "URI" : "",
    "domainId" : 1082700000059781600,
    "HTMLVerificationCode" : "1518427245112",
    "verifiedDate" : 1518427257753,
    "domainName" : "",
    "mailHostingEnabled" : true,
    "createdTime" : 1518427245112,
    "CNAMEVerificationCode" : "zb15184272",
    "isRegisteredByZoho" : false,
    "primary" : true,
    "status" : "enabled"