POST - Add Allowed IPs


This API is used to add an Allowed IP range for your organization and assign them to the users based on their role or the entire organization.

OAuth Scope

Use the scope ZohoMail.organization.accounts.ALL (or) ZohoMail.organization.accounts.CREATE to generate the Authtoken.

ALL - Full access to all allowed APIs 

CREATE - Add Allowed IPs range

Request URL

Method : POST<zoid>/allowedIps

Path Parameters

Request Parameters

  • fromIpRange*string
    • The fromIpRange denotes the start of the IP address range that's allowed for your users to access their accounts.
  • toIpRange*string
    • The toIpRange denotes the end of the IP address range that's allowed for your users to access their accounts.
  • roleId*int
    • The roleId helps you to assign the allowed IP range to different users in your organization.
    • The allowed values are:
      • - The allowed IPs will be assigned to the Users in the organization.
      • - The allowed IPs will be assigned to the Admins of the organization.
      • 2 - The allowed IPs will be assigned to the Super Admin of the organization.
      • -1 - The allowed IPs will be assigned to all the members of the organization.


* - Mandatory parameter

Response Codes

Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.

Sample Request URL


Sample Body Input


Sample Response
