PUT - Verify Domain


The API tries to verify the domain added to the organization, in one of the predefined verification methods. Internally, the domain is verified only if the required verification criteria are successful.

OAuth Scope

Use the scope

ZohoMail.organization.domains.ALL (or) ZohoMail.organization.domains.UPDATE

to generate the Authtoken.

ALL - Grants full access to domains.

UPDATE - Grants update access to domains.

Request URL

Method: PUT


Path Parameters

  • zoid* long
    • This parameter specifies the unique Zoho Organization Identifier for the organization.
    • This parameter can be fetched from Get Organization Details API.
  • domainName* string
    • This parameter specifies the name of the domain that needs to be verified.

Request Body(JSON Object)

  • mode* string
    • This parameter represents the type of operation that is to be performed.
    • Provide the value as verifyDomainByCName.


* - Mandatory parameter

Response Codes

Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "https://mail.zoho.com/api/organization/1234567890/domains/zylkernew.com" \
-X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken *****" \
-d '{
   "mode": "verifyDomainByCName"