Get Records - v2.1

The functionality of this task can also be achieved using Get record - Quick View from API V2. But we suggest using API V2.1 for an updated experience.

Updates in V2.1:

1. New Parameters have been added:

  • record_cursor parameter key bulk fetches a batch of the consecutive 1000 records. 
  • field_config parameter key allows you to decide what fields of the records you want to be fetched. Possible values: quick_view, detail_view, custom, all.
  • fields parameter key defines the fields that need to be fetched when the custom value is parsed for field_config.
  • max_records parameter key decides the number of records that will be fetched per request.

2. Response Structures have been revised:

  • In API V2, the display_value of subform and lookup fields in the fetched response included space separated values. Along with this, in V2.1, they are included as key-value pairs in zc_display_value. This helps in efficient parsing of values further.
  • In API V2, all multivalue fields had the response structure as space separated values in a string. The response value structures for different fields in API V2.1 have been updated:
    • Multiselect, Checkbox: [list_value]
    • Single select lookup, Integration: {map}
    • Multiselect lookup: [{map1},{map2},{map3}...]

     This helps in efficient parsing of values further.


This API fetches the records displayed by a report. Its response will contain the data of all the visible fields present in the report's records. A maximum of 1000 records can be fetched per request.

Request Details

Request URL 


Request Method








An authentication token (authtoken) allows users to access apps and APIs without having to enter their login credentials each time.
environmentdevelopment/stageRefers to the environment stage.




Demo users in your Creator app can be appended along with the environment.
record_cursor78S********p56Record cursor is an alpha numeric key. Every time records exist beyond the 1000 fetch count, a unique key will be received in the response header. This can be added in the header of the next API call to fetch the consecutive batch of 1000 records if they exist.
  • application/json
  • text/csv
The format in which the API response is displayed.
Default value: application/json
Note: By default, production value will be considered for the environment header.

OAuth Scope

the base URL of your Creator account

For example, it's if your account belongs to Zoho's US DC, and is if it belongs to Zoho's EU DC.

account_owner_namethe username of the Creator account's owner
app_link_namethe link name of the target application
report_link_namethe link name of the target report


  • criteria string

    The criteria using which you want the API request to filter the target report. If not specified, the request will fetch the first 200 records from the report (as per its predefined sorting order). The sample input on the right sports a criteria that'll filter for records where the Single_Line field contains the value "Single Line of Text". Refer to the section below to learn more about defining the criteria.

  • field_config string

    detail_view fetches only the fields included in the detailed view layout. quick_view fetches only the fields included in the quick view layout. custom fetches only the specified fields. all fetches the fields included both in the detailed view and quick view layout.

    Default value: quick_view


    • This API will not fetch the records displayed in the related data blocks of the detail view.
    • If the key value is given as custom, the fields key should also be included in the header.
  • fields string

    All the required fields' link names as individual comma-separated strings.

    Note: The field link names can be found in the field properties pane of each field in the form builder.
  • max_records int
    The number of maximum records that will be fetched upon one request.
    Possible values: 200, 500, 1000 (default value)

    Note: For integration forms' reports, the maximum fetch count defined by the other service will be followed. Therefore, this parameter need not be included. If the number of records exceeds the defined limit, the record_cursor header key to fetch the next batch will be received in the response.

Defining the search criteria

  • The search criteria is a combination of one or more expressions. An expression is defined using a field, operator, and value.

  • An expression can use all field types except section and add notes. The field's data type dictates the operator that can be used and the format in which the value is to be given.

  • You can use logical operators && (AND) and || (OR) to link the expressions in your criteria. These operators are subject to precedence, which you can manage using parentheses ().

  • Values for STRING type fields, such as single line, email, and phone, must be enclosed in double-quotes.

  • Values for the time, date, and date-time fields must adhere to the application's date and time formats and must be enclosed in single-quotes.

  • The record ID must be passed when you want to filter the records using the lookup and integration fields.

  • When using the multi select, checkbox or multi-select lookup fields, you can specify only one value per expression.

Sample value for the parameter "criteria"Description
Name.last_name == "Boyle"To fetch the records where the last name is Boyle
Name.last_name != ""To fetch the records where the last name is not empty
Name.first_name.startsWith("Pat")To fetch the records where the first name starts with "pat", such as Patricia and Patrick
Email_Address.endsWith("")To fetch the records where the email address ends with
Feedback.contains("it's awesome")To fetch the records where the feedback (a multi line field) contains the phrase "it's awesome"
Total = 250.00To fetch the records where the total (a currency field) is equal to 250.00
Total >= 100.00To fetch the records where the total (a currency field) is greater than or equal to 100.00
Total < 50To fetch the records where the total (a decimal field) is less than 50
Appointment_Date = '13-Apr-2020'To fetch the records where the appointment date (a date field) is 13-Apr-2020 (as per the application's date format)
Appointment_Date >= '13-Apr-2020' && Appointment_Date <= '18-Apr-2020'To fetch the records where the appointment date (a date field) ranges from 13-Apr-2020 to 18-Apr-2020
Order_Status=="Open" || Order_Status=="In-progress"To fetch the records where the order status (a drop down or radio field) is either Open or In-progress
Status == "Open" && Total > 250.00To fetch the records where the status (a drop down field) is Open and Total (a currency field) is greater than 250.00
Product == 3888832000000113058To fetch the records where the product (a single-select lookup field) equals 3888832000000113058 (ID of a record present in the looked-up form)
Expedited_Delivery=falseTo fetch the records where the expedited delivery (a decision box field) is false
Hobbies.contains("Reading")To fetch the records where the hobbies (a multi select or checkbox field) includes reading
Hobbies="Reading" && Hobbies="Hiking"To fetch the records where the hobbies (a multi select or checkbox field) are reading and hiking

Possible Errors

Refer to this page for the list of error codes and messages.

Sample Request for Production environment (for C6 users)

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
	response = invokeUrl
		url: ""
		type: GET
		connection: "creatorconnection"
	info "Exception while making the API request." ;
Copiedpackage org.example;

import okhttp3.HttpUrl;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class GetRecords
    public static void main(String[] args)
        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

        HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse("").newBuilder()
                .addQueryParameter("max_records", "200")
                .addQueryParameter("criteria", "Single_Line == \"Single Line of Text\"")
        Request request = new Request.Builder()
                .method("GET", null)
                .addHeader("Authorization", "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf")
            JSONObject response = new JSONObject(client.newCall(request).execute().body().string());
        catch (Exception e)
            System.out.println("Exception while making the API request.");
Copiedlet api_headers = {
    "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"

try {
    let response = fetch("", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: api_headers
catch (exception) {
Copiedimport requests

api_parameters = {
    "max_records": "200",
    "criteria": "Single_Line == \"Single Line of Text\"",
    "field_config": "custom",
    "fields": "Single_Line,Number"

api_headers = {
    "Authorization": "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"

    response = requests.get("", params=api_parameters, headers=api_headers)
    print("Exception while making the API request.")

This sample request will fetch the first 1000 records displayed by the All Orders report of the Zylker Store application.

Sample Request for Development/ Stage environments (for C6 users)

Copiedcurl ""
-H 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf'  
-H 'environment: development'
-H 'demo_user_name: demouser_1'

Sample Response: All field types

  "code": 3000,
  "data": [
      "ID": "52129000008009043",
      "Single_Line": "Warehouse",
      "Email": "",
      "Currency": "1234723.90",
      "Name": {
        "zc_display_value": "John Lord",
        "prefix": "",
        "last_name": "Lord",
        "suffix": "",
        "first_name": "John"
      "Address": {
        "zc_display_value": "6, West Street, Phoenix, Phoenix, Arizona, 20532, USA",
        "country": "USA",
        "district_city": "Phoenix",
        "address_line_1": "6, West Street",
        "state_province": "Arizona",
        "address_line_2": "Phoenix",
        "postal_code": "20532"
      "Image": "/api/v2.1/christinaclover/import/report/sample_report/52129000008009043/Image/download?filepath=1681379407888_John.jpeg",
      "test_ss": {
        "zc_display_value": "52129000008009170 - 13-Apr-2023 17:21:24 - christinaclover",
        "Added_User": "christinaclover",
        "ID": "52129000008009170",
        "Added_Time": "13-Apr-2023 17:21:24"
      "test_ss.Single_Line": "Portia",
      "test_ss.Name": {
        "zc_display_value": "Portia Lance",
        "prefix": "",
        "last_name": "Lance",
        "suffix": "",
        "first_name": "Portia"
      "test_ms": [
          "zc_display_value": "52129000008009051 - christinaclover - John - 13-Apr-2023 16:59:29",
          "Modified_Time": "13-Apr-2023 16:59:29",
          "Added_User": "christinaclover",
          "ID": "52129000008009051",
          "Name.first_name": "John"
          "zc_display_value": "52129000008009170 - christinaclover - Portia - 13-Apr-2023 18:03:05",
          "Modified_Time": "13-Apr-2023 18:03:05",
          "Added_User": "christinaclover",
          "ID": "52129000008009170",
          "Name.first_name": "Portia"
      "test_ms.Single_Line": [
      "test_ms.Name": [
          "zc_display_value": "John Lord",
          "prefix": "",
          "last_name": "Lord",
          "suffix": "",
          "first_name": "John"
          "zc_display_value": "Portia Lance",
          "prefix": "",
          "last_name": "Lance",
          "suffix": "",
          "first_name": "Portia"
      "SubForm": [
          "zc_display_value": "John Lord 220B, Baker Street, London, London, 13455, United Kingdom 10-Apr-2023 52129000008009051 52129000008009051, 52129000008009084",
          "Date_field": "10-Apr-2023",
          "Address": {
            "zc_display_value": "220B, Baker Street, London, London, 13455, United Kingdom",
            "country": "United Kingdom",
            "district_city": "London",
            "address_line_1": "220B, Baker Street",
            "state_province": "London",
            "address_line_2": "",
            "postal_code": "13455"
          "test": {
            "zc_display_value": "52129000008009051",
            "ID": "52129000008009051"
          "test_ms": [
              "zc_display_value": "52129000008009051",
              "ID": "52129000008009051"
              "zc_display_value": "52129000008009084",
              "ID": "52129000008009084"
          "ID": "52129000008009023",
          "Name": {
            "zc_display_value": "John Lord",
            "last_name": "Lord",
            "first_name": "John"
          "zc_display_value": "    ",
          "Date_field": "",
          "Address": {
            "zc_display_value": "",
            "country": "",
            "district_city": "",
            "address_line_1": "",
            "state_province": "",
            "address_line_2": "",
            "postal_code": ""
          "test": {},
          "test_ms": [],
          "ID": "5213456789000987"
      "Users_MS": [