Empowering change: How MukkaMaar transformed operations with Zoho Creator

"Once an idea is in place, the right tools to execute them are equally important. Zoho Creator has truly enabled effective execution for MukkaMaar with its data management tools helping us streamline and manage our program successfully."

— Ishita Sharma, Founder, MukkaMaar

Created by : MukkaMaar

Use case : Inventory management system

Industry : Non-profit

Implementation Partner : Edzola

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The company

MukkaMaar is a not-for-profit organization based in Mumbai, India, focused on empowering girls through a combination of empowerment self-defence classes and consciousness-raising about gender norms, inequality, and violence. The organization collaborates with educational institutions across the city to train young girls (6th through 8th grade) in self defense. By integrating self defense into the school syllabus with bi-weekly sessions, MukkaMaar empowers girls to feel safer in a variety of real-world situations.

The challenges

Multi-level data clusters

As the program involved students from different institutions, MukkaMaar needed to aggregate and categorize data from all the different schools they collaborate with. Without cross-institution data classification, gaining insights from the data they were collecting became increasingly difficult.

Managing promotion cycles

Managing the yearly rotation of new students joining the 6th grade and the 8th-grade students being promoted out of the course was a manual process, which caused issues maintaining clean and accurate data.

Trainer development

MukkaMaar had learning sessions and feedback systems in place for their trainers (MukkaMaar fellows), but faced challenges in trying to manage the sessions and assign trainers to them on a single platform.

Attendance tracking

Volunteers had to manually track participant attendance. As the number of participants increased, this became more of a challenge, resulting in inaccuracies.

Data privacy and security

As MukkaMaar needed to store students' personal details and attendance records, ensuring the privacy and security of their data became a growing concern.

The solution - A comprehensive training management application

pm/pc dashboard view
fdp module view
school investment level report
reports in various charts
reports in pie-charts
dashboard view
evnets dashboard view

MukkaMaar sought a comprehensive solution to tackle all these challenges. This search led them to EdZola, a Zoho Partner specialized in enabling non-profits with digital solutions. EdZola evaluated MukkaMaar's existing technology infrastructure and suggested creating a set of modules relevant to their training management to categorize the data. After detailed analysis, they recommended Zoho Creator as the optimal platform to streamline and automate their end-to-end processes.

Using Zoho Creator, they built an extensive training management solution, which involved data migration and setting up specific modules for students and trainers to help manage the entire program.

Student management

Once student data was moved to Zoho Creator and the database was ready, the platform was set to manage grade promotions and update upcoming training batches accordingly. Using the student data, they also created pivot tables and dashboards for easy access and analysis.

Trainer management

The company set up various modules for trainers, including attendance management with location tracking, learning sessions, and feedback management with clearly defined parameters. Trainer performance was evaluated based on data from the batches and schools they worked with, providing a deeper understanding of their impact.

"The Trainers are very happy because of ease of data input and access to their own dashboards. There's zero resistance from field staff about using the app, as they find it valuable, and also fancy."

— Ishita Sharma, Founder, MukkaMaar

Program management

This module tracks the program's overall efficiency by monitoring the number of sessions conducted, the quality of the sessions, and the level of investment from each school. Additionally, the platform manages events conducted to strengthen the programs.

Attendance management

The platform used Zoho Creator's real-time monitoring features to track attendance, class cancelations, and other metrics. This eliminated manual intervention, automated the process, and allowed trainers to focus more on their core responsibilities rather than administrative tasks.

"Building in Zoho Creator has revolutionized our work at EdZola and the NGOs we support. The platform's robust features made it effortless to develop a comprehensive data management solution for MukkaMaar. This allowed us to tackle multifaceted challenges, from automating attendance tracking to streamlining student and program management with enhanced data security."

—Akshay V, Founder, EdZola

Benefits & ROI

Implementing the training management application has significantly improved MukkaMaar's operational efficiency, yielding impressive results:

  • Efficient management of data for over 3,300 students, with continued growth.
  • A single system for all stakeholders, ensuring streamlined program management and facilitating success and expansion.
  • Simplified data extraction for informed decision-making and reporting, eliminating the need for manual data manipulation.

"The result was a significant boost in operational efficiency and data accuracy for MukkaMaar’s programs. We're honored to support MukkaMaar in empowering numerous girls and look forward to continuing our mission of leveraging technology for social good."

—Akshay V, Founder, Edzola

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zoho Creator?

Zoho Creator is a low-code application development platform that allows users to create custom applications on their own, with minimal coding experience. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface empowers developers and business users to build web and mobile applications that satisfy all their unique requirements with ease.

Are applications built on Zoho Creator scalable?

Applications built on Zoho Creator are built to auto-scale—the back-end infrastructure seamlessly scales as business demand grows. Currently 14,000+ customers across are using over 6 million applications built using Zoho Creator, a testimony to the power of the platform.

Does Zoho Creator have a free plan?

Yes, Zoho Creator has a free plan. This plan comes with a limited feature set and allows for one user, one application, 250 MB of storage, and 1,000 records. However, you have the option to upgrade to a paid plan whenever you wish.

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