How Parametrics Medical increased productivity by 25% with custom applications built on Zoho Creator

"We realized what an amazing tool Creator was. When everybody utilizes it, the communication is concise, it's in one location, and people understand quickly what has been said and what's done."

— K.C. Crabb,Senior Director of Operations, Parametrics Medical

Created by : Parametrics Medical

Use case : Order Management

Industry : Healthcare

Implementation Partner : BSP

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The company

Parametrics Medical is a provider of innovative allograft solutions, dedicated to advancing the field of regenerative medicine. They specialize in delivering customized tissue products designed to meet the specific needs of healthcare professionals and patients. With a focus on improving patient outcomes, Parametrics Medical leverages advanced technology and rigorous quality standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness of their products.

The challenge

Before discovering Zoho Creator, Parametrics Medical faced significant challenges with its complex order management system. Operating under stringent regulations from the FDA and the American Association of Tissue Banks, they relied heavily on spreadsheets. This led to time-consuming and error-prone data entry across multiple locations, resulting in fragmented and inconsistent information that hindered collaboration and coordination.

Managing the tissue distribution process required meticulous tracking and detailed recordkeeping for several years. The lack of automated communication, like email notifications, further complicated the process. Despite exploring various solutions, none met their unique regulatory requirements.

That's when they discovered Zoho Creator's potential through an initial internal attempt by a former employee, which yielded promising results. This led them to partner with BSP, a Zoho expert and Premium Partner, to effectively leverage Zoho Creator for their complex applications.

The solution

Parametrics Medical required an internal system to manage clinic relationships and track orders. Handling inventory, shipping, and billing in-house prompted the need for a robust internal management tool. With the help of BSP, they turned to Zoho Creator and developed their first major application: the NST Order Management (NOM) application.

NST Order Management

NOM streamlines the distribution and tracking of medical products by integrating clinics, distributors, and healthcare providers for efficient order management.

NST Order Management

"The app gets all the way down to the granular level of the actual clinics themselves. We keep track of every clinic who has ever placed an order or a graft from us in this system."

— K.C. Crabb,Senior Director of Operations, Parametrics Medical

Key features

  • Clinic and distributor management: Tracks detailed information and coordinates product shipments.
  • Healthcare provider integration: Maintains a database with billing information and unique identifiers.
  • Order and patient management: Monitors orders, products, quantities, statuses, and patient records.
  • Product and payment management: Manages product lists and payment processing.

The application significantly improved operational efficiency and accuracy for Parametrics Medical, laying the foundation for advanced applications like WoundCare AR and the Daily WoundCare Tracker.

WoundCare AR

This app simplifies the addition of clinics and distributors, automatically importing them into Zoho CRM. Key features include clinic and distributor management through dedicated lists for quick access, and streamlined invoice management that allows users to input details, select associated clinics and distributors, and auto-populate dates and balances.

WoundCare AR

"The features of pulling things from one module to another and the auto-calculations let us really automate almost everything we're doing."

— Elea Stout,Project Lead, Parametrics Medical

Additionally, the application integrates with the Daily WoundCare Tracker, ensuring consistency and accuracy in product information across platforms.

Daily WoundCare Tracker

This app allows users to input shipment details, assign statuses, and link shipments to distributors and clinics, ensuring accurate and accessible tracking information.

Daily WoundCare Tracker

"It seems so simple, but it's such a big deal, because we were having to do that by hand in an Excel sheet, and there's so much less space for human error."

— Elea Stout,Project Lead, Parametrics Medical

A key feature is the automatic tallying of total units and order revenue. The app also includes robust product management capabilities, enabling users to add and edit product details, ensuring all unit-related information is accurate and up to date.

e-Biologics Order Checklist

This app manages regulatory compliance, inventory, and automated workflows to streamline biologics orders.

Designed to handle complex fields and rules, e-BOC dynamically displays relevant information based on the selected action (e.g., full return, return to manufacturer, etc), ensuring accurate data capture.

e-Biologics Order Checklist

"There are all of these very intricate fields. When we click this button, this one action has to happen, but this other action can't happen, and that has been very interesting to see how it's still capable of being executed."

— Elea Stout,Project Lead, Parametrics Medical

Currently a standalone application, e-BOC is designed for future integration with inventory and accounting systems. This will eventually create a cohesive system, where actions in e-BOC automatically update related systems, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Benefits and ROI

Implementing Zoho Creator has brought significant benefits to Parametrics Medical, notably increasing productivity and efficiency across various operations. The shift from paper-based processes to a custom order management application led to at least a 25% increase in productivity.

Beyond productivity gains, Zoho Creator has opened up new avenues for creativity and customization that were previously impossible with their existing tools.

"Before, when we were just working with Excel, there were boundaries that you couldn't go outside of. We weren't able to imagine anything other than what was given to us, but now that we have Zoho and we have Creator, we're really able to pose that question to ourselves: 'Well, what can't we do?'

There are so many possibilities that it really pushes that creativity of what we can create to make ourselves more efficient and more productive."

— Elea Stout,Project Lead, Parametrics Medical

Looking forward

Parametrics Medical is poised to further expand its use of Zoho Creator, continuing to innovate and streamline its processes. With several key applications already transforming their operations, the team plans to develop additional customized solutions to address evolving needs. These applications will integrate more data sources, provide deeper insights, and enable real-time monitoring, which will drive even greater efficiency across departments.

"Every time someone creates a spreadsheet to keep track of something and then shares it, we're like, 'That's really good; now let's put it into Zoho Creator.' The ultimate goal is to skip the whole Excel spreadsheet phase altogether and start with Zoho Creator from the beginning. It really just makes the collaboration easier, the efficiency better, and the checks and balances for accuracy much easier."

— K.C. Crabb,Senior Director of Operations, Parametrics Medical

Overall, Zoho Creator has not only improved operational efficiency and productivity but also empowered Parametrics Medical to continually innovate and adapt their processes, promising substantial long-term ROI.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zoho Creator?

Zoho Creator is a low-code application development platform that allows users to create custom applications on their own, with minimal coding experience. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface empowers developers and business users to build web and mobile applications that satisfy all their unique requirements with ease.

Are applications built on Zoho Creator scalable?

Applications built on Zoho Creator are built to auto-scale—the back-end infrastructure seamlessly scales as business demand grows. Currently 22,000+ customers across are using over 7 million applications built using Zoho Creator, a testimony to the power of the platform.

Does Zoho Creator have a free plan?

Yes, Zoho Creator has a free plan. This plan comes with a limited feature set and allows for one user, one application, 250 MB of storage, and 1,000 records. However, you have the option to upgrade to a paid plan whenever you wish.

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