Nuri Education: Streamlining school management with Zoho Creator

"The student management system has greatly improved operational accuracy and efficiency across our branches."

— Shayrul Izam, CEO, Nuri Education

Shayrul Izam

Created by : Nuri Education

Use case : Education/Student ERP

Industry : Education

Implementation Partner : The Techno Set Sdn. Bhd.

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The company

Nuri Education, based in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, is dedicated to nurturing young minds through its comprehensive early childhood education programs. With a focus on fostering creativity, critical thinking, and moral values, Nuri operates 22 kindergarten branches that provide a holistic learning environment. Utilizing Zoho Creator, Nuri Education developed a customized ERP system tailored to the unique workflows of Nuri's business processes.

The challenge

Nuri Education sought a software solution that could adapt to their unique business processes without requiring any alterations, unlike many off-the-shelf products. After experimenting with various prebuilt systems that didn't meet their needs, they discovered Zoho Creator, which allowed them to fine-tune workflows to match their exact requirements.

"Before I found Zoho Creator, I tried many prebuilt off-the-shelf systems, but all of them fell short because I am very specific about how I want the workflow run. Even the free version of Zoho Creator was better in some ways than all the other paid versions I tried."

— Shayrul Izam,CEO, Nuri Education

The solution

Nuri Education built an education ERP system using Zoho Creator with the help of Omar Khamam, CEO of The Techno Set Sdn, a Zoho Partner, to streamline operations across its 22 kindergarten branches. The system is highly customizable, allowing for tailored workflows and real-time analytics.

"The custom education ERP enables the fine-tuning of various processes within the school, reducing reliance on paper and streamlining administrative tasks. Parents can register their children using QR codes, and principals can approve admissions seamlessly. The management also has a high-level view of all 22 branches, including detailed reports on student numbers, class distributions, and elective courses."

— Shayrul Izam,CEO, Nuri Education

Key features of the system

Student management:

This module allows for the registration, transfer, and discharge of students. Parents can use QR codes to register their children while principals can approve admissions easily. The module also tracks disciplinary issues and other student-related activities.

Nuri Education student intakes table

Administrative dashboard:

The dashboard provides principals with a comprehensive overview of their branch, including student enrollment numbers, class distribution, and teacher requirements. It enables quick responses to various administrative needs and offers insights for effective branch management.

Real-time analytics:

Detailed reports give management a high-level view of all operations across their branches. It includes reports on student numbers, class distributions, and elective courses. This data helps them make informed decisions at the highest level, ensuring smooth operations across the network.

Nuri Education school dashboard

Custom workflows:

Custom workflows enable the fine-tuning of various processes within the school. From student registration to handling school maintenance, the system is adaptable to the specific needs of each branch. This flexibility reduces reliance on paper and streamlines administrative tasks.

Benefits and ROI

After adopting the ERP system built on Zoho Creator, Nuri Education experienced marked improvements in efficiency. The system's analytics provide real-time data, eliminating the need for guesswork and significantly reducing the time spent on administrative tasks.

"What usually took 30 minutes for student registration now takes only around 10 minutes because parents fill in the admissions form themselves. The student management system has greatly improved operational accuracy and efficiency across our branches."

— Shayrul Izam,CEO, Nuri Education

Looking forward

"We can easily update programs and enroll students with just a click. This will significantly streamline our administrative processes, ensuring our system remains efficient and effective with the new planned additions."

— Shayrul IzamCEO, Nuri Education

Nuri Education plans to expand its ERP system with several new modules using Zoho Creator to streamline the following operations.


The HRMS system will help manage employee records, recruitment, payroll, promotions, training, performance appraisals, and communication, ensuring efficient and organized HR operations.

Teacher appointment module:

Nuri Education plans to build a module to manage teacher assignments to various classes, ensuring that staffing needs are met based on current student enrollments. It will also help in auditing and invoicing processes, ensuring accurate and timely financial management.

Student attendance:

Allowing students to log in and log out of school and extracurricular activities (ECAs), Nuri HQ aims to monitor student attendance in real time across all 22 Nuri branches. Additionally, this module will pipe data into the parent portal, allowing parents to view their child's daily attendance.

Parent portal:

Designed to handle long-term student records, this module will allow easy updates for students enrolled in multiple programs over several years. The process for new enrollments and program updates will also be further simplified.

These planned enhancements will further streamline Nuri Education's administrative processes, ensuring efficient and effective management across all branches.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zoho Creator?

Zoho Creator is a low-code application development platform that allows users to create custom applications on their own, with minimal coding experience. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface empowers developers and business users to build web and mobile applications that satisfy all their unique requirements with ease.

Are applications built on Zoho Creator scalable?

Applications built on Zoho Creator are built to auto-scale—the back-end infrastructure seamlessly scales as business demand grows. Currently 22,000+ customers across are using over 7 million applications built using Zoho Creator, a testimony to the power of the platform.

Does Zoho Creator have a free plan?

Yes, Zoho Creator has a free plan. This plan comes with a limited feature set and allows for one user, one application, 250 MB of storage, and 1,000 records. However, you have the option to upgrade to a paid plan whenever you wish.

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