Post to a Channel
Use the zoho.cliq.postToChannel deluge task to post a message to a channel directly by using the channle unique name or the channel ID. The message posted will be visible to all participants of the channel. The zoho.cliq.postToChannelAsAdmin task should be used to connect to Cliq from other Zoho applications. To post to the channel through a bot, the zoho.cliq.postToChannelAsBot task should be used.
Syntax: zoho.cliq.postToChannel(<channel_unique_name>, "Hello!");
Establishing a connection is required when executing from other services. Use the scope ZohoCliq.Channels.UPDATE to create the connection and provide the connection link name as the third parameter in the deluge task.
Example : zoho.cliq.postToChannel("DelugeChannel", "Hello","cliq_connection");
To get the channel unique name:
- Hover over the channel name in the LHS and select the More Info option.
- Click Connectors.
- The API Endpoint URL contains the Channel Unique Name.
Sample API Endpoint URL for a Channel:<channel_unique_name>/message
Let us consider a scheduler which posts updates about the list of calls scheduled for the day in the #sales channel. To pull data from CRM, create a connection with Zoho CRM and use the invoke URL task in the deluge script.
To create a scheduler, head on over to the help page on Schedulers.
message = Map();
// Use the zoho.currenttime function and form the current date pattern to match the date received in the search calls API JSON response.
currdate = zoho.currenttime;
currday = currdate.getDay();
info currday;
if(currday < 10)
currday = "0" + currday;
currmonth = currdate.getMonth();
if(currmonth < 10)
currmonth = "0" + currmonth;
currdatestr = currdate.getYear() + "/" + currmonth + "/" + currday;
info currdatestr;
response = invokeurl
url :""
type :GET
info response;
calls = response.get("data").toList();
rows = List();
count = 0;
for each call in calls
status = call.get("Call_Status");
dateString = call.get("Call_Start_Time");
dateObject = dateString.toTime("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX");
time = dateObject.getTime(12);
dateObject = dateObject.toString("yyyy/MM/dd");
info dateObject;
if(dateObject == currdatestr)
count = count + 1;
row = Map();
row.put("Scheduled By",call.get("Created_By").get("name"));
row.put("Scheduled With",call.get("Who_Id").get("name"));
row.put("Call Time",time);
row.put("Call Details",call.get("Subject"));
row.put("Contact Information",call.get("What_Id").get("name"));
table = {"type":"table","title":"","data":{"headers":{"S.No","Scheduled By","Scheduled With","Call Time","Call Details","Purpose","Contact Information","Notes"},"rows":rows}};
message = {"text":"Hello! Here's the list of calls scheduled for today :smile: ","card":{"theme":"10"},"bot":{"name":"Sales Notifier","image":""},"slides":{table}};
Post to Channel as Admin
The zoho.cliq.postToChannelAsAdmin task should be used to connect to Cliq from other Zoho applications. This deluge task posts with the token of the Organization admin. The syntax for this deluge task is the same as zoho.cliq.postToChannel, where you'll have to pass the channel unique name and the intended message to be posted.
Syntax: zoho.cliq.postToChannelAsAdmin(<channel_unique_name>, "Hello!");
Post to Channel as Bot
The zoho.cliq.postToChannelAsBot task can be used to post in a channel as a bot. The syntax for this deluge task is the same as zoho.cliq.postToChannel, except you'll have to pass the bot unique name along with the channel unique name and the intended message to be posted.
Please note that the bot should be added in the channel for this task to work. To use this task, you should be at least one of the following:
1. A participant of the channel.
2. The bot owner.
3. An org admin.
Syntax: zoho.cliq.postToChannelAsBot(<channel_unique_name>,<bot_unique_name>, "Hello!");