Integris Credit Union simplifies the digitization of documents for its 30,000-member base using Zoho WorkDrive's API.

"The WorkDrive API makes it simple and seamless to push a large number of documents (millions of pages) to a shared folder structure that then integrates with our other core applications. It increases the speed of member service, and has saved 1 FTE in labor costs (so far)."

Jeff Anderson

Jeff Anderson, Integris Credit Union.

About Integris Credit Union

Integris Credit Union is a member-owned, full-service Financial Services institution operating in northern British Columbia. We offer banking, lending, insurance, and investment options.

What challenge or problem were you trying to solve by integrating WorkDrive with other tools?

We are in the process of scanning/digitizing all of the paper documents related to each of our almost 30,000 members and clients. This includes membership applications, loan documents, and other account opening documentation. By integrating with WorkDrive, we can surface the specific and respective documents for each member inside our core banking platform as well as Zoho CRM. All of the members' documents are all in one place for staff.

Can you provide a specific example of how the WorkDrive API integrates with your platform?

As documents are scanned and digitized, we use an OCR solution to grab and tag the document with metadata. We then use that metadata to upload the document(s) to a specific folder structure in WorkDrive via APIs.

How did WorkDrive API help you achieve your goals?

The WorkDrive API makes it simple and seamless to push a large number of documents (millions of pages) to a shared folder structure that then integrates with our other core applications. It places all member documentation in a single, standardized folder structure. It increases the speed of member service, and has saved 1 FTE in labor costs (so far).

What have been the key benefits and outcomes of using our API?

Time and cost savings. It would be highly impractical to try and manage this many documents using RPA (Robotic Process Automation), or worse, manually.

Which features of Zoho WorkDrive do you appreciate the most and why?

The ability for end users to manage their own sharing of files, both internally and externally. This removes a burden from IT staff and speeds up collaboration among all staff. Related, IT can set policy for how end users are able (or not) to share files/folders externally, which saves countless help desk calls for users trying to send large file attachments via email (that get blocked), and improves the ability of staff to serve their clients.

Three key areas where WorkDrive has impacted your business.

WorkDrive is consolidating our access to data in one place, and improving collaboration. The tight integration with Writer is fantastic for collaborative editing, and we have started migrating staff to this tool instead of using MS Office. Over the next month, Integris is migrating from an old Board portal solution to simply use WorkDrive (combined with some other Zoho products) to meet our requirements for secure distribution of Board of Directors materials, scheduling, archiving, note-taking, and more.

Is there anything you would say to other businesses considering Zoho WorkDrive?

Give it a shot. It performs well, and the APIs are great. I'd really like to see finer-grained user access controls, but am told that is being developed. It's the one major gripe we have: the need to set feature access controls more tightly than the existing role permissions allow for.

"WorkDrive has steadily improved over the last few years, and we are generally very pleased with all it can do. Great value, and great people!"