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Opinion polling

Opinion polls are surveys conducted to estimate the opinions of a large population by questioning a sample population. Serious pollsters ask multiple questions designed to estimate public opinion. Others use them to ask quick questions, without dwelling into the reasons for the answer.

poll questions

Polling issues

Pollsters aim to minimize the uncertainty brought in by these biases. The remainders are often described as 'margin of error'.

Polling issues
Who will respond to the poll?

Finding a population willing to take your poll is the primary hurdle. It won't be an issue with office polls. Simply send emails requesting that your coworkers respond. Those without a ready audience should put up the polls on websites or blogs the target audience frequents. Online polls can also take advantage of social media by posting polls on Facebook, twitter, and subreddits that cater to the target audience.

How will the inaccuracies be dealt with?

There are four types of inaccuracies that plague pollsters. They are coverage bias, response bias, non-response bias, and wording of questions.

Coverage bias occurs when the polls' audience is not representative of the actual population.

Response bias occurs when a portion of the audience does not reveal their true beliefs.

Non-response bias occurs when a portion of the intended audience does not answer.

Wording of questions can also cause a bias towards certain answers, skewing results.

3 steps to your online poll

create survey Compose
Your Questions

Use our collection of templates to help you create your poll.

create survey Publish
Your Poll

Make sure the poll is designed well using our customized themes.

reate survey Analyze
the results

Use the real time reports to be updated on swinging opinions.