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A lot of time while surveying, it is quite unnecessary to know who is responding to your survey. A lot of issues can be tackled by taking the response data and analyzing it alone.

This is where we recommend the use of anonymous surveys- a type of survey where respondents' identities are kept confidential even after completing the survey.

In this case, you will be rewarded with more candid responses that can help you make better decisions. This will ensure you have a better data set to slice and dice your respondents' age, gender, product-service they use, etc.

To ensure honest feedback, respondents must know that they can share their feedback in a confidential way that prevents leaders, stakeholders, or anyone, for that matter, to tie that feedback back to their name.

For example,

In an employee evaluation survey, employees might be worried that feedback that is critical of managers could be used against them. So, unless you, as a surveyor, cannot guarantee that it will not happen, you cannot count on their honest and complete participation.

Bought into creating an anonymous survey? Read on to get started.

Why are Anonymous surveys popular?

To understand why surveyors prefer anonymous surveys, we have to understand what the three pillars for survey anonymity are.


The logic behind honest answers in anonymous surveys is really quite simple: participants who feel safe telling the truth provide honest answers. Honest answers can give you a better picture of ground realities. This naturally makes anonymous surveys appealing to surveyors.


An anonymous survey is the perfect teamwork of identity protection and accurate data. You will be getting the answers you need while simultaneously assuring survey-takers that even survey administrators will not be able to link participants with their responses. Anonymous surveys are therefore more appealing to potential respondents.

Response Rates

Anonymous surveys are typically more useful when you are trying to survey certain personal, impactful, or sensitive information. In such situations, knowing the survey is anonymous would make it more likely for respondents to answer, giving you higher response rates for surveys that might have otherwise suffered from low response rates. As a bonus, considering that most surveying tools in the market now have the option to send email reminders to those who have not responded, you can ensure the response flow despite maintaining anonymity.

Whether you are collecting legal or Human Resources feedback, checking for compliance and safety information, or sending a post-course evaluation, anonymity makes a big difference to your survey results.

The result is accurate and useful data for you, with complete anonymity for the respondent. The freedom to tell the truth benefits your participants and your results.

Start surveying away, anonymously!


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