Digital strategy presentation template

Transform your brand journey with the digital strategy presentation template

Communicate your company's marketing strategy to your stakeholders and achieve your business goals' with the digital strategy presentation template. Comprised of bright graphic designs, this free presentation template will help you efficiently plan your business growth and create an impact on your audience.


Font scheme

Bungee Inline | Teko | Calibri


960 X 540 pixels

Color scheme
Title slide

Title slide

Include a suitable title, subtitle, date, and the presenter's name in the title slide to establish a clean and professional tone.


Meeting agenda

Communicate the topics to be covered in the agenda slide for the audience to be aware of the meeting's structure, topics, and what to expect from the presentation.


Meeting agenda
Company overview

Company overview

Highlight key aspects of your company and summarize its structure to provide a solid foundation for discussing the digital strategy in detail.



This slide can be used to show the timeline of the product release or the marketing plan timeline. Show how the marketing activities will be executed during a specific period.


Mission statement

Mission statement

Outline the company's purpose and goals for the team and stakeholders to put your digital strategy in context.


Meet the team

Use this slide to describe the who's who at the company and add relevant background information about them.


Meet the team
Target demographic

Target demographic

It is important to identify your target audience to cater your product and content according to them. Analyze your audience based on relevant geographic, demographic, and psychographic factors.



Segment your audience based on their background, demographics, and key characteristics to explain how you'll focus your product marketing.




Describe the goals of the digital strategy. Project excitement about what you and your team are planning to achieve to keep the audience informed.


Marketing strategy overview

Use this slide to propose your marketing strategy. Organize your points by the social media platform and mention the pros and cons of each one.


Marketing strategy overview
Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization

Discuss how you'd improve the product's visibility and ranking on search engine result pages. Clearly define your strategies and add data to improve the credibility of your presentation.


Email marketing

Email is considered one of the successful marketing channels. Define your strategies and quantify the expected results of your strategies.


Email marketing
Pay-per-click ads

Pay-per-click ads

Define your strategies and the data for the pay-per-click campaign, such as keyword, ad creation, and landing page creation.


Display ads

Cover your strategy and relevant data for the display ad campaigns. Asses and analyze campaign goals, execution, ad creation, and how you'll optimize the landing page.


Display ads
Social media

Social media

Explain how you'll approach content creation for the different social media channels and how you'll track the progress.


Marketing budget

Mention the proposed budget for each of the marketing plans. Use a chart to compare the amount spent on different campaigns.


Marketing budget
Performance Overview

Performance Overview

Use a chart to display the ROI, engagements, acquisitions, conversions, and impressions to track the performance of the different marketing campaigns.


Social media performance

Explain the impressions, engagements, acquisitions, conversions, and ROI from the different social media channels to track their performance.


Social media performance
Keyword position tracking

Keyword position tracking

Monitor the position in which you and your competitors rank for important keywords. Mention the cost you pay per click and the search volume for your chosen keywords.


Data at a glance

Add data to your presentation to aid in decision-making. Use this slide to explain your data through charts and graphs for easy inference.


Data at a glance
Objectives attained

Objectives attained

Use this slide to mention the major objectives you have attained. Highlight the biggest accomplishments and also talk about the process leading to this point.


Current campaigns

Update the audience about the campaigns that are currently in progress and use visuals to illustrate your points.


Current campaigns
Next steps

Next steps

Keep your audience informed of the way forward. Mention the different steps that you'd take to achieve your goal



Craft a compelling story that covers the essence of your marketing plan. This can be used to convey your marketing strategies' key milestones and challenges.


Eye contact improves engagement

Eye contact improves engagement

Engage your audience by summarizing the key points of the presentation to create a connection with them. Use this slide to ensure your team is aligned and their feedback is acknowledged.


Keep it light

If appropriate, consider including a lighthearted slide in your presentation. Customize the tone and content according to your situation and audience.


Keep it light
Section divider

Section divider

This slide acts as a transition between one topic and the next. Use this slide to separate different sections or topics in your digital strategy presentation.



Visually communicate your digital strategy's milestones using this slide. Use this slide to add a narrative to your plan by including key moments in chronological order.




Leave your audience with a quick final thought that encapsulates key takeaways about you, your company, or the presentation. Provide the contact information of the company for stakeholders to get in touch.
