Find the spark in your candidates
Video interviews help everyone involved in the hiring process make better decisions about which candidates to move forward with. Zoho Recruit's partnership with Spark Hire helps you make hires faster than before.
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Step up your interviews
Make better hiring decisions with structured, video interview technology that shows you more about a candidate’s full potential than what’s on their resume.

One-way video interview
Spark Hire lets candidates interview on their own time by recording answers to organized, job-relevant interview questions. Recruiters can screen these videos before passing them on to hiring managers. Everyone can then take time to thoroughly review applicants.
Live video interviews
Interviewing a candidate in-person is better than a telephonic interview any day. But for a recruiter, there's always a time crunch. Using Spark Hire for Zoho Recruit, you can conduct live interviews with your candidates and get the experience of an in-person interview with a click of a button.

It's interview scheduling made simple.
Increase your team's productivity, improve your hiring and retention, and create a great candidate experience today.
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