Parse Resumes from Email Attachments
A smart and efficient work process is what we aim for and that is exactly what Resume Inbox delivers. With this user-friendly parsing tool, the recruitment procedure becomes a lot easier as it automatically parses resume from your inbox and transfers the candidate details directly to Zoho Recruit. So no more hassle over cluttered mailboxes, with a few easy steps you can configure your Resume Inbox and get started.

- Automatically extract resumes from multiple email accounts.
- Parse not only the candidate details from attachments but the entire email including the content, to, from, and subject.
- Quickly process resumes.
- Save time in switching between your email client and Zoho Recruit.
Key Features
- Extract resumes from different email clients like Zoho Mail, Outlook, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail.
- Parse only the required information.
- View parsed and failed resumes.