Search Record
To retrieve records that match your search criteria using Widget APIs.
Request Format
"Entity": "{module_api_name}",
"Type": "criteria",
"Query": "{search_query}"
Sample Attributes
The following table gives you specific details about each field type in Zoho Recruit and its limitations.
The JSON type and the data type of the field-types are extracted from fields metadata API.
JSON type - Tells in what format the field should be passed in request-body or will be received in response.
Data type - Tells the type of data that can be stored in the corresponding field type. It is mentioned below each Attribute.
Attribute | JSON Type | Limitations | Sample |
Single Line Text | String | Accepts up to 255 characters. Accepts alphanumeric and special characters. | "Last_Name": "Mike O'Leary" |
Multi-Line Textarea | String | Small - accepts up to 2000 characters. Large - accepts up to 32000 characters. You will not be able to use this field to create custom views, reports, or other filters. Accepts alphanumeric and special characters. | "Multi_Line_1": "This is the first line \n Now for the Second Line" |
Email | String | Accepts valid email IDs. | "Email_1": "" |
Phone Phone | String | Accepts up to 30 characters. This limit may vary based on the value configured in 'Number of characters allowed in the properties pop-up of the field, in UI. Accepts only numeric characters and '+' (to add extensions). The regex pattern in Zoho R3ecruit to validate this field's value is "[0-9a-zA-Z!#;%\\*\\^\\(\\)=\\{\\}\\[\\]\\?`~_\\-\\.\\$@\\?\\,\\:\\'\\/\\!\\P{InBasicLatin}\\|\\\\\\s\\+]+" | "Phone_1": "9900000000" |
Picklist Picklist | String | You can either pass an existing picklist value or add a new one. The pick list value accepts all alphanumeric and special characters. | "Industry": "automobile" |
Multi-Select Picklist Multi-select Picklist | JSON array | You can either pass existing picklist values or add a new one. The picklist value accepts all alphanumeric and special characters. | "Courses_Opted": [ "Analytics", "Big data" ] |
Date Date in ISO 8601 format | String | Accepts date in yyyy-MM-dd format | "Date_1": "2017-08-16" |
Date/time DateTime in ISO 8601 format | String | Accepts date and time in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss±HH:mm ISO 8601 format | "Date_Time": "2017-08-16T14:32:23+05:30" Date_Time is in ISO8601 format and the time zone is the current user's time zone. |
Number Integer | Integer | Accepts numbers up to 9 digits. This limit may vary based on the value configured in 'Maximum digits allowed' in the properties pop-up of the field, in UI. Accepts only numeric values. | "No_of_Employees": 350 |
Currency Currency | Double | Before decimal point - accepts numbers up to 16 digits. This limit may vary based on the value configured in 'Maximum digits allowed' in the properties pop-up of the field, in UI. After decimal point - accepts precision up to 9 digits. This limit may vary based on the value configured in 'Number of decimal places' in the properties pop-up of the field, in UI. Accepts only numeric values. | "Annual_Revenue": 250000.90 |
Decimal Double | Double | Before decimal point - accepts numbers up to 16 digits. This limit may vary based on the value configured in 'Maximum digits allowed' in the properties pop-up of the field, in UI. After decimal point - accepts precision up to 9 digits. This limit may vary based on the value configured in 'Number of decimal places' in the properties pop-up of the field, in UI. Accepts only numeric values. | "Decimal_1": 250000.50 |
Percent Double | Double | Accepts numbers up to 5 digits. Accepts only numeric values. | "Percentage": 25 |
Long Integer BigInt | String | Accepts numbers up to 18 digits. This limit may vary based on the value configured in 'Maximum digits allowed' in the properties pop-up of the field, in UI. Accepts only numeric values. | "EAN_Code":"0012345600012" |
Checkbox Boolean | Boolean | Accepts only Boolean values(true,false). | "Email_Opt_Out": true |
URL Website | String | Accepts valid URLs. The regex pattern in Zoho Recruit to validate this field's value is "^(http:\\/\\/www.|https:\\/\\/www.|ftp:\\/\\/www.|www.|http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/|ftp:\\/\\/|){1}[^\\x00-\\x19\\x22-\\x27\\x2A-\\x2C\\x2E-\\x2F\\x3A-\\x40\\x5B-\\x5E\\x60\\x7B\\x7D-\\x7F]+(\\.[^\\x00-\\x19\\x22\\x24-\\x2C\\x2E-\\x2F\\x3C\\x3E\\x40\\x5B-\\x5E\\x60\\x7B\\x7D-\\x7F]+)+(\\/[^\\x00-\\x19\\x22\\x3C\\x3E\\x5E\\x7B\\x7D-\\x7D\\x7F]*)*$" | "URL": "" |
Lookup Lookup | JSON object | Accepts valid name and unique ID of the record, which you can get through metadata API. | "Lookup" : { "name" : "James", "id" : "425248000000104001" } |
Multi-select lookup Multi-Select Lookup | JSON array | Accepts valid record names and unique IDs. | "Accounts":[ { "Account_Name":"Zylker1", "id":"4150868000000420069" }, { "Account_Name":"Zylker", "id":"4150868000000420046" } ] |
User User Lookup | JSON object | This is a default look-up field for users in Zoho Recruit. | "User": { "name":"Patricia Boyle", "id":"4150868000000623001" } |
Sample Request
"Entity": "Candidates",
"Type": "criteria",
"Query": "Last_Name:contains:Jacky"
}).then(function(successResponse) {
}, function(errorResponse) {
Sample Response
"data": [
"Origin": null,
"Email": "",
"$currency_symbol": "Rs.",
"Last_Activity_Time": "2020-08-21T17:03:13+05:30",
"Highest_Qualification_Held": null,
"Skill_Set": null,
"$converted": false,
"$process_flow": false,
"Brother": null,
"Updated_On": "2020-08-21T17:03:13+05:30",
"Current_Employer": null,
"Street": null,
"Zip_Code": null,
"id": "486812000001660091",
"Experience_in_Years": null,
"$approved": true,
"$approval": {
"delegate": false,
"approve": false,
"reject": false,
"resubmit": false
"Candidate_Status": "New",
"Candidate_ID": "ZR_446_CAND",
"Last_Mailed_Time": null,
"Created_Time": "2020-08-21T16:10:59+05:30",
"$followed": false,
"$editable": true,
"Is_Locked": false,
"City": "Chennai",
"Lead_Owner": {
"name": "Thomas Shelby",
"id": "486812000000216003"
"Is_Unqualified": false,
"Associated_Tags": [],
"Additional_Info": null,
"State": null,
"Country": null,
"Created_By": {
"name": "Thomas Shelby",
"id": "486812000000216003"
"Secondary_Email": null,
"Is_Attachment_Present": false,
"Salary": 0,
"Rating": null,
"Website": null,
"Twitter": null,
"Current_Job_Title": null,
"Salutation": null,
"Source": "Added by User",
"First_Name": "Samuel",
"Full_Name": "Samuel Jacky",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "Thomas Shelby",
"id": "486812000000216003"
"Skype_ID": null,
"Experience_Details": [],
"Phone": null,
"Email_Opt_Out": false,
"JobOpening1": null,
"Educational_Details": [],
"$converted_detail": {},
"Career_Page_Invite_Status": "0",
"Mobile": "7685635434456",
"Last_Name": "Jacky",
"Current_Salary": 0,
"Possible_Salary": 0,
"Associated_any_Social_Profiles": null,
"Fax": null,
"Expected_Salary": 0
"Origin": null,
"Email": "",
"$currency_symbol": "Rs.",
"Last_Activity_Time": "2020-08-21T16:08:26+05:30",
"Highest_Qualification_Held": null,
"Skill_Set": null,
"$converted": false,
"$process_flow": false,
"Brother": null,
"Updated_On": "2020-08-21T16:08:26+05:30",
"Current_Employer": null,
"Street": null,
"Zip_Code": null,
"id": "486812000001660077",
"Experience_in_Years": null,
"$approved": true,
"$approval": {
"delegate": false,
"approve": false,
"reject": false,
"resubmit": false
"Candidate_Status": "New",
"Candidate_ID": "ZR_443_CAND",
"Last_Mailed_Time": null,
"Created_Time": "2020-08-21T16:08:26+05:30",
"$followed": false,
"$editable": true,
"Is_Locked": false,
"City": null,
"Lead_Owner": {
"name": "Thomas Shelby",
"id": "486812000000216003"
"Is_Unqualified": false,
"Associated_Tags": [],
"Additional_Info": null,
"State": null,
"Country": null,
"Created_By": {
"name": "Thomas Shelby",
"id": "486812000000216003"
"Secondary_Email": null,
"Is_Attachment_Present": false,
"Salary": null,
"Rating": null,
"Website": null,
"Twitter": null,
"Current_Job_Title": null,
"Salutation": null,
"Source": "Added by User",
"First_Name": "Sagar",
"Full_Name": "Sagar Alias Jacky",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "Thomas Shelby",
"id": "486812000000216003"
"Skype_ID": null,
"Experience_Details": [],
"Phone": null,
"Email_Opt_Out": false,
"JobOpening1": null,
"Educational_Details": [],
"$converted_detail": {},
"Career_Page_Invite_Status": "0",
"Mobile": "7685635434456",
"Last_Name": "Alias Jacky",
"Current_Salary": null,
"Possible_Salary": null,
"Associated_any_Social_Profiles": null,
"Fax": null,
"Expected_Salary": null
"info": {
"per_page": 200,
"count": 2,
"page": 1,
"more_records": false
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