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  • Email marketing for ecommerce: Tailored strategies for beauty, fashion, and travel industries

Email marketing for ecommerce: Tailored strategies for beauty, fashion, and travel industries

  • Last Updated : January 12, 2024
  • 3 Min Read
Email marketing strategies for ecommerce businesses

The global ecommerce market is projected to reach $3.5 trillion in 2024.

Much of this could be attributed to the pandemic, which accelerated the growth of ecommerce, with more consumers turning to online shopping. With such fierce competition and so many opportunities lying ahead, brands have to tailor-make their marketing strategies to reach their target audiences.

Whether it's an online retail store or a fashion brand, businesses need to understand how best to leverage email marketing.

Here's how different businesses can best optimize email marketing:

If you're a beauty retailer 

Developing brand loyalty is a time-consuming process. Brands invest countless hours into strategizing and planning in order to establish a strong brand recall value among their audiences.

Email has long been a favorite platform that nearly every ecommerce business uses to foster brand loyalty and boost sales. Beauty and cosmetic brands can capitalize on this by deploying visually compelling creatives and incorporating product recommendations, and by sharing relevant tutorials and encouraging customers to engage with their content, they can create a more personalized and interactive experience for both existing and potential customers.

For example, take the French beauty brand, Sephora. They run impactful email campaigns for their loyalty program, send personalized emails to their Beauty Insider program members, offer them exclusive discounts and rewards, and encourage them to purchase more products. This strategy has helped Sephora to build a loyal customer base and increase repeat purchases.

If you're a fashion brand 

One of the most exciting aspects of fashion and beauty brands is the opportunity to play with different colors and hues, making email designs more visually appealing. Through email campaigns, brands can showcase their latest arrivals and current trends, keeping customers up-to-date and engaged.

Flash sales emails are a popular tactic successful fashion brands use, whereby they send customers targeted emails that offer exclusive limited-time discounts on select products. This strategy helps drive sales and create a sense of urgency among customers.

If you run a travel company 

There's nothing more tried and true than using email marketing to promote your platform and increase bookings. All you have to do is use your customer information to make your emails highly personalized and send custom-made travel recommendations and discounts, encouraging customers to book their next trip through your platform.

In fact, some travel companies have managed to address abandoned carts with some success. Airbnb, for instance, sends targeted emails to customers who have searched for a specific travel destination but failed to complete the booking, reminding them of their search and offering them personalized travel recommendations.

If you're an online retailer 

With the popularity of AI, online retailers can now provide personalized recommendations and promotions for their customers based on their purchase histories and other data points. Brands can send highly targeted emails with the aim of increasing customer engagement and driving sales.

In fact, Amazon is one brand that sends abandoned cart email campaigns. When a customer adds a product to their cart but fails to complete the purchase, Amazon sends an email reminding the customer of the items in their cart and encouraging them to complete the purchase. This strategy has proven to be highly effective, with studies showing that abandoned cart emails can recover up to 20% of lost sales.

If you're an online educational platform 

If you depend on signups to promote your courses, email marketing is an obvious option. But it's not just courses; you can send emails that will help your audience with tips on how to improve their skills and encourage them to try your products.

You can run a referral program by sending emails to existing users that offer them discounts and rewards for referring new users to the platform. This strategy has helped Grammarly increase signups and build a loyal customer base.

Email marketing platforms are designed specifically for the ecommerce industry and packed with features you can leverage to improve your sales and overall ROI.

To sum it up, email marketing platforms have multiple features that are designed specifically for the e-commerce industry that can be leveraged to improve sales and overall ROI. As the ecommerce landscape continues to evolve, harnessing the power of email marketing will be crucial for brands looking to thrive in an increasingly digital marketplace.



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