Migrate to Token

After the Second Payment Services Directive (PDS2) came into effect, some of the automated bank feeds fetched by our existing service provider were broken. In order to restore these services, Zoho Books integrates with an alternate service provider, Token. You can now migrate your bank accounts to Token and start fetching bank feeds through open banking. 

We can split the migration process into two steps:

  1. Migrate and fetch bank accounts from Token
  2. Map fetched accounts with bank accounts in Zoho Books

Notes: At the moment, Token provides account information services only for some banks. If your bank is not one of them, we request you to import bank statements manually.

Migrate and Fetch Bank Accounts from Token

The first step is to link your bank account with token and select the accounts that you want to fetch to Zoho Books. To do this:

Migrate Now Connect to Token Token's Terms Login to your bank

Notes: You will be redirected to your bank’s login page and your credentials will not be shared with Zoho or Token.

Verify Account Select your bank accounts

Map Fetched Accounts with Bank accounts in Zoho Books

After you have fetched your bank accounts, you will have to map them with the accounts you’ve already set up in Zoho Books. Once you’re redirected to Zoho Books, all the accounts that you are migrating will be listed. You will have to:

Insight: Transaction history can be fetched only for the last 180 days.

Map Accounts

You can view the status of your account in the migration page and your feeds will also be fetched into Zoho Books.

Migration Page

Similarly, you can add new bank accounts supported by Token to fetch feeds. Bank accounts supported by token will have the tag Provided by Token in the all banks dropdown. All you have to do is, select your bank, provide consent to Token, link your account with Token as mentioned above and map it in Zoho Books.

New Bank
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