What PageSense offers that VWO doesn't

You’re probably spending 1500% more of your marketing budget than you should be. Don't pay more for CRO staples. Get complete access to sophisticated testing features, all-around customer support, and a dedicated account manager across all plans. Pick PageSense for power-packed features minus the hassle.

Why teams love PageSense than VWO

Improvement in website conversion rates
Increase in revenue for new website variation
Elevated website engagement

10+ advanced CRO tools under one platform that includes dynamic Heatmaps, Session Recordings, Form and Funnel insights, A/B testing and Personalization.

Cost-effective price, starts at $16/month!

End-to-end implementation support with no hidden chargesiFor accounts tracking a minimum of 50,000 visitors.

An impressive Service Level Agreement (SLA) with a two-hour response time, surpassing industry standards.

Optimize better with Zoho PageSense

  • Easy to use interface

    VWO's UI is overloaded and requires a lot of customization to use it effectively. Whereas, PageSense's intuitive UI lets you set up and launch experiments without being overwhelmed by options and choices. We remove all distractions and make sure you have all the testing tools at hand so your focus remains on what matters: creating high quality tests.

    Easy to use interface

SPA support

With our out-of-box Single Page Application (SPA) support, run A/B tests on applications that work on hash and history API-based URLs without any manual code configurations.

Flicker free code

Serve variations fast when running A/B and Split URL tests. No more worrying about your site load time or flicker affecting your visitor's experience.

Cost transparency and value

In 2022, VWO made significant changes to its pricing structure by introducing six different bundles for its tools, resulting in restricted access to specific functionalities. For instance, if you wish to conduct A/B tests, you'll need to subscribe to the VWO Testing bundle, and to utilize additional features such as Heatmaps and Session Recording, you must pay for the separate VWO Insights bundle. This pay-per-need model can quickly become expensive as your optimization efforts expand over time. In contrast, Zoho PageSense believes in transparent pricing to knock out the big uncertainty factor for the users.

Still thinking it over?

Check out this comparison chart to see why Zoho PageSense is better than VWO


pagesence-logoZoho PageSense



Starts at $16/month/annually

Bundle based pricing

Snippet type



Chrome extension

Yes Yes, can launch A/B tests and Heatmap right from your browser

Yes Yes, can only add observations and download heat maps and scrollmap.

Web Analytics

tick element

tick element


  • Track elements, clicks, time spent on the page and custom event
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Track form submissions
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Track page views
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Track Revenue
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Track Engagements
  • tick element
  • -
  • Track Bounce Rate
  • tick element
  • -
  • Track number of visitors and conversions
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Average conversion time
  • tick element
  • -
  • Goal metrics, Performance by time and device, Source type, Visitors type, Top webpages and countries.
  • tick element
  • -
  • Date picker
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Audience Segmentation
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Report share
  • tick element
  • tick element

Funnel Analysis

  • Steps to enter the path
  • tick element
  • -
  • Unique visitors
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Number of conversions and conversion rate
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Average completion time
  • tick element
  • -
  • Page wise visitors
  • tick element
  • -
  • Drop-off rate between the steps
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Date wise drop off infographics
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Audience Segmentation
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Share report
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Date picker
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Real time report
  • tick element
  • tick element


  • Experimental timeline
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Pages to track and not to track
  • tick element
  • -
  • Advanced URL targeting
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Device types (desktop/mobile/tab)
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Top engaged elements
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Date picker
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Audience segmentation
  • Simple & advanced
  • Only advanced
  • Consolidated Heatmap
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Average time spent
  • tick element
  • -
  • Share report
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Number of visitors
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Number of visits and engaged visitors
  • tick element
  • -
  • Dynamic element tracking
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Report type
  • Real time
  • -
  • Download Heatmap
  • -
  • tick element
  • Scroll map
  • Yes
  • Yes (can be downloaded)
  • Attention map
  • tick element
  • tick element

Form Analytics

  • Number of unique visitors
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Number of visits
  • tick element
  • -
  • Form starters, conversions and abandons
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Form metrics over time
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Average time taken to submit
  • tick element
  • -
  • Field level focuses
  • tick element
  • -
  • Filed interaction, refocuses, correction and drop-off
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Filled and blank fields
  • tick element
  • -
  • Hesitation and total time taken
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Audience segmentation
  • tick element
  • -
  • Date picker
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Share report
  • tick element
  • -
  • Page to track and not to track
  • tick element
  • -
  • Confirmation page criteria (redirection URL)
  • tick element
  • -
  • Share experiment
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Ad spend (Google Ads)
  • tick element
  • -

Session Recording

  • Number of visitors
  • tick element
  • -
  • Track goals
  • tick element
  • -
  • View unique pages
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Device, OS, country and browser
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Resolution and source type
  • tick element
  • -
  • Number of visitors (would like to track)
  • tick element
  • -
  • Number of visitors to track
  • tick element
  • -
  • Elements to mask
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Date picker
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Smart and advanced segmentation
  • tick element
  • -
  • Hide URL query parameters
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Tags and events
  • tick element
  • -
  • Share recordings
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Pages to track with match type
  • tick element
  • -
  • Pages not to track (exclude pages)
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Change the speed of the video
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Resolution
  • tick element
  • -
  • Source type (Direct/Referral/Internet/Social)
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Experiment scheduler
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Identifying the user with API
  • tick element
  • -

A/B & Split URL Test

  • Variation details and conversion rate
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Number of unique visitors, goal achieved and conversion
  • tick element
  • -
  • Time based infographics
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Cumulative infographics
  • tick element
  • -
  • Interval difference
  • tick element
  • -
  • Improvement
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Variation specific Heatmaps
  • tick element
  • -
  • QA mode
  • tick element
  • -
  • Rank
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Report share
  • tick element
  • -
  • Goal settings
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Track clicks: Element, links and page views
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Revenue
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Time spent on page
  • tick element
  • -
  • Engagements
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Custom event
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Form tracking
  • -
  • tick element
  • Set audience
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Participation % of the audience
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Custom audience
  • tick element
  • -
  • Segment traffic
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Setting traffic split (original and variation)
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Set experiment method
  • tick element
  • -
  • Bayesian method
  • tick element
  • -
  • Frequentist method
  • tick element
  • -
  • Accuracy level
  • tick element
  • -
  • Quick trends
  • tick element
  • -
  • Optimal
  • tick element
  • -
  • High accuracy
  • tick element
  • -
  • Experiment activation mode: Activate when the page loads or activate manually or activate on satisfying a condition

  • tick element
  • -
  • Experiment URL
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Url targeting (pages to and not to track)
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Editor (editing for variant site)
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Insert and edit (html, text, image)
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Move, hide, show, remove
  • tick element
  • -
  • Select container
  • tick element
  • -
  • Option to add variations
  • tick element
  • -
  • Global code (JS/CSS)
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Device type
  • tick element
  • -
  • Add integration
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Leaderboard (monitor each goal's performance & conversion rate for variants)
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Detailed analysis
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Enable conversion forecast
  • tick element
  • -
  • Improvement and significance
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Difference interval
  • tick element
  • -
  • Duplicate experiment
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Download report
  • tick element
  • tick element


  • Goal tracking
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Increase in revenue
  • tick element
  • cross element
  • Reach of experience
  • tick element
  • cross element
  • Total visits
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Personalized visits
  • tick element
  • cross element
  • Number of visitors, conversions and conversion rate
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Reach across audience segments
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Variation specific heatmaps
  • tick element
  • -
  • Audience segmentation
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Date picker
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Visual editor
  • tick element
  • tick element

Polls, Pop-ups, Push Notifications

  • Pre-built templates
  • tick element
  • -
  • Device, OS, browser, resolution, country
  • tick element
  • -
  • View survey answers
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Metrics: visits, visitors, impressions, responses, focuses, starters
  • tick element
  • -
  • Answered and abandoned
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Info-graph
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Export reports
  • tick element
  • -
  • Date picker
  • tick element
  • -
  • Audience Segmentation
  • tick element
  • -


  • Google Tag Manager
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Google Analytics
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Kissmetrics
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Mixpanel
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Google Ads
  • tick element
  • cross element
  • Intercom
  • tick element
  • cross element
  • Wordpress
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Shopify
  • cross element
  • tick element
  • Magento
  • cross element
  • tick element
  • Amplitude
  • tick element
  • tick element
  • Open AI
  • tick element
  • tick element

All names and marks mentioned here remain the property of their original owners. Prices are as published by the named competitors on their website(s) and are subject to change without notice. The information on this webpage is not validated and is for general information purposes only. Zoho disclaims liability for any errors, omissions or losses consequential upon any reliance on information contained here.

Zoho PageSense is here for you.