Cookie Name | Information Stored | Generation State | Expiry Period | Purpose |
zab_g_{exp_key} (stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32) | This cookie stores details such as the experiment key, variation key, and additional user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your a/b test. | Sets when the a/b test is configured with a custom or pageview goal into it. | Expires once the session is over (when the website tab is closed). | Used to track successful custom/pageview goal conversions obtained in the same domain. |
zabUserID | This cookie stores a unique user key for every visitor reaching the website. | Sets when a user visits for the first time. | 1 year | Used for identifying individual visitors along with the status of new and returning visitors. |
zabVisitID | This cookie stores a unique visit key every time a user returns to the web page. | Sets every time a user visits. | 1 year | Used for identifying every visit made by the user on the web page. |
zabSplit | This cookie stores details like experiment key, variation key, and additional user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your Split URL experiments. | Sets when the experiment URL and variation URL are from the same domain. And, when a particular variation is selected for the split URL experiment. | 5 secs | Used for sending the experiment and visitor information to the server upon redirection. |
zabBucket | This cookie stores details like experiment key and its corresponding variation key for you a/b or split URL experiments. | Sets when the user's URL matches with the experiment URL. And if the target audience is satisfied. | 1 year | Used to consistently serve visitors the same variation of the test they've seen before. |
zabHMBucket | This cookie stores the experiment key for your heatmap experiments. | Sets when the user's URL matches with the experiment URL. | 1 year | Used for identifying the exact heatmap experiment to be tracked on the web page. |
zabBotScore | This cookie saves the bot's score. This value is used to identify if a visitor is a bot or a real user. It helps in detecting and managing automated traffic. | Sets when a new user visits for the first time. | 1 year | The purpose of this cookie is to detect and control bot traffic. It helps protect the website's data accuracy and ensures bots don’t interfere with analytics. |
zpsfa_{exp_key} (stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32) | This cookie stores a visit key for the first-time visitor landing in a funnel analysis experiment. | Sets when the user's URL matches with the experiment URL or when the custom event of a funnel step is triggered. | 1 month | Used for deriving the path taken by the visitor and the number of visitors that dropped off while traversing through the funnel. |
zfa{exp_key} (stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32) | This cookie stores details like experiment key and user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your form analytics experiments. | Sets when the experiment URL and conversion URL are from the same domain. | 1 hour | Used for tracking actual user conversions. |
zsr {expkey} (stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32) | This cookie stores a session key for your session recording experiments. | Sets when a user's URL matches with the experiment URL. | 2 hours | Used for mapping all the user actions performed within a session. |
zabme | This cookie stores the experiment key of your a/b or split URL experiment chosen from a mutually exclusive group. | Sets once a mutually exclusive group is created. | 1 year | Used for serving the same experiment within a mutually exclusive group, the user has seen before. |
zsd{sessionId} (stores a random alphanumeric string of length 32) | This cookie stores the session's metadata for your session recording experiments. | Sets once after the user start interacting on a web page's session. | 2 hours | Used for identifying the start time, last interacted time, and number of pages visited for a session. |
ps_payloadSeqId: | This cookie stores the sequence key for your session recording experiments. | Sets once the user starts interacting on a web page's session. | 2 hours | Used to keep track of duplicate payloads (session data). |
zabPZBucket | This cookie stores the experience key for your personalization experiments. | Sets when the experience is selected in a personalization experiment and is of type redirection | 1 year | Used to consistently serve visitors the same experience they have seen before. |
zPersonalization | This cookie stores details like the experiment key, experience key, and user data (such as browser used, user agent info, etc.) for your personalization experiments. | Sets when the experiment URL and experience URL are from the same domain and is of type redirection. | 1 year | Used for sending the experiment and visitor information to the server upon redirection. |
zia_ {projectkey} | This cookie stores the identity API details of individual visitors on your website. | Sets once the website owner provides the user's information. | 1 year | Used to avoid sending the same visitor data multiple times to the server. |
zpc< projectkey> | This cookie stores the visitors' response to the website's privacy policy. | Sets when the visitor makes a choice of privacy consent. | 1 year | Used to ensure that the banner does not reappear to the same visitor on your website. |
zps_permission_status | This cookie stores the granted and denied permission value of the visitor for your web push notification experiments. | Sets when the user lands on the website with push notification enabled in it. | 1 year | Used to identify and update the push notification status of the subscriber on your website. |
{exp_id}+"popup" (stores a random alphanumeric string of length 7 or 32) | This cookie stores details like the number of times a popup is displayed, the time when the cookie was created, and the popup completion status by individual visitors on your website. | Sets when the user's URL matches with the URL type configured in your popup experiment. | 1 year | Used to track user impressions and whether they respond to a popup. |
zps-tgr-dts | This cookie stores the session's metadata on your website | Sets when a user visits your site for the first time. | 1 year | Used for activating your experiment based on a given trigger condition. |
zpspolls_" +{exp_id} | This cookie stores details like the number of times a poll was shown, whether the poll was completed, and the time it was created for your polls experiment. | Sets when the user's URL matches with the poll URL. | 1 year | Used for tracking user actions such as impressions, answered/unanswered polls, and other poll parameters. |
zpsPollsBucket | This cookie stores the experiment key for your polls experiments. | Sets when the user's URL matches with the poll URL. | 1 year | Used for identifying the polls experiment to be served on the web page. |
"zpspb" + {exp_id} | This cookie stores details like the number of times a popup was displayed, the time when the cookie was created, and the popup completion status by individual visitors on your website. | Sets when the user's URL matches with the popup URL. | 1 year | Used for tracking user actions like impressions and answered/unanswered popups. |
zpsPopupBucket | This cookie stores the experiment key for your popup experiment. | Sets when the user's URL matches with the popup URL. | 1 year | Used for identifying the popup experiment to be served on the web page. |
"zpssr" + {current time in milliseconds} | This cookie stores the same cookie name and cookie value for your session recording experiment. | Sets when the session recording experiment is running on the website. | Gets deleted immediately after identification of the top level domain. | Used to identify the top level domain in your session recording experiment. |