IP Restrictions
IP restriction is a feature that empowers admins to whitelist specific IP addresses or a range of IP addresses for accessing Mail360's APIs. By configuring IP restrictions, admins can restrict the networks from which Mail360 APIs are invoked. Any attempts to access from networks with IP addresses not included in the whitelist will result in denial, accompanied by the "errorCode": "7027", "moreInfo": "Current IP access is restricted".
IP restrictions applied here do not affect networks accessing user interface and are solely applicable to networks from which Mail360 APIs are invoked.
How to add IP Restrictions?
- Log in to your Mail360 account.
- Navigate to the Settings >> IP Restrictions from the left pane.
- Click on the Add IP button. The Add Allowed IP pop-up will appear.
- Enter a name for this IP restriction. This name is for your future reference only.
- Choose any one of the following options
- IP Address - Enter a single IP address to the allowed list.
- IP Range - Enter a range of IP addresses to the allowed list.
- Click Add to apply the IP restriction. The Delete option is also available when you hover over the added IP restriction.