What's New in Zoho DataPrep?



Zoho DataPrep 2.0 is launched and publicly available!

We're thrilled to announce the General Availability of Zoho DataPrep 2.0! With our new version, it is easy to build an end-to-end pipeline and have a complete control on the quality as well as data movement. Here's everything you need to know about What's New with DataPrep 2.0. 

What's new with Zoho DataPrep 2.0?

We focused on developing a complete data pipeline platform for enterprises and small organizations alike, addressing both complex and simple use cases alike with little training and learning curve as possible.

Based on these values, these are the five focus areas that we worked on for the new major release of Zoho DataPrep.

  • Enhanced fundamentals and simplified complexity. 
  • Platform extensibility. 
  • Monitoring and Lineage. 
  • Improved user experience. 


Fundamentals of data pipelines 

The focus on enhancing the fundamentals of Zoho DataPrep addresses the evolving needs of our customers. Zoho DataPrep has a solid foundation with a transformation engine that can scale to billions of rows, 250+ in-built transformations that are driven completely via point-and-click interface without the need for any coding. 


Advanced Data Preparation in Zoho DataPrep

In 2.0, we are pushing some major updates to how data preparation is performed, orchestrated and run within Zoho DataPrep.

You can now manage the data pipeline as a single entity instead of dealing with the preparation stages as datasets on their own.

Import, processing, and export can now be scheduled to run in a single schedule process without having to sequence them separately and make schedule time adjustments manually.

Data fetched in an incremental fetch scenario is based on the schedule interval in 2.0 rather than previous import; this simplifies the process of incremental fetch (or CDC) and makes it easier to resume failed jobs. 

You can also get help from Ask Zia - Your everyday Al companion to clean and transform your data in natural language. 

Zoho DataPrep 2.0 brings all of the above changes and more with the following features.

Ask Zia - Zoho DataPrep Copilot

New Feature

Simply explain your data preparation needs in natural language, and Ask Zia, our generative AI assistant, will generate the required data transforms instantly. Ask Zia, your DataPrep Copilot can handle more than one query at the same time and enables you to prepare data effortlessly. 


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Visual Pipeline Builder

New Feature

The all-new pipeline canvas lets you design the end-to-end data flow seamlessly. Earlier, there was a limitation of working with a single dataset at a time, but in 2.0, data can be fetched from multiple sources, more than one dataset can be prepared and used simultaneously as well as the data can be exported to multiple destinations. This helps business visualize data better, simplify complex workflows, and work on data with more confidence. Learn more 

Advanced Scheduling

New Feature

In DataPrep 1.0, the sources and destinations had separate scheduling which had to be managed manually by staggering the schedule timing, which was hard. But with 2.0, the scheduling is now at the pipeline level. A single schedule can be used to manage imports, processing, and exports for all sources and destinations in the pipeline at once. 

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Incremental Fetch for All Sources

New Feature

In every pipeline run, choosing the incremental fetch option only fetches the new and updated data from the source and sends it to DataPrep for processing. Now, only the newly added rows are processed making each incremental fetch run faster. Thus making the job run more productive and cost effective. Learn more

Data BackFill

New Feature

Process data that was missed in previous schedules due to a change in data models or data preparation workflows. You can achieve this without having to perform all of the data processing one by one, especially in the case of file-based data pipelines. 

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Reusable Pipeline Templates

New Feature

Data pipelines you build can now be saved as pipeline templates, making reusability and replication of data pipelines quite easy. 

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Templates Gallery

New Feature

We are also publishing various pipelines and rulesets in a gallery with pre-built templates that solves for various use cases around data preparation and cleansing. Users can use these pre-built templates to kick start their data preparation journey. Learn more


New Feature

You can now save only selected rules as templates instead of saving the entire ruleset, and now you have the added flexibility of saving macros with specific functionality.

Expanded Connector Support

New Feature

Ability to build automated data pipelines entirely depends on the platform's capability to connect to a variety of sources and destinations. With this in mind, we are adding a bunch of connectors to Zoho DataPrep. Zoho DataPrep 2.0 data connectors list now includes the below connectors and more to make data management easy by connecting to various business applications and storage solutions.  

  • Salesforce connector
  • Zoho Bigin connector 
  • Zoho Creator connector 
  • SharePoint connector

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Enhanced Resiliency


Data pipelines could fail during the sync process; but we need the data pipelines to be as resilient as possible. We have made enormous strides with improving the resiliency of the data pipelines in Zoho DataPrep by implementing automatic retries within the processing infrastructure as well as during import and export processes to the data sources and destinations.

5x Performance


The platform performance capability has been enhanced 5x; this is evident with the amount of data that DataPrep can now process at a time, per batch. We launched the product back in 2021 with the capacity to process 1M rows per batch, and quickly followed up with an increased capacity of 5M.

With the 2.0 version, we are now able to support up to 25M rows per batch out of the box, and we can scale it upto 100M with special deployments done on request.

New AI-Powered Transforms

New Feature

DataPrep now integrates with OpenAI's ChatGPT APIs to enable smarter data transformations and enrichment. We are now offering features like Transform by Example, Formula Generator, and Dataset Finder using this integration. 

Auto Schema Validation

New Feature

When pushing data to your data destinations, there might be data model mismatches causing the export to fail partially, making it tough to resume the data exports and maintain data integrity. To avoid this, we provide schema validation automatically for all destinations that have data type support, such as databases and applications. 

Monitoring and Lineage

New Feature

We have drastically improved the observability of the Zoho DataPrep platform with new monitoring and audit capabilities. Let us look at what's improved in this front one by one. 

Jobs History and Audit

New Feature

Every pipeline execution is now tracked as a job with the status of each stage tracked individually. the list of jobs is now listed for each pipeline and categorized by how it was triggered, whether it was a manual run, scheduled run, back fill run, etc. Learn more

Granular Debugging

New Feature

Each job has three sections, the first section showing the status of each stage visually and the overview of the pipeline run with overall stats like rows processed, storage, time consumed, and the data interval of the particular job.

The second section shows a list view of all the processing stages, with individual status of each stage including details such as the rows processed and time consumed for processing the data. 

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Monitoring Dashboard

New Feature

All jobs in Zoho DataPrep can now be monitored from our new home page, the Monitoring Dashboard. The new dashboard has information about successful and failed data pipelines in the system. Learn more


In-Built Versioning

New Feature

All changes done during data preparation in the data pipeline are tracked and saved as versions; you can always navigate to any version and revert the pipeline to that version at any time. In other words, this brings in unlimited undo/redo to your data pipeline throughout the entire life cycle. 

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Staging and Production Environments

New Feature

When working with pipelines, after you have reached a certain milestone and are ready to schedule the pipeline, you can mark the pipeline as ready. When marked as ready, that pipeline version is marked as the live version. When making additional changes, it will all be tracked as the draft versions and will not affect the scheduled jobs. When you're done with the changes, you can once again mark the pipeline as ready for the changes to take effect in the scheduled jobs. This way you can keep testing and experimenting with your data without affecting the production pipeline.

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Access & Activity Audit Tracking

New Feature

When an organization's data is made accessible to multiple stakeholders, it is crucial to be in the know as to who accesses which data. This feature helps you monitor which user has accessed which part of the data workflow within Zoho DataPrep; thus improving data security and accountability with access and activity audit logs.

Platform Extensibility

Seamless integration with various data sources and destinations is essential for an efficient data preparation solution. To help organizations be flexible with their tailored data solutions for their ever-evolving business needs, we have extended our platform capabilities. 

Workflow automation with Zoho Flow

New Feature

With a tight Zoho Flow integration, connect Zoho DataPrep to numerous other software and solutions to automate your data workflow without having the need to code. It is a simple integration that lets you orchestrate data pipelines from Zoho Flow. You can now run data pipelines as an action within Zoho Flow and you will have the option to trigger a flow using DataPrep triggers such as job success, job failure, job completion. This enables Zoho Flow to help monitor pipelines as well as trigger action like pipeline sequencing based on data runs. Easily connect your pipelines with existing business apps like Cliq, Slack, Zoho Desk, etc.

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Whitelabel DataPrep

New Feature

Enhance your data offerings effectively with your own completely rebranded version of Zoho DataPrep. Our DataPrep white labeling offering can help you provide professional data services for a fraction of a cost. Without IT experts or data analysts, easily mine data and prepare them with ease. 

Custom webhooks and REST APIs

New Feature

Create trigger-based workflows for your custom business applications. Use webhooks to trigger pipeline execution and APIs to monitor pipeline status. To build integrations faster, we are publishing Rest API end points for Zoho DataPrep. You can now orchestrate data pipelines built within Zoho DataPrep via REST APIs integrated with any other applications or processes. This will provide you with options to start and stop data pipelines and allow you to get status information about jobs. 

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Other Updates



Real-time Data Quality Monitor 

You can now monitor the data quality without opening up the dataset details panel, the data quality is always available at the top of the DataPrep Studio page and is updated live for every change made to the data. 


Column explorer

When dealing with datasets that have more than 100 columns, it is often difficult to find the ones you want or navigate to the few columns that you wish to work on. The column explorer gives you an easy way to look for the columns, allows you to filter columns by data quality, so you can get to the columns with data quality issues first. You can also hide unwanted columns temporarily in the studio page and focus on the columns that matter the most while preparing your data. 


Bulk actions on ruleset 

You can now perform bulk actions on ruleset, allowing you to select multiple rules at once to either delete, disable, or enable. This also allows to clear all the rules applied and start from scratch. 


Ruleset template export as file 

Instead of only saving the ruleset template as an entity, and sharing them within your DataPrep organization, you can now export the ruleset as a file. You can use the file to share the template to users in a different organization, provide professional services to clients, or store it to an external version control system for tracking. 


Multi-file batch imports 

When importing files into the system, you can now merge multiple files together as a single dataset. In the advanced import flow for file imports from local file system and cloud storage solutions, you can choose to merge the files during import. You can merge up to 10 files at a time. Learn more


Enhanced target matching for Apps 

Target matching is not only available for databases, but also for all the application destinations that are available Zoho DataPrep. This allows you to better manage the data types and constraints that are expected by the target application and avoid any partial export errors which are hard to recover from. 


Filter and Sort enhancements 

Filter and sort panels are added as tabs to all the transforms in Zoho DataPrep, you can now combine your transformations with filters and sort functionality as well, saving you the trouble of performing these actions separately.


Automated file imports from local file systems 

You can now setup live pipelines by importing files from your local machines without having to push data into a cloud or FTP system. We can fetch files in a local machine with the help of Databridge which interfaces local machine and the cloud DataPrep service. This also supports the incremental fetch capability similar to how it works with other cloud storage solutions like S3, Google Drive, etc. Learn more


Manage data sources and destinations better 

You can now change a data source for a dataset without having to import and recreate the data flow. It also allows you to change granular details of the import or export flow, including changing the connection details for a database or application. 


Auto data and model change propagation 

Data pipelines are complex, and you have to go back and forth between changes done to different parts of the same pipeline. When you setup a pipeline to have many parent-child relationships, it is frustrating when a data change made in a parent dataset does not automatically flow to the child dataset. In 2.0, the data and model changes are automatically propagated to the child stages in a pipeline. The changes flow when you open a child stage, allowing you to retain performance and speed when working with a parent dataset and still allowing you to see the latest data and model when opening a child dataset. 


Granular notifications control 

Newly introduced notifications settings allow you to control what notifications you receive and what you do not want to see. For each notification, you can control if you want to receive either an email notification, or an in-product notification, both, or none. Learn more


Simplified sharing 

When working for the new version of DataPrep, we found that most of our users do not actually use the data-consumer only user role, it was also confusing for certain users. Most of the sharing was done to users who worked on the pipeline for developing the data preparation flow. Based on this research, we have simplified sharing to allow data pipelines to be shared without the hassles of figuring out the roles and permissions. For advanced users, we are working on a feature that will allow users to create their own custom roles based on their unique needs. Learn more


Combined personal data audits 

PII and ePHI columns marked across all workspaces are now listed in the settings for the administrator to have an overview all the personal data that are flowing through the DataPrep data pipelines. You can effectively manage personal and health data from this panel by jumping into the required pipelines and making sure such data is secured either by masking, tokenization, or removal. 


Open Beta of Zoho DataPrep 2.0

Open Beta program for Zoho DataPrep 2.0 was launched for all Zoho users.


Zoho Creator Connector is now live

New Feature

Zoho DataPrep is now integrated with Creator using the Zoho Creator connector. Zoho Creator is a powerful low-code application development platform that helps businesses build custom web and mobile apps faster.

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Fetch incremental data from a host of data sources

With the help of Zoho Databridge, you can now import data incrementally from various data sources including files from your local machine and FTP servers. You can also import incremental data from data sources such as Amazon S3, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Sharepoint, Box, Dropbox, and more.
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Target matching for Cloud Databases


You can now apply target matching while exporting data to your cloud databases. Target matching happens before the data is exported to the destination and is a useful feature in DataPrep which prevents export failures caused due to errors from data model mismatches.

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Microsoft SharePoint integrated with Zoho DataPrep

New Feature

Zoho DataPrep supports importing and exporting data to Microsoft SharePoint, a cloud storage service that allows users to store, organize, share, and access information from any device.

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Zoho DataPrep is now HIPAA Compliant

New Feature

Zoho DataPrep is now HIPAA compliant which ensures the integrity of protected health information and having necessary safeguards in place to protect ePHI (electronic protected health information) that is collected, accessed, processed, and stored when at rest or in transit. Learn more



"Products" module added to Zoho CRM integration


You can now export your prepared dataset to Zoho CRM's Products module from Zoho DataPrep. Here's the full list of all supported modules you can export your data to in Zoho CRM. Learn more 

Export data to FTP

New Feature

You can now export your prepared dataset in Zoho DataPrep as files to your FTP server. 
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Column Explorer

New Feature

The Column Explorer feature allows you to search for, navigate to, and control visibility of the columns in your dataset. It helps you focus on the columns that matter in your dataset. 
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Improvements to Open AI powered transforms


The Open AI Chat GPT powered transforms, namely, Transform by Example and Formula Generator in Zoho DataPrep gets a facelift! You can now get the output column names contextually auto-generated by ChatGPT based on your input prompt. Learn more 

Also, the transforms are now equipped with a re-try mechanism which gets you the best result out of ChatGPT's response by re-trying the query automatically in a different way if the output data did not match your expectation. Learn more

UI/UX improvements to import and export wizard


Introducing enhanced data import and export wizard. The UI/UX improvements lets you seamlessly bring in data into Zoho DataPrep for data wrangling and push prepared data to your destination neatly in a couple of steps. 


DataPrep is now listed in Zoho Directory

Zoho Directory, a platform for workforce identity and access management, now has Zoho DataPrep listed. You can now seamlessly manage your organization users from Zoho Directory and have them added automatically in Zoho DataPrep.


Improvements to ruleset


The ruleset pane is revamped with a whole host of new features to make it easier for you to work with the rules. You can now selectively choose some rules to create a template, import and export your ruleset as files, bulk select to move around the rules, or choose to delete them from your ruleset, and more. Learn More

Rulset template

Import Query Tables from Zoho Analytics

DataPrep now supports importing query tables from Zoho Analytics. You can easily filter and choose query tables to import from your Zoho Analytics workspace. Learn More


Generative AI built with OpenAI technologies

New Feature

OpenAI's ChatGPT integration with Zoho DataPrep enhances your data wrangling process multifold with advanced generative AI features powered by ChatGPT API. Here's how you can enable OpenAI integration for your DataPrep Org.

Note: The OpenAI integration is live only in US, EU, and IN Data Centers.

Zoho One Video

Transform by Example powered by ChatGPT API

New Feature

Transform by example easily helps you transform the data in any column just by providing examples of the output. Learn more 

Chat Formula Builder powered by ChatGPT API

New Feature

Using the formula builder, you can enter your data requirements in natural language as prompts, and the formula will be generated automatically for you. Learn more 

Dataset Finder built with Open AI's ChatGPT API

New Feature

Discover relevant public datasets and generate sample data by simply asking for it. Dataset finder enables you to generate datasets based on your data needs. Blend generated data with your dataset for data enrichment, data analysis, and more. Learn more 


Set up data pipeline using Zoho CRM Connector

New Feature

Introducing export feature in Zoho CRM connector. You can now export clean, aggregated, and prepared data straight to your Zoho CRM account and build a robust sales data pipeline. Zoho DataPrep helps you continuously clean, prepare, migrate, and warehouse your CRM sales data. Learn more



Deduplicate transform

Deduplicate transform now supports Date Time, Duration, List, and Map data types with even more manual conditions to perform deduplication.

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SSO for Microsoft OneDrive

DataPrep now supports SSO for Microsoft OneDrive. You can now seamlessly access to import data from Microsoft OneDrive, and export back your data.


Custom duration format


You can now create your own duration format using custom duration format support in DataPrep. You can also pick from one of the many newly supported predefined duration formats.

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Zoho Databridge's silent installation


You can now perform a silent installation of Zoho Databridge on a Linux machine using the command line. This is useful to retrieve data from systems not having a graphical user interface.



Amazon S3

Introducing Amazon S3 advanced selection to import data from your S3 bucket's folders using file pattern matching capability. You can also export to a specific location in your S3 bucket with this update.

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Google BigQuery Connector

Introducing Google BigQuery connector in Zoho DataPrep. You can now import and export data using Google BigQuery connector and create data pipelines.

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Filter support for more transforms

You can now apply transforms such as Create buckets, Cluster and merge, Fill empty cells, Keyword extraction, and Language detection along with conditional filters.

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Target matching feature updates

Target matching is revamped with a whole host of new features to catch possible errors before exporting data to your destination.

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Add constraints to columns

You can add constraints to your column data as part of the Change data type transform.

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Advanced filters

The Advanced filters option allows you to filter data based on custom conditions applied over one or more columns.

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Extract from time

You can now extract time components by applying the Extract time transform on a time column.

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New filter options added

Filter options "All column" and "Any column" have been added. Delimiters and case-sensitive options in the filter transform are now supported under the wildcard tab.

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Change time and duration formats

Change time and duration transforms introduced.

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30+ Time and Duration related functions introduced

You can now add new formula columns using 30+ time and duration related functions.

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Time and duration as data types

Time and Duration are newly supported data types. This also includes formatting transforms and formula functions based on these data types.

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Transform with filters

You can now apply transforms such as Replace text, Split text, Extract data, etc. along with conditional filters.

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Better XML file handling during import

XML files are readily flattened during the import process making it easier to handle the data.


Connect to data in shared folders from Dropbox

Connect and import data from the shared folders of your Dropbox into Zoho DataPrep. 


Cloud Storage - File versioning

File export option lets you choose to update the file with a new version, or add a new file at your data destination during every export.

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Pagination in URLs

You can now import larger data in batches using the pagination functionality when you import data from URL and feeds.

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Zia help widget integration

Get contextual help - Zia help widget lets you refer help articles from within the DataPrep application. You can also move around the widget pane and work with your data contextually.

Shared files support for Google Drive

You can now import files shared with you in Google Drive in your shared folder.



Google sheets Import

New Feature

The Google sheets connector now allows you to import your data from Google sheets into Zoho DataPrep directly.

Connect to data in shared folders from cloud storage services

New Feature

Connect and import data from the shared folders of your Box and OneDrive with Zoho DataPrep.


Zoho DataPrep now in Zoho One

Zoho DataPrep is now included in Zoho One. With this update Zoho One users can now enable Zoho DataPrep and start using it with their existing plan.

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Change data type for multiple columns at once

New Feature

With this feature, you can now select multiple columns at a single time and change their data types with a single click.

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Zoho CRM connector

New Feature

Zoho DataPrep helps you clean, prepare, migrate and warehouse your CRM sales data in more than one way. Enhance your Zoho CRM experience with Zoho DataPrep.

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Integration with Zoho Workdrive

New Feature

Connect your data in Zoho WorkDrive with Zoho DataPrep and schedule data imports and exports seamlessly.

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Zoho DataPrep is publicly launched!

Support for more data sources


You can now import data from Amazon S3 and Local databases such as Pervasive SQL, DB2, Exasol, SQLite, Greenplum, Progress OpenEdge, Yugabyte DB, Microsoft Access, Actian Vector, SAP Hana and Denodo. You can also connect to any local database that supports JDBC using the JDBC URL.

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Pivot transform

New Feature

The pivot transform distributes the data for easy consumption. It spreads out the data in long, winding tables by converting categories in rows to columns.

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System-wide search powered by Zia

New Feature

Zia, Zoho's AI assistant for business is now integrated with Zoho DataPrep to perform a global faceted system-wide search of your data.

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Filter transform


Cleanse data using complex data filters based on wildcards, patterns, data quality and regex.

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Window functions

New Feature

Window functions enable you to perform summations and calculations based on a rolling window of data, relative to the current row. Unlike normal aggregate functions, the window functions keep the original rows intact and add the result as a new column.

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Public beta of Zoho DataPrep

Smart selection

New Feature

Smart selection offers you an array of suggestions using the pattern matching notations when you select portions of the column data that you wish to transform.

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Data cataloging

New Feature

Data cataloging helps with data management and discoverability depending on the usage of data assets, their status, and associated information.

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Closed beta of Zoho DataPrep

Closed beta program for Zoho DataPrep launched for select Zoho customers.