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Rows processed per monthThe total number of data rows processed in your organization in a month.20K2M to 100MStarts above 100M
  • The number of users you can have in your organization.
  • Anyone with whom you privately share your workspace, datasets, connections, and ruleset templates for collaboration is considered a user in Zoho DataPrep. A user is identified by their unique email address using which their Zoho DataPrep account was created.
  • All users will get a separate account for login.
  • You (Account admin) can control users access to the workspaces, datasets, ruleset templates, and the user's permission to handle other operations.
Scheduled data sources
  • Scheduled data sources
  • Denotes the number data sources for which you can setup automated import schedules.
  • You can choose from 50+ data sources including local databases, cloud databases, FTP servers, cloud storage services, and business applications.
  • You can schedule more data sources by purchasing add-ons.
Scheduled data destinations
  • Scheduled data destinations
  • Denotes the number of data destinations for which you can setup automated export schedules.
  • You can choose from 30+ destinations including files, cloud storage services, cloud databases, and BI tools.
  • You can schedule more data destinations by purchasing add-ons.
Audit retentionStore the raw and processed data of the previous months for audit purposes.1 month2 months6 months
50+ Data Sources
Files: CSV, JSON, XLS, etc.Import files of various formats including CSV, TSV, JSON, HTML, XLS, XLSX and XML. YesYesYes
  • Import data from URLs and REST APIs.
  • Import data of various formats such as CSV, TSV, JSON, HTML, XLS, XLSX, and XML files.
FTP serversImport data files from FTP servers.-YesYes
Local databases
  • Import data from a wide range of databases
  • Databases can be in your local network.
  • Import data from databases like MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, My SQL, DB2, and more.
  • You can also setup automated import schedules from these sources.
Cloud databases
  • Import data from popular databases on the cloud
  • DataPrep supports data import from cloud databases such as Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS, Snowflake, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud SQL, Amazon Athena, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud, Heroku, Rackspace Cloud, Panoply, and more.
  • You can also setup automated data import schedules from these sources.
Cloud storage services
  • Import data from cloud drive vendors
  • DataPrep supports cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and Amazon S3.
Zoho AnalyticsTighter integration with Zoho Analytics enables seamless import of data into your organization in Zoho DataPrep.-YesYes
Zoho CRMUsing the Zoho CRM connector, bring data from Zoho CRM to DataPrep for cleansing, transformation and enrichment of your sales data.-YesYes
Data Modeling
Automatic data modelingAutomatically identify data types and data patterns in your data.YesYesYes
Outlier and anomaly detectionAutomatically identify outliers and anomalies in your data.YesYesYes
Pattern analysisIdentify data patterns and analyze them using Zoho DataPrep's own pattern language.YesYesYes
Data profilingDataPrep analyzes your data during import and profiles data using histograms, charts, and other data visual representations.YesYesYes
Custom data types
  • Custom data types are used to validate organization-specific data
  • Includes examples such as employee ID, invoice ID, shipment tracking ID, or asset ID.
  • Creating custom data types lets you set a standard for your organization-specific columns in your data.
Data Transformation & Blending
Join and unionJoin and append data from multiple sources based on common columns.YesYesYes
Data quality analysisMeasure and improve the quality of your data with real-time data quality shown for each column and for the dataset as a whole.YesYesYes
Formula engineUse 250+ functions and formulas in Zoho DataPrep for advanced data transformation.-YesYes
Data deduplication
  • DataPrep helps you identify and remove duplicate records in your data.
  • You can remove specific duplicate rows using advanced matching conditions.
  • Pivot
  • Pivot operation distributes data for easy consumption. It spreads out the data in long, winding tables by converting categories in rows into columns.
  • Unpivot
  • Unpivot converts columns to rows. Unpivot is useful in reshaping data and exporting to analytics software for creating reports and dashboards.
Fill empty cellsFill empty cells using different options including most frequent value, custom values, and custom-written formulas and functions.BasicYesYes
Full text searchDataPrep supports full-text search on your data across columns in your dataset.YesYesYes
Intelligent suggestionsDataPrep auto-suggests operations based on the imported data and enables effective data preparation. This includes column-specific and filter-specific advanced suggestions.YesYesYes
Data lineage
  • Track every change made to your data
  • Each transform applied on the dataset is tracked as a rule and can be rolled back, or edited at any point in time.
  • You can even save rules as a template and share them with other users, or apply them across datasets.
AI-based Data EnrichmentApply ML models to perform sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, language detection, and more to enrich your data.
Sentiment analysisAnalyze the sentiment of the text values in your data using the sentiment analysis transform powered by our machine learning engine.-YesYes
Language detectionDetect the language of the text in your data using the language detection transform powered by our machine learning engine.-YesYes
Keyword extractionExtract keywords from text data using the keyword extraction transform powered by our machine learning engine.-YesYes
30+ Data Destinations
Files: CSV, JSON, XLS etc.
  • Export data files in various formats
  • Formats include CSV, TSV, JSON, HTML, XLS, XLSX, and XML files.
Cloud databases
  • Export data to popular data warehouses on the cloud
  • Export to various cloud databases including Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS, Snowflake, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud SQL, Amazon Athena, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud, Heroku, Rackspace Cloud, Panoply, and more.
  • You can also setup automated data export schedules to these destinations.
Cloud storage services
  • Export data to cloud storage services
  • Export to cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Zoho WorkDrive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and Amazon S3.
  • You can also setup automated data export schedules to these destinations.
Zoho AnalyticsTighter integration with Zoho Analytics enables seamless export of data from Zoho DataPrep to your organization in Zoho Analytics.-YesYes
Target matching
  • Set target to your datasets
  • Target matching allows you to set a target and align the source dataset to match with your target before exporting data.
  • You can match the column structure, formats, and data types of your source dataset with the target.
  • This helps you ensure high data quality and seamless exporting of data to your destination.
Audit & Scheduling
Automated data pipelines
  • Setup automated data pipelines
  • Create unlimited end-to-end automated pipelines from multiple data sources to BI tools, databases, cloud storage services, and business applications.
Monitoring data syncAdvanced monitoring of data flow using data pipeline views.-YesYes
Operations history
  • DataPrep maintains audit for all changes on your data during import schedules
  • You can view audits in a timeline fashion along with user information, the changes made to your data, and the timestamp.
Sharing & Collaboration
Role-based access controls
  • Access controls based on roles and permissions
  • Set fine-grained access permissions while sharing data assets with users and groups in your organization. Set role-based access controls to share data securely.
  • Apart from Account admin and Organization admins, you can add Workspace admins, Dataset editors, Dataset consumers, and Dataset consumers without personal data, to your organization.
User groups
  • Create user groups
  • Each group can consist of multiple users from your organization.
  • Groups make it easy to share and collaborate with multiple users in your organization.
Organization Admins
  • Organization admins
  • An organization can have multiple Organization admins. You (Account admin) can add Organization admins to your Zoho DataPrep organization to create workspaces and manage your organization.
  • The organization admin role has almost all the privileges as that of the Account Admin except subscription-related permissions for your organization.
  • Organization admins cannot delete or rename your organization; and cannot add, activate, or deactivate other Organization admins.
Workspace Admins
  • Workspace admins
  • Workspace admins in Zoho DataPrep can manage the workspaces shared with them and all the child entities belonging to their workspace.
  • You (Account admin) and the Organization admins can add multiple users as Workspace admins to one or more workspaces in your organization.
  • Workspace admins can do any operation in their workspace as administrators except deleting the workspace.
Lock data from being sharedAdmins can use the locking feature to lock datasets and workspaces and prevent other users from sharing them when it is not ready. -YesYes
Data Catalog
  • Data catalog enables you to effectively manage your data assets.
  • Certify data readiness for consumption.
  • Organize for easy findability using tags, global faceted search, and more.
Mark data as ready-to-useMark datasets ready for use after they are prepared and available for consumption. -YesYes
TagsYou can associate tags to entities such as workspaces and datasets to identify, classify, or group them. You can also use tags as labels to quickly search for your entities in DataPrep.-YesYes
System-wide search powered by ZiaZia, Zoho's AI assistant for business is integrated with Zoho DataPrep to perform a global faceted system-wide search on your data.YesYesYes
Logo rebrandingRebrand your organization in Zoho DataPrep with your own logo.--Yes
Basic (Email)Support through email and user forums. Access to the knowledge base, community forum, and more.YesYesYes
Classic (8x5, Email and Phone)Support (8 hours x 5 days) through phone, email, remote assistance, and user forums. Access to the knowledge base, community forum, and more.-YesYes
Premium (24x5 Email and Phone)Support (24 hours x 5 days) through phone, email, chat, remote assistance, and user forums. Access to escalation, phone contact, knowledge base, community forums, and more.-PaidPaid

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